>the "game" is literally a bartending simulator
Why do feminists like the most non-game of the non-games?
>the "game" is literally a bartending simulator
Why do feminists like the most non-game of the non-games?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the "game" is literally a bar-tending simulator
please i invite you to v, we would love to shit on your disgusting taste
i bet you like call of duty C:
[spoiler] they never called it a game, its a vn you dumb retard, it has an amazing soundtrack too, thats why they said CHILL because it IS a chill vn [/spoiler]
But it's still shit
no it really isnt
post your time spent on this game go ahead
>Using emoticons
>i invite you to v
That place has always been shit, but I swear it was the epicenter of the reddit fag infestation around 2010. I see things have gotten much worse.
My god youre insufferable, the "game" is shit, if you could even call it that.
Call of duty? At least theyre not pandering to the oldschool meme thats been going on since undertale xD!! I bet you love that game. I bet the ""twist"" still gets you every time.
Fuck off nerd, dont ever post on my board again.
its a vn i already said that do you know what a vn is?
do you not like it cause baby needs action games and didnt graduate middle school because reading is hard?
Holy fuck you are 12 and retarded.
This games pretty good mate. Dystopian future stuff tend to be quite red pilled anyway.
Go the fuck back to v then faggot. All modern games are insufferable pieces of unfinished sjw propaganda horse shit.
I just wanted to comment on the way you are typing. But on topic, don't watch the stream, don't give them attention.
I played pirated for about 75 minutes and then stopped; because it was shit. It's like watching an anime except everything is condensed into text format. The setting made it intriguing and the soundtracks alright but I couldn't sit there and read text, pretending to enjoy myself making virtual drinks for pixel-based characters.
If you like VNs buy this one. Its good and was made by Venezuelans, though who knows how much of the money would ever reach them....
because feminists are too sensitive for any experience more intense than a cold shower
vns aren't games. They're vns
>It's like watching an anime except everything is condensed into text format.
its almost like people dont know what a vn is but they shit on it because they dont know what theyre playing
almost as if vns arent for everyone hmmmmmmmm makes me think
your a fucking retard
sick of games that use SNES era graphics and gameplay passing just because they're "indie"
It pretty good game, I liked it.
And it was made by bunch of amateurs from Venezuela.
> they never called it a game, its a vn you dumb retard
did i call it a game? did i?
> sick of games that use SNES era graphics
maybe because they gave it a cyberpunk theme? and because its a vn and not a game?
cyberpunk has nothing to do with le retro 8-bit meme. seriously hipsters will buy anything with that stupid 8 bit graphics and music. if you're not repulsed by it your one of them
game =/= vn
vallhalla is a vn
vns are not for everyone
just because you didnt like something doesnt mean everyone has the same shit taste as you, others just know how to enjoy it
normies like different type of shit
is pol this retarded on video games?
for those hating on this game please
1_ show your game time
2_ instead of saying you hate it, give reasons why, have an actual game discussion
I'm surprised they haven't been swatted.
I had fun reading it, even if it did have some overtly liberal messages. The graphics were pretty nice and I enjoyed all the Sup Forums references.
Did these cunts miss the last 25 years of gaming or something?
wow that would be so fun actually
She's a dunce who thinks a fucking blank slate is one of the best vidya females.
it's actually really enjoyable, not that you'd know what it feels like
They should be playing this instead.
Feminists don't like competition or challenges.
Also, as long as we're posting rage material, here's this.
so they are stealing game's now
>most non-game of the non-games
It has certain objectives and fail states. Incredibly basic and simple ones, but just enough to get stuck in the limbo between digital choose-your-own-adventure books and actual videogames.
>Why do feminists like
I have no idea why would they like the vn. It's full of thinly veiled fetish pandering and memes of questionable quality from Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Because IIRC it was made by fags from /avgd/, wouldn't know myself, I dont spend my time there.
