Brit/pol/ - THINGS II Edition

>Farage is LIVE on LBC from 10:00pm to 1:00am

>BETRAYAL - Andrea Leadsom: "We'll make a loophole so that mass immigration can continue"

>Household debt at its highest since the 2008 crash. Keep taking out those loans goyim

>Labour is running a great risk with its populist turn

>Pro-EU Tory ambassador accused of leaking Brexit plans to the EU before quitting

>Riot feared in Bradford after police shoot Paki

>Thanks Theresa - Britain will be Europe's most populated country by 2050 because of mass immigration

>Union Leader: Corbyn should step down in 2019 if Labour's poll ratings are still bad

>Warner Bros. looking to make Brexit movie

>Brexit Britain is more racist and less happy than it was in 2016 - Rejoice

>Thread Theme

Other urls found in this thread:




first for dove

First for Jeremy Corbyn cannot be trusted

These two things must work together


first for fuck YKTD
i hope he dies in a fire
he makes brit/pol/ dogshit

>le migrant tensions that farage exploited came from nowhere maymay


If they don't let me on then I apologise, but they did say 10 minutes

>A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through…all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.
Holy shit, lads. Just what do the Bogdanoff twins have in store for Europe? What are they planning?

>300,000 people entering the country a year
>"n-n-n-no nigel that's not the problem you're the problem!"


>the absolute STATE of this caller




Anyone else think Trump will stab us in the back, in regard to brexit trade deals?

350 gorillion

>Back to Plebbit

t. Anonymong who hates the fact that I BTFO the freddoposting greggs retards and brought back actual political discussion

The absolute STATE of (((Anonymous)))


the yank cries out democracy as he strikes you

Up the ra
praise kek

>hail mary, full of grace
>our lord is with thee
>blessed art thou among women,
>and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus
>holy mary, mother of god,
>pray for us sinners,
>now and at the hour of our death.
Now you try user!

Wow, that sounds like something a bigot would say
*votes Labour*
*dabs again*

>tfw you will never witness James O'Brien being BTFO by Nige on air

>doesn't care about the question
>just wants to attack are nige

>tfw I will never be NIGE and just wander around being inexplicably pleased with literally everything

>tfw mods delete my Bogdanoff threads

It's my favourite meme and they won't let it get off the ground

The fact that people seem to be thinking that a man whose ONLY long-held belief is protectionism will give us free trade deals is ridiculous

Stay mad goy.



I would think he would do as American leaders have done before him, work only in the interests of America. If Britain becomes counter to that, they will drop us.

I'm breaking my habit of not replying to tripfags to tell you I texted them to say you were going to be racist and not to let you on.

please stop posting

Is this Owen Jones? Sounds like him and he's crying like he does..

If you have somewhere cheap to live then it makes sense; if not GTFO ASAP. London is a time and money sink.

I spent 18 months there on great money but I'm now happier and wealthier in the midlands on half the salary.

You can't win 'em all I suppose


Do you feel like you're living in a great age or a collapsed, rotted and morally corrupt society?

>just get home
>farage time again

You can hear him huffing and puffing down the phone. He's so wound up and self righteous, I picture him to look like The Milkman

Fucking hope so.

I didn't vote leave so that Britain could escape the EU brothel just to become a freelance whore.

Oi vey, who wouldn't want 3.5 million military age male jihadists? you goyim sound definitely racist.

Just got home lads, anything interesting happened so far on LBC with farage?

who the hell is that?

Right between the two.

Don't you see? The mods ARE the Bogdanoffs, they don't want people discussing their plans.

Someone for the love of God call up and make this interesting.

I texted them a link to this thread. Pure racism.

He is a Yank, fucking us over is what they do best.


Marcus' mom died.

Are you like me and like him because its comfy first and for politics second, if that?

He has never once mentioned trade with europe as a bad thing

his issue is with trading with third-worlders and them undercutting the US

Just bore off you stupid cunt

a bit of both. a little more of the latter.

Why are these people memes now? I see them getting posted everywhere.


Hail kek Full of memes
The Lord is with you
Blessed art thou amongst Sup Forumsacks
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, trump
Holy kek, mother of memes
Pray for us madmen
Now and at the hour of the happening, amen

prove it lad

>You will never enjoy snacks like he does. Why even live?

If reincarnation is real, then I must've been a right cunt in the previous life to be presently living in a decadent nightmare

>mfw even Nige is ignoring tripfags




We have suggested that there may be a deep underlying reason for the Bogdanov Affaire.

What if it is true? What if there is something in their work - a particular question, leaving aside whether or not they are capable of answering it - that is sufficiently threatening to the "theorized" powers that be, so as to necessitate maneuvers against them? What if their popularization of this question - or questions - might lead to someone else - who might be able to answer it - taking a second look?

The possibility that COINTELPROis in operation in regards to the Bogdanov twins ought not to be taken lightly.

Physics and mathematics are the numero uno professions that have been used - historically speaking - to support the power elite. It is logically evident that "they" have a vested interest in making sure that the money goes only to projects that,

1) will augment their control; in which case such projects will be buried and no one will know about them
2) projects that do not threaten their control, in which case we may assume that they are funding research in the public domain that leads AWAY from the "important" issues.

In short, if it’s popular, gets funded, is allowed out in the open, you can almost guarantee that it is smart but useless.

You can take that to the bank.

The Bogdanov papers assert that there is evidence of what happened during the first 10−43 seconds of the Big Bang, known as the Planck era.
Present knowledge is unable to determine what happened during the Planck era, and the Bogdanov publications purported to have discovered what happened during this earliest epoch, and even before the moment of the singularity itself

We are in last days of Rome, about to enter a new Dark Age. the big difference between the Jews dystopian films and what it will actually look like remains to be seen.

>Let this shitskin 'Jigz' correct the record

He won't be on, that's the proof.

>reminding me of this


>Looks like the Jigs is up lads

>ukip wasnt about brexit


Holy shit what kind of name is that

He's autistic about his love of britain, he's one of those muh heritage americans

Is it actually just full of people sucking Farage's dick? Surely there must be some people who will stay up to argue with him.

Hail Kek, full of grace
Lel is with thee.
Blessed art thou among neckbeards
And blessed is the vessel of thy memes

Holy Kek, Mother of Trolls,
pray for us cucks,
now and at the hour of our REEEEEEEE


This fucking guy


>"n-no you didn't lead ukip... you lead ukip"
>the absolute STATE of Jigs

god I want some crisps now

Hail Kek, full of memes. The digits are with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst NEETs,
and blessed is the fruit of thy prophet, Donald.
Holy Kek, Bringer of Memes,
pray for us shitposters,
now and at the hour of our 404. Amen

Shit how did I miss this

If the "single market" remains, nothing will have been gained. The only way Brexit can have a real impact is removing the International Banking Jew.

Tories confirmed nigger party


Even without the Jigs name you can hear the curry in his voice

what Tony did
>glassed Iraq
>Started the migrant crisis

The ABSOLUTE state of the left

>tfw I'm a muh heritage American
>tfw will never be English

>It wasn't Blairs intelligence it was the governments...

>3rd way

kek, why do these idiots phone in?

what a bunch of faggots


Are you drunk? You're being exceptionally annoying tonight.

This guy wants Blairs dick in and around his mouth

You're only allowed to eat crisps if you're pro-mass-migration

Maybe you at least have english roots. Trump is half scottish half german I think.

Oh no, I like him because he's fucking Nigel Farage. I like him the most of any politician after Trump.

But his radio show is extra comfy, I'll give you that. He's such a cheeky bastid.