Holocaust real

why could deny it?
Impossible, because of picture proofs.

pic related
woman shaved head bald before gassing

Other urls found in this thread:


man about to board train for Aweshits

jew reading torrah before chamber


Why would someone shave and tattoo a human before throwing it into the gas chamber ?

no one cared who they were until they were shoah'd

because human hair is strong expensive

I deny it because it is legal and triggers people.

in solidarity with our cucked germ,aus,frenchbros we who can will deny.

the holocaust didn't happen.

not 1 single jew was killed unjustly.

I said it, legally

lurk more leaffag

What's the point of cutting someones hair if ur gonna off them?

It's still legal to deny the lolocaust in snowy North Zaire?
Never really would've thought that was possible

So how's the race war going?

yes it actually is. many things are not legal but the holocaust is still legal. they can't make it illegal either, we have too many muslims

>Instant Death

German Efficiency

oh look it's kraut and tea, yeah I forgot you have a jewish girlfriend now. cool stuff dude.

Cutting someone's hair before murdering them is fucking stupid.

You shave people's heads to get rid of the lice that spreads typhus, a disease that was rampant by the end of the war.

low IQ imitator

Saw Son of Saul the other day. HOLY COW! Nazis were evil.

Holy shit this is the best shitpsot a LEAF could have made
Bravo 9/10

youtube.com/watch?v=0EWnPG_yKYk [open]

Pretty sure that is natalie portman.

picture proofs
checkmate stormweenies

WTF i love anarchy nao

You're retarded if you missed that the pic is Natalie Portman.

Day of the rake when?

Trained Nazi German Shepherd assisting in gassing the jews.

That's exactly why they had their heads shaved and their clothes were fumigated in very small gas chambers using that Zyklon B stuff. This is the only reason why any camp had it. The fumigation chambers had obvious leftover residue of the gas, and chemical analysis can measure it; however, the supposed "gas chambers" where they went to die did not have any at all. Additionally, the "gas chambers" weren't even remotely close to being anything that could function in such a capacity.

It is true that lots and lots of Jews (plus others) died in the camps, but they died of starvation (supply lines cut by bombing) and Typhus (among other diseases.) ZERO deaths by "gas chamber." It's complete bullshit made up by the Soviets at the end of the war to further demonize their enemy, the Nazis. Israel and all other Jews keep the myth going because it gets them sympathy in the form of billions of dollars in aid and reparations.

Biggest and most expensive hoax ever perpetrated. People still get thrown in jail just for asking questions.

Because it never happened

Nigger this is from V for Vendetta.

>American Education

I think we all know that. I believe the pic is used just for dramatization purposes.