Daily reminder that an entire generation of nubile young boys with easy access to HRT and extreme daddy issues is...

Daily reminder that an entire generation of nubile young boys with easy access to HRT and extreme daddy issues is maturing as we speak.

It's a brave new world we're headed towards, anons.

Take another look at those suicide rates

i would gladly check my privilege with xer if you know what i mean

Nature always finds a way

Pretty hot trad waifu 7/10

>tfw cheap affordable top qual butt pussy flooding the market

It's gonna be fantastic. All the butt pussy you can poz competing with girls who are already competing in an over saturated market while men are actively leaving the sexual market.

Just to be crystal clear, that is a woman, right?

but user, that's a girl.

theres no way thats a trap

She's a woman all right, she just happens to have a penis

im more worried about the tons of chicks with daddy issues rather than some trap fags

with a penis

This is a girl. Tasha Leigh

>take already sissy looking teen boy
>pump him full of hormones
>give a girly haircut and some makeup

you'd be surprised

Yes, but I'd absolutely let her wreck my boypussy.

Suddenly my ID is very relevant


that's one of the hottest chicks i've seen in a long time

and it's a guy


No such thing as boy pussy mate. it's called an arsehole,

I've got no issue with you wanting her to peg you.

Might not be so bad. These boys were predisposed to this sort of submissive presentation, so weeding them out of the gene pool could be pretty beneficial.

We're cutting the fat from the lean, gentlemen.


inb4 the boy pucci is lesbian

That's literally a girl not a meme mental illnesser


Im gonna have to start throwing PUNCHEs at random girls in case they are TRANNY IN DISGUISE

We are entering post-scarcity boipucci territory.

"C'mon you square, be degenerate with me :3, I won't tell your friends I was born a boy ;)"

Check your anus privilege.

Men are better at everything, even being women

>boypussy flooding the market, women have to become more subserviant to compete

God bless capitalism.

More traps means less men chasing women.
I'm all for it

Even if a generation of mothers creates a generation of trannies, then the males don't pass on their defective genes. HOWEVER if the family has multiple children, especially girls, then they will see this behavior and do it to their children.

Therefore, their defective genes still get passed on, but at least the rate of reproduction is reduced

you bet your sexually-confused ass it is

That is not a fucking boy, stop

>Its a stefania thread

sure is

cute isnt she?

"I want to be the mother to your children, thank Musk that science allows us to now turn my sperm cells into egg cells and grow as many white children as we want in artificial wombs."

>*inhales nut musk*
>*gets scratched by 5 o'clock shadow*

I'm with you. Nobody is substantiating the claim with any evidence.

maxine mofo

I guess I'm gay now

kek that's absolutely true

Additionally, I'm split about letting this particular degeneracy flourish just because it is the closest thing to a eugenics program we will likely see in our lifetimes.

Thank goodness laser hair removal and HRT eliminate body hair growth and HRT actually makes transwomen have higher estrogen levels and lower testosterone levels than '''''real'''' ''''women''''

traps are gross



>gay commienazis will rise to power within our lifetimes

who is this sausage hostage??

This. The dad issues is the problem. The only issue with HRT is that gay boys can now go after straight guys (who will fuck them, regardless of what Sup Forums claims)

Still have man voice, bone structure, etc.


SHE (actually a she, not a mentally ill """"she"""") is a cosplayer. Nice bait tho, leaf. Reverse image search strikes again

Stefania "The Thickness" Ferrario

In this thread you guys can talk about your mental illness and what you plan on doing about it. Because as I see it right now; white race is a lost cause and mainly because of this faggot epidemic.

I've seen this exact post on /r9k/.

This is the beginning of the raid and all the newfags from the election will never know until they've got rainbow socks on their feet. Sad!

I'm no filthy commie

"hey, I thought you said you hated listening to women speak, you won't have to hear me say a word when I'm giving you the best head of your life daddy :3"

but this is not

No, you will just be a bf to one.

thanks leaf, I will fap tonight

Whites are actually statistically the least likely to be a faggot or a tranny. If we can encourage the minorities to go gay and/or trans we can slowly reduce/exterminate their population

sauce on this girl?

That's also a chick

ITT: degenerates post beautiful girls and lie, saying that they're trannies.

Don't let (((them))) try to trick you into thinking trannies can be beautiful. They can't.

