Where did this absurd notion that all white people are the same come from?
Where did this absurd notion that all white people are the same come from?
The same (((people))) that niggers and whites are the same.
Lol wtf. Skulls can be different and still be the same race you fucking retard.
Cromagnids left zero ancestors
stop trying to separate white people dumbfuck
Exactly the same? No.
Subhumans? Also no.
All whites were able to invent and evolve, therefore all are worth keeping.
Nice Jewish divide and conquer tactics OP
most perfect profile?
actually, I1 is considered cro-magnon, i.e. the pre-Aryan mesolithic population
it now only exists in Scandinavia
>skin color can be different and still be the same race you fucking retard
The whole "white man colored man" thing is just marxist critical theory.
Yes. Look at
Research into the differences in human populations is completely cucked because our leaders want to pretend Africans belong in western society.
Pretty much this, same applies to most Asians. Any species of human that is capable of civilization is worth keeping.
Proof, as far as I know they left zero
I imagine you initially meant that they left zero descendants (not ancestors).
That's ridiculously wrong. Most Europeans (and some North Africans) are descended from the Cro-magnon man.
What's the point of being part of the same race if you all look different?
left are slavs right are whites
Thats not how it fucking works. These are just categories. Ethnicity is the name youre looking for
This is how it is for me. If you're green, I recognise some connection between you and me, whether cultural or racial. If you're gray, I do not recognise a connection, or the connection is no minor that it I nonetheless feel no solidarity with you.
You are awful at drawing and should hang yourslef
thing is, those phenotypes manifest themselves among folks of the same kin, while closer phenotypes can manifest themselves among different folks
an halstatt nordid from Sweden is metrically closer to an atlanto-med from Iberia than he is to a dalo-faelid from Sweden, so those old classifications aren't that useful anymore with the advent of DNA
cromagnid skulls are really just a vestigial combination that sometimes appears, most often somewhat reduced, especially among people with high affinity to paleolithic Euros, so north/north-east Euros but also in some SW European areas
Thank you.
I also tend to think like this. This is how it's always been.
Identity isn't meant to be so confusing though. You just kind of feel it, otherwise it ends up being rationalization upon rationalization and the people don't really get it.
nice (((divide and conquer))). jews pls go
Ah, thanks for bringing it up. In my opinion, phenotype is more important than DNA. Perhaps the halstatt nordid from Sweden should feel closer to an atlanto-med from Iberia. I am not diametrically opposed to it. It's something to think about.
>I also tend to think like this. This is how it's always been.
Honestly, I don't see any grounds for European solidarity now that Europe has collectively rejected the notion of Christendom.
Guy on left has quite the square head !
>cares about the words of a Jew more than race
Feel free to ask around on Sup Forums. Half of the people here will tell you that Southern Europeans aren't white. So please explain to me why on earth I should care about whiteness at all?
Even then, we're pretty divided.