But I like it. It's levels above any other western imageboard-produced VN, trash like Katawa and Everlasting Summer can't compare. The setting is nice and doesn't take itself too seriously. And the idea behind influencing the narrative by presenting certain drinks/regulating the levels of alcohol in them is fresh.
is better faggot
also you have to go back
I want to make a game called "Egalitarian Simulator," where the player can start off the game, in a way that sims does...where you create a family, any age bracket/amount of member/and in a certain age bracket, where you go through the trials and tribulations of life; where your family members can get depressed if shit doesn't go well at work, or your child can be born a retard, due to genetics etc.
The game will slowly redpill people the way that all those turn based strategy games did, by showing people that women are best utilized as homemakers and caregivers and men are best utilized in labor and business, etc.
Honestly, I just want to make these cunts cry and the new wave of classical liberals see how shitty their egalitarian meme is...
>overtly liberal messages
Like what? It's just a futuristic corporative dystopia, of course all kinds of degeneracy memes are gonna be running rampant.
It's a really comfy game but shit went south fast after the forced drama about jill's ex and imouto
Also Stella is bess grill
start in any income bracket*
got a bit ahead of myself there
well no because
>*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
>*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds
i was expecting this thread to 404 soon
fucck what have i done
Yeah, that's what everyone's been saying this whole time.
They only showed up to the party to complain man, they have no idea what's going on, that's like their "shtick"
>Also Stella is bess grill
Objectively wrong, she lost in the twitter polls to the actual best cybergirl.
Fuck off faggot.
It had some pretty overt liberal characters and themes. You had the token tranny, the main character was lesbian, you had all the sex robots, the evil corporation was evil, the police department was corrupt as fuck, etc.
And Donnovan was the only red-pilled guy but the author went out of his way to make him come off as a jerk.
It was obviously written by an ultra-liberal, but some of the characters were pretty fun - I enjoyed Dorothy quite a bit, and the main character had some fun internal monologues.
>more intense than a cold shower
Cold shower can be pretty brutal. My dad used to give me cold shower each time I messed up when I was a child.
I mean I can understand their concerns, as a gamer its all fun and games but dev side it becomes more of a conscious choice of "I am essentially making a murder simulator by adding this gore" but to try and shame the industry and market via progressive social capital based bullshit... KEK
Looks like a decent vn with great soundtrack. I ain't paying that much for it tho.
When you figure out that you can enjoy them, they are something special I'll tell you what
Alcoholism is a real problem among young women these days.
Sup Forums discovers vn, hoo boy
Being beaten was less traumatic to me.
I don't think it has to do anything with the new wave of liberalism or the SJW boogeyman.
>You had the token tranny, the main character was lesbian, you had all the sex robots,
It's just basic fetishism. Because they know people playing these kind of "games" need options to pick from. That's just how most of VNs are. Harem anime shows work on the same principle.
>the evil corporation was evil, the police department was corrupt as fuck, etc.
Basic cyberpunk staples on which the whole concept resides. But there can be made a point that cyberpunk as a genre is inherently leftist, in a certain way.
>And Donnovan was the only red-pilled guy but the author went out of his way to make him come off as a jerk.
He was a lovable guy, I don't really see how he comes off as a jerk.
I guess it wouldn't be that nice if it was cold as shit outside too.
Actually, yes.
Anita knows jack fucking shit about video games, which is why she's such a fucking joke.
I enjoy VNs. I enjoy reading. I don't enjoy watching someone else read.
>call of duty
visual novels are nothing new champ
they are the refuge of developers that don't feel confident or energetic enough to offer full blown interactivity
though I guess they do offer a respectable medium for artists that don't seek to make a game to begin with
You have a lot of authors who enjoy writing, but who want to write something more like a book than a game. They want to include visuals or music with it, which isn't something that really works with traditional books, so you end up with visual novels.
>we need to fight patriarchy & toxic white masculinity
>names fantasy setting after white male warrior afterlife
Wait, who was the tranny? I kinda misset it.
>cyberpunk as a genre is inherently leftist
I wonder why.
I thought the whole vn just had a laugh riding on all of those tropes. Like, basicly, every character happens to live in his own cyberpunk plot—you have a merc, a hacker, a cop, a weapons techie, all kinds of stuff.
