Drug thread

give me a good reason why weed should not be legal

>creates jobs(farming,transport, sales)
>generates taxes
>takes money away from criminals
>not dangerous
>takes burden off of our overburdened prison system

inb4 muh degeneracy
not an argument

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I'd bang them.

It hinders brain development and manifests complacency. Reduces academic and labor efficiency.

To become complacent of the world is the greatest crime of all. Misery should be an agent of change, a path to progress.

one on left is a kike

It's an intoxicant and there's no way to quickly check if somebody is under its influence.
Which means if you cause a wreck while baked, there's no way to prove you were baked.

On the left.

>that jew nose

It turns retards into dead beats who can't function in society properly, it smells like shit and bothers me whenever I am nearby (same with cigarette). And yeah, just someone passing in front of my house's door while smoking is enough to make the hallway stinks.
I have more respect for junkies who inject shit into themselves, at least I'm not smelling any bullshit and toxic odor.
Smokers of anything should be exterminated.

I personally think weed should be legal.
But seeing the people who actually smoke weed makes me glad it's not.

Stoners are the lowest of the low.

Should be legal desu because its comparable to alcohol but pot culture absolutely is degenerate.

Oy Vey

Weed makes a lot of people losers with no passion, talents or skills. Sure this isn't the case for all people but still, legalising it would promote degeneracy and hippie culture which would lead to a further decline of the western civilisation and we can't allow that.

>that hook nose

>Should be legal desu because its comparable to alcohol
tbqh, alcohol should be illegal too.
i am certain that if it was a new product these days, it would not be legal

Yeah uppity frenchmen bother me when Im near them too yet you dont see me calling for your head, Achmed will be round for that soon enough.

>kike gassing itself

Marijuana is an insideous beast. It has a tendency to insinuate its way completely into the everyday lives of its users. No, this doesn't happen to all users. Many many people only smoke once in awhile and never fall into the lifestyle of the habitual pot head, but the proclivity of marijuana to become a central part of its users existance is undeniable.

Some other drugs have this tendency as well, but the only ones that do so on the same level are opiates. Even though methamphetamine and cocaine are highly addictive they don't lend themselves to the same type of total, long-term personality saturation. Unlike the habitual marijuana user, you can't take equivalent amounts of speed or coke every day for more than a couple years without totally destroying your life. They are drugs that reinforce the concept of moderation, at least among users who value their lives.

Sure, we all know that guy who spends entire weeks tripping, or the chick who goes clubbing on ecstacy almost every night of the week. The difference is that these people are the exceptions, and they never keep at it for very long. Their activities are more a function of age and transitory lifestyle than of the drugs themselves.

Some would argue that alcohol fits the same lifestyle-saturation pattern as marijuana and opiates like heroin. Some may even suggest that cigarettes fall into this category. What sets them apart is a matter of degree. Having a drink to relax is fundamentally different than getting a little stoned to relax. Even a little stoned is still stoned, and you still have glazed eyes, a stupid grin, and an inability to carry on a decent conversation with non-stoned people. Yes, there are alcoholics, but they are definitely a small minority. As for cigarettes, the narcotic effect is so miniscule as to almost not be worth mentioning.

will cont.

The revenue generated is so little it's pointless. It's not known to be dangerous but there haven't been studies done on long term use. What is known that it does affect memory.

ah bloo bloo
im triggered by smells, why can't you guys just do heroin instead.

>there's no way to prove you were baked.
its pretty fucking obvious when somebody is high.

>muh degeneracy

Absolutely disgusting, those whores should fucking die.


The tendency of other drugs to inforce moderation in their users can usually be rightfully seen as corollary to their potential danger to the user. In this light marijuana may seem superior in that it doesn't present such a health risk. However, it is that risk that keeps those other drugs in their proper place.

A drug is something that alters you and changes how you react to the world. If you engage in drug use on weekends or special occassions then you are essentially taking a break from life. You are on a drug-induced vacation. But if you take drugs damn-near every day then your use takes on a whole different meaning. You are not doing it to have fun anymore, you are taking medication.

Are you a habitual marijuana smoker? Do you need daily medication from life? How did you get to this point? You started smoking with your friends when you were out having a good time. It enhanced the fun. What changed?