I really love shemales, the thing is I only like the ones that embrace being shemales

none of this pretending to be an actual woman. The ones that accept they are just slutty faggots are the best

No, and it's pretty clear that's a dude. Look at his face and eyes. If he had short hair it would be even more obvious

>it's another leaf-being-a-degenerate-faggot rerun

This show needs to fire its writers, desu.


that's actually a corpse rotting in the ground fyi

>Whites are actually statistically the least likely to be a faggot or a tranny.
Mind sharing those statistics?

U wouldn't be able to tell, you'll fuck that boi pucci in a heartbeat.

WHOA WHOA WHOA, you've totally changed my world view. Guess I'm a faggot now

The world has thrown out the plot and fired the writers a long fucking time ago.

Boi pucci is the best, I fucked 5 top notch boi puccies in 3 days. They love sexy men.

lol, I was thinking the same thing.

Max Mofo and all those guys in Perth are fags though. Only funny one is iDubbbz (I know he doesn't live in Perth, but he may as well), but he is terribly unfunny in any of his collab vids with them.

>Ben Shapiro

>U wouldn't be able to tell
I can always tell. Something always seems off

>You'll fuck that boi pucci in a heartbeat
Yeah, but that's just cause I'm a horny fuck, and using them as a sex toy turns me on for some degenerate reason


Every boi pucci I fucked was white homie

A Gallup report published in October 2012 by the Williams Institute reported that 3.4% of US adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Minorities were more likely to identify as non-heterosexual; 4.6% of blacks, 4.0% of Hispanics and 3.2% of whites.

theres like a 50/50 chance they either just want to be left alone (which i am fine with desu) or have a complex in which they want to escape into a new identity or use being trans as a scapegoat for their personal issues while ignoring the core of it or hell maybe just want an excuse to be histrionic as fuck

like honestly i dont give a fuck if someone wants to get a sex change and they should probably be proud of going from an identity they dont like into an identity that they do but fuck walking on eggshells around a person that gives you the creeps because they are half assing their transition

turning yourself into a barbie, a bizarre cargo culting of femininity, doesn't convince me of the legitimacy of trans people

Yes, it's because of them that the white race is falling apart, not because of the lack of belief in your own heritage, not because the whites have forgotten how to strive for their own interests, but because less than 1% of any given population likes to crosses crossdress or something.

You are retarded.

I would but I'm scared to get STDs like herpes or warts. Also is boi pucci hairless and clean? Do I have to kiss them? Kissing is gay, but I'd be fine using their holes as a cock sleeve

agreed they all suck but imemes

A Gallup report published in October 2012 by the Williams Institute reported that 3.4% of US adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Minorities were more likely to identify as non-heterosexual; 4.6% of blacks, 4.0% of Hispanics and 3.2% of whites.

>muh anecdote

thats such a small difference theres no way it falls outside of standard deviation especially considering the population disparity between those groups

Trust me man, after feeling bi pucci sliding on your cock, you'll never wanna deal with a nagging woman again.

All the boi pucci is to fuck and some respect.

Also, assuming you're serious, where can I find boi pucci? I tried Craigslist, but it's just sad old dudes who are clearly men.

Real talk.

Why do boys make the best girls?

Keep in mind, the Obama administration SUPPORTS bills that let these girls (boys) piss next to your daughter.

Pictures like OP's exist with heavy filters and photoshop tricks. In real life, these things look like dudes in wigs 99.9% of the time.

>Yes, it's because of them that the white race is falling apart, not because of the lack of belief in your own heritage, not because the whites have forgotten how to strive for their own interests, but because less than 1% of any given population likes to crosses crossdress or something.
And the 40% that apparently rather fap to them than going outside and meet a real girl. Yes.

You braindead monkey.

>No such thing as boy pussy mate
That's right: it's spelled boipucci.

Use a condom or fuck a high class one. It's like fucking a woman, some shave others don;t. But the ass is usually smooth and clean ready to take Cocks.

Even so, if we can convince the minorities of America to become trans or gay, coupled with keeping abortion, and do nothing with their murder rates we can reduce their populations

They TRULY desire to be submissive.

Men do everything better. Even all the best chefs are men.

Oh man these comics are so stupid, still I keep reading them, I guess gratuitous pornography really does work in assuring a consumer market


>Why do boys make the best girls?
They don't, you disgusting fat faggot. And why do you post an ugly Turk?

lol ur fkin retarded

oh thank fuck
My perfect not falling for traps record was seriously in danger

Okay Joseph, meanwhile the girl you got rejected by is getting fucked by a well hung Syrian.

>Future boipucci