>Tfw Reconquering Stolen Land
Tfw Reconquering Stolen Land
It doesn't matter if you conquer it. Under Mexican rule it will regress to a Mexican level of civilization. Pyrrhic victory,
Yup, it's practically over now. With birth rates, and Trump not repealing the 1965 immigration act, might as well call those areas Mexico.
i support u user, New Spain again
>not going full new spain and annexing down to Panama
Belize is still commonwealth clay though.
We bought it off of you after you lost the war you started.
That said it doesn't matter because you can't run your own country right let alone fucking doubling it and you'll find a way to blame the white man for turning even more land into cartel-run favelas
Build wall
>start war over seceded territory
>sell land to pay for war damages
>Mexican intellectuals
So you're gonna give it back to the rightful owners then? Because if you don't consider them the rightful owners by right of conquest then you have no leg to stand on.
Trump won lad
Indians had the loosest concept of ownership, if you could even consider it that. They had personal belongings, but the idea that someone could own land (in the sense that Europeans thought of it) was completely foreign to them.
Yeah, now that Mexico is collapsing, we can finish the job we started in 1846.
We aztec now
