Justin Trudeau hate thread!
>guy says something mean to me!
>i don't care!
>guy kills me!
>i win!
What an ugly,retarded Cuck.
I sure wish i wore a safety helmet.
>he doesn't like Trudeau
*tips culturally-appropriated cowboy hat*
Justin Trudeau is a force to be reckoned with!
Can someone redpill me on Pierre? In school he was deified. He seems pretty overrated although a bit based in his demeaner.
Here he is cooking flapjacks for his wonderfully diverse group of friends.
>Muslim lover.
>Muslim himself.
>BLM supporter.
>SJW supporter.
>Wants to go to war with Russia
>Hates trump
>Wants to beat up putin
>Wants to bring in more immigrants while Canadians can't afford electricity and plays videos showing said Muslim immigrants being given condos with cars and electricity.
He's pretty dang cute kohai. Your taste in men just hasn't become sophisticated yet. Stay here long enough and it wil XD
pic related
I always wondered how cucked must a nation be for it to elect a gay dance teacher ass PM.
Seriously, no jokes.
What's up with western Cucks hating Russia but loving Islam?
Trust me we hate him too, just to many foreign fucks in this country that love his tiny cock
That cucked faggot belongs to Sweden or Saudi Arabia
Well to be fair hes not a "western cuck" hes a muslim himself.
Pick one.
This is now a Trudeau win thread.
Pierre was bad, very overrated i don't like him
Why the fuck would you elect that far-left piece of shit?
To answer your question it was primarily the "HIP EPIC YOUTH" who voted for him and won him the election due to the promise of weed legalization.
Fucking druggies.
Why did you guys elected this Faggot?
Canada has a state-owned media organization that is protected as a public sector union and the previous guy wanted to abolish it as a worthless shithole that takes taxpayer money and produces SJW retardation.
see for answer.
Hes basically a constant equivalent of the white house recently denying the poll to indentify blm as a terrorist group. Hes basically a tyrant that the sjw and women love because he appeals to them, he also won the sex appeal vote.
tfw muslim immigrants live better than most canadians.
Canada had no national debt before Justin's mom's husband, Pierre Trudeau.
What happened was that this greasy frog figured out the key to winning Canadian elections was to take all the wealth of the country, and also begin massive deficit spending and concentrate it all in unsustainable makework registries, ministries and petty bureaucracies in his/Liberals' Ontario and Quebec urban constituencies, along with the Maritimes. This allowed him and his Energy Corp paymaster Paul Desmarais/Maurice Strong to do things like nationalize Canada's oil industry and then later 'sell' it to his friend. He also authorized a 'Bill of Rights' that did not include the right to free expression and enshrined multiculturalism.
Look at his fucking face, he KNOWS what a fucking faggot clown he is, like "I can't believe you pathetic kuffar let this little bitch to represent you and willingly subjucate to us, lol fucking kuffar"
We dont have to worry about security because of big brother USA so its not like we have to worry about politics that much. And because the conservative leader was a kike loving globalist so we elected dudeweed. But we didnt even get the weed...
Thanks Vlad, i take that as a compliment.
PET/Moose was the worst thing to happen to the country after adopting our current flag and anthem.
He's the reason why leftists are bold enough to tell us we have no culture or heritage or identity and should be glad to have our cities and towns flooded by foreigners.
Tell me what could possibly be worse than what's going on right now in Canada.
What did PET/Moose do that was so bad?