The above points can be addressed with the same answer to the question of what makes marijuana worse than heroin and opium. Unlike those drugs, marijuana lies. Every junkie knows that they are a junkie. Every person who wastes away each evening in an opium den knows that they themselves are also wasting away. Every other drug out there reminds its users that, no matter how much enjoyment they receive, there is a price to be paid. Every one except marijuana.

last one.

Marijuana tells you that you are a better person for having smoked marijuana. Marijuana tells you that you are more creative when you smoke marijuana. Marijuana tells you that it helps you concentrate. What marijuana doesn't tell you is that you feel more creative because you have lost the ability to judge your work from the vantage point of someone who isn't stoned. It doesn't tell you that it replaced your critical thinking skills with the naive wonder of a six year old. It doesn't tell you that your present vague awareness of your surroundings is not the same thing as being relaxed and at peace. And most importantly, it doesn't tell you that when you become an habitual user its effects persist even when you are not longer stoned.

The similarities of former marijuana smokers' testimonials should tell you something. "After two weeks it was like a haze was removed from my life." "I felt like I had finally woken up." "I couldn't believe how much more alive I felt after a month away from it."

Any drug that takes two to four weeks of non-usage before you even realize what a mess you were is seriously evil. Drugs that deceive are not to be trusted. If a drug's entire purpose is not to have fun, but rather to make the user believe that the drug itself is harmless and has little real effect, then what point is there in taking that drug?

>because that worked so well in the '20s

i'm not saying we should ban it, because it's legal now, i am saying that it wouldn't be legal if it hadn't been around until now
also, just because we have one bad thing legalised, doesn't mean we should legalise another
>aw man, he's been shot, let's kick him too

It should be legal. But there also still should be a stigma around it.

nicely put italy. It's like the west has already forgotten the degeneracy of the opium dens in the early 20th century.

why is preventing degeneracy within our society not an argument?

I don't like it therefore you should stop liking it as well.


Last year I worked out how to buy drugs over the internet...... What a time to be alive

It's fine for the proles to have vices the real problem is over indulgence.

>didn't breathe in after blowing it out
Fuck these skinny bitches, they are totally first timers doing this to get chad's attention and cock, as all women do everything

All the arguments in this thread might be actual arguments if people couldn't get access to it at the moment. But they can, extremely easily. So why not make money off it? It's stupidity not to.

those girls need to get thicc FAST


weed fucks with your soul man.. and weed culture is just degenerate

what is wrong with her eyebrows

Fucking waste of weed. Not worth my dick in any timeline

Faggots who can't live half an hour without putting their precious phallic object near their mouth detected. It's funny to watch your kind shaking for your next fix.

Illegal =/= unavailable

>and weed culture is just degenerate
>posting from the weed capital of the world
what did he mean by this

pic related

>drugs fuck your soul
>insert William Burroughs laughing here


>But if you take drugs damn-near every day then your use takes on a whole different meaning
Care to explain why that is inherently bad? Using logic rather than abstracted emotional "arguments". You base your posts on the premise that somehow it is "wrong" to be inebriated every day but you neglected to explain why.

Seriously, the girl on the left looks like she's straight out of auschwitz

Utterly retarded argument. People arent ants. Each individual has the right to smoke or shove whatever substances they want into whatever orifice they want. If they become a lowlife who ends up needing to be supported thats on them or their family.

>as if you cant say all of this about alcohol

he answers your question(s) in his 3rd post

I thought most euros want/have weed legalized cuz muh european lifestyle and muh amsterdam is a quick train ride away

>B-But if you don't like it, ignore it

2/10 apply yourself

but muh degeneracy is an argument, you retarded faggot.

Legalize it

spending your days getting mad on a russian basket weaving forum is degenerate, user

lol, that pic: San Fransisco in a nutshell.

not an argument.


Watch the Chicago kidnapping and then tell me weed is non-degenerate.

I think my dick moved

and yours is? you're the first to bring a public modifier to the table. there are open alcohol laws and public intoxication laws, including weed

>watch a video of niggers acting like niggers
>checkmate stoners

It promotes degeneracy and lowers productivity.

Cocaine is the better drug.

>Not mentioning op's pic

All you muh degeneracy fags spouting against drugs irl and not actively enforcing no porn or gore on this board are hypocrites. As we all know, everyone spends more time here than outside anyway.

>Legal weed
>Buying taxed weed

Lol pothead economics.

