Why are people so triggered by other races but white? I mean dont you want to discover new things from different cultures and actually make your culture enrich itself and breach the race barrier by racemixing? I mean Brazil did that and our culture can literally aggregate anyone from any place of the world! Our unique cultural aspects were built since day one through aggregation of other cultures, and created beautiful things like Bossa Nova, Modernism architecture and paintings and a rich literature inspired by the diverse culture which has inumerous stories to be told to the world. See a country can only benefit when low your arrogance guard you open your arms and heart to other people
Why are people so triggered by other races but white...
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most of the beheading and torture videos i watch are from brazil.
and what that has to do with what I wrote?
Idk, why don't I just move to Egypt and swim in the nile with some hippos and crocs to sooth my insatiable curiosity of things different than me.
Brazil is a shithole. Only proves the point that race mixing is bad.
Ah yes... The country that also brought us that masterpiece 2girls 1cup...
You ever been in a gore thread? 90% of it takes place in Brazil. All I see is complete savagery. I wouldn't go down there if they paid me.
shitposting too hard, rafael
so how come brazilians live here my friend if you think 100% of brazil is savagery?
There is nothing enriching about savage mudskinned races.
>Why are people so triggered by other races but white?
Just stay in your own countries is all anyone asks.
because the majority of your kind are animals
if it wasnt for africans this would have never existed
so how come brazilians live here if you think the majority of us are animals?
sauce on that
because brazil is a zoo
a zoo that gives fear to the US to the point of spying our president and our state companies
Why are hue's so triggered by whites?
why would I be triggered by whites? :)
Nobody likes us
>tfw most of South America is Brazil
we don't want any more monkeys here, we've already got too much apes
>I mean Brazil did that
Yea. And look at your shit country.
nice gyno bro
Your country is nigger ville. Everybody on the continent hates your disgusting niggerdom. Favela monkey
No. I pray for the rise of the Aryan race.
>things like Bossa Nova, Modernism architecture and paintings and a rich literature inspired by the diverse culture which has inumerous stories to be told to the world. See a country can only benefit when low your arrogance guard you open your arms and heart to other people
You are a child. Bossa Nova is jazz plagiarism, is cool, but isn't really "ours". Modernism is a disease, have you ever enter in a Niemayer building? Our literature is only Cultural Marxism since Modernism took everything. OK Monteiro Lobato was a world class genius, the same Euclides da Cunha, but don't even mention them. May be because they hate mistification and indulgence towards idiots and useless people.
Brazil is not diverse. We diluted civilization, we lowered the bar, there's zero merits in our diversity, is just the results of stupidity, lazyness, barbarian way of life, horrible taste, general poverty.
Be the Frankstein monster is not a merit, is a tragedy. Brazil is Dr Moreau Island.
>Brazil is a shithole. Only proves the point that race mixing is bad.
This. Our only value is to prove that Cultural Marxism is a complete catastrophe.
pool closed
>Bossa Nova is jazz plagiarism
kek do you even know what the hell you are talking kek. That is like saying tango is a copy of french waltz
It means it went to shit-
> "Brazil is Dr Moreau Island"
Oh shit son
I don't mind the thought of breeding with lesser races. I feel like I'm doing my part to elevate them
I would definitely take advice about culture from someone that lives in danger of getting hacked with machete every single day.
Why is the South and some parts of São Paulo better than the rest of Brazil? They're majority White.
Brazil has the potential, but we don't have the population. We could be a first world ecenomic power if one thing didn't end...
actually obama wanted to see how chimpout works
> I mean Brazil did that and our culture can literally aggregate anyone from any place of the world!
Because its so shitty that even the haitians are being positive in our standards
>Our unique cultural aspects
no such thing, uless you are talking about funk, favela, bunda and criminality
>created beautiful things like Bossa Nova
No one listens this shit besides rich daddy faggots
>Modernism architecture
literal shit
> rich literature inspired by the diverse culture which has inumerous stories to be told to the world.
no such thing
What could any other culture that isn't already modern and westernized possibly do to improve my own culture?
You and I know better than anyone how shitty our own contry is, you wont change that fact by shitposting about it EVERYFUCKING DAY on a tailandese wall cravings forum.
We know exactly what caused it and it is the very same shit you came here to brag about, are you happy receiving your bread with meat from your leftists overlords?
brazil is a piece of shit country violent dangerous low life quality. Embracing and enriching did not work for you at all. Why should anyone try to adapt anything from Brazil if they are doing everything worse than others ? The handful of positive things do not make up for the myriads of atrocities that happen in brazil and the shit life the inhabitants lead.
If Brazil is so perfect, why are you always trying to convince us you are white?
I will be deploying to 7th fleet tomorrow and I am excited. I will enjoy culturally enriching myself in native cultures of other countries and marveling at their achievements. In their country. Then I will deport myself and revel in my native countries culture and achievements. Where I fucking belong. Get my point yet?
can I get this without Bart Simpson?
Wow I never noticed the Bart. I didn't make the image though.
This, also, if you didn't check the rhodesian guy (zimbabwe) thread, do it. Hear it first hand how pure bred nigs take care of things.