Could be a good trainer for using the proper ingredients to make certain drinks I guess. I don't see how it could be used as an entertaining game unless you are autistic for bar tending
do those cunts realize they're playing a venezuelan weebshut VN loaded with racist cis white male maymays?
People should stop discounting the influence places like these has on popular opinion
This place is the equivalent of morning shows, talk shows, news
Mainstream news media and generally all of television downplays it as a joke medium or social medium because it has killed them and they are milking it for all its worth while they can
tl;dr - this bitch only got famous because people kept responding to her face and videos as clickbait here
There's a huge disconnect with reality and video games so I can't really call any concern valid.
People don't bleed as much as game characters, blood pumps out like when you jump up and down on a small hose that has a bit of water trapped in it when you hit a main artery, humans are nasty on the inside, yellow fat cells everywhere.
I mean we can see the difference even in splatter movies using physical props and stuff, this gives you control but is made up of polygons and stuff and really, hitting A is very different than physically bringing down an axe, even on something like a chicken or a rabbit, let alone another human.
Overall, they're different types of hardening, I'd think you'd be more likely to be desensitized by gutting deer than gutting a demon in a game and we all know that doesn't lead to anything either.
It's just it's a new thing that spooks people because we don't have more than a few decades of exposure to wave in the air yet is all.
Yeah its a valid medium, and has actually given me something of an idea >;^)
Sup Forums could learn a thing or two from the refined hate from Sup Forums
My wife at least has played most MMOs and some FPSs and such.
What is wrong with feminist minds?
How have the Germans not made an actual bar-tending simulator yet?
That is one big shelf of why don't you just book extra hours at your job?
>Playing the video Jew
How's moms basement treating you faggot
I don't disagree.
I mean, if people just ignored her instead of flaming her, she would have never been able to pull the victim card like she did.
I watched maybe like, 5 minutes in total of video she's put out and she clearly has no idea wtf she's talking about.
People should have laughed her off like Tipper Gore who knew absolutely fucking nothing about music, but instead the flaming was spun as her being justified.
I can't remember the name. It was that person who rode the bike and worked as a courier. F-M tranny.
Streaming-chan was cute too. I'd be happy to fuck her in front of her thousands of followers.
There are games that try and get gore right, or more authentic in their visceral execution
Games like GTA give a playground for people to fantasise about murder in, and giving that world depth only further enables that fantasy
When in the position of a developer, this kind of weighs on your mind whereas as a gamer it was all about "its fun because its not real, cathartic even"
I mean, do I give in and develop a modern era version of the ghost engine that powered soldier of fortune 2 gore, or do I try and suppress behaviour that could otherwise lead to one person out of the indefinite amount of people that will play it that uses it to convince themselves of a murder?
thinking about this, you realise that the people that were making games throughout your childhood were fucked cunts making murder simulators for kids
but again, I enjoyed it all the same
what to do
>How have the Germans not made an actual bar-tending simulator yet?
Alcohol is haram.
reef shot could be fun
Im Gonna shill for Matosis right now
Because you can't get fired from a video game.
>im a faggot
yes we know you didnt need to say all that other bullshit
fucking faggot
I don't want these Fem Freq snakes play the game. They're going to crucify it.
nope, and that's the best part
>I invite you to v
Firstly, nobody who posts on Sup Forums calls it "v". Secondly, nobody on Sup Forums gives a shit about this feminist garbage. Back to rëddit, retard.
who the fuck cares dude
I'd like to hope that its a lesson to be learned but I am not holding my breath
>Compare two games with entirely different premises and goals
Why does anyone still give a shit about this guy?
Women have awful taste in games, they just play stupid shit like candy crush.
It's a garbage VN. The spritework isn't bad but the designs are a bit weak. The writing and soundtrack are pure garbage. The songs are all lifeless, ambient nonsense. The script is all pointless filler dialogue and awful ironic humor that sounds like it belongs in a calarts cartoon or some SJW webcomic.
3/10 game
8/10 VN