Smoking anything is trashy

My third post explains why ( 4chans has word a word limit per post )

I'll take it as bait :^)


typing a random number to express your dissatisfaction based on your illegal and immoral usage of illegal street drugs is simply not an argument.
>there are open alcohol laws and public intoxication laws, including weed
It's like you almost made a coherent statement here. Try applying yourself bro, I know you can form a logical argument if you keep trying.

she wasted weed by smoking it like that.
she(left) is hideous and unworthy of said dick, even unworthy for disgracing "muh ganja".
bitch on right would fugg after sanitation.

3/10 got two replies out of me

>bang them
One bullet each I guess

your 3 posts should be standard copy pasta for every single dudeweed post on Sup Forums. well done user.

I just realized that women's jobs almost never have drug tests. Men's jobs all have drug tests, though.


Exhibit A: Why stoners must be 2nd in line on day of rope

>not legolize it

Kikes want drugs illegal for the same reason they want kids consuming sugar.

They want to control the cool things that we can get addicted to. Legalize it and beat the kikes.

when did he say you couldn't? the argument was about marijuana not alcohol, that's a completely irrelevant non sequitur of a post. Sad!

Are you on drugs right now?

>creates jobs(farming,transport, sales)
So would sex trafficking.

>generates taxes
Virtually everything generates taxes.

>takes money away from criminals
Why don't we just make EVERYTHING legal in that case? Criminals will surely starve without black markets!

>not dangerous
Does a shitload of damage to lungs and the brain.

>takes burden off of our overburdened prison system
So would deporting non-whites en masse.

>degeneracy is not an argument
The hell it isn't.

It should be legalized but people should be careful about over indulgence and dependency.

I think most people that are everyday users are treating an underlying mental illness. That mental illness could be environmentally caused too, like lacking a job that gives them purpose and nothing to do but consume empty entertainment. I know when I was smoking a lot I was depressed and anxious about my life and situation, I'm glad I had it though.

>the noses on those (((whores)))
gee i wonder wo could be behind this post???

>Cannabis and the lungs

>Cannabis and the Heart

>Cannabis and Psychosis/Schizophrenia

>Marijuana is a neruotoxin

>Casual use alters the nucleus accumbans, associated with reward and pleasure

>The brains of chronic users produce less dopamine

>Marijuana lowers IQ

>cannabis-impaired approximately doubles car crash risk

>Marijuana induces schizophrenia-like brain changes, which may result in psychosis

>Marijuana can cause pulmonary disease

disgusting whores

>lung cancer

Still way better than alcohol

Thanks user,
I wrote it a long time ago in a drug forum & kept it; that was in 2004. It's almost scary how its still so relevant. Don't get me wrong I'm not Anti-Drug, but all things should be in moderation and more importantly the public should be informed on the positives and negatives of drugs on them as people (health) and their nation as a whole (degeneracy). :^)

So many dudeweed burnouts in this thread.

This isn't tumblr, you disgusting millenial.

>when you have no argument so you change the subject

>Watches tv and post on Sup Forums for several hours a day.
What an excellent point you didn't make

Welcome to Current Year + 2.

Free market will always prevail against government sanctions!

Did you see my mate Alfa there? was he bay side?

>tfw 25 and tried to consume THC for the first time last weekend
>tfw friend screwed up his liquid and got no one high
>tfw still haven't got high, and have been told i'm not missing out

feels good. getting buzzed on alcohol once a month is okay by me.

>Free market will always prevail against government sanctions!


>So many dudeweed burnouts in this thread.
Yeah, it really smells like reddit in here

I work in the legal weed industry so that's a good enough reason for me.

I want to fuck them then kill them following the inevitable sensation of self disgust I'll be feeling after ejaculating.

That's one sour redpill to swallow... great write up, saved for future reference and meditation.

ill come to your house with a gun, pistol whip you a couple of times and when you finally tumble to the ground I'll whisper "OOK COOP" in your ear and proceed to bend you over and rape your bum

because it will encourage interracial breeding.

a fucking leaf, everybody

how so

>jew tricks goy into looking like a degenerate on camera.webm

Seriously, look at that nose. You totally know it was her idea to get topless and film it. It's in their nature. Fucking kikes

Was OK but fell apart on the alcohol argument. How is drinking fundamentally different then smoking (when used to "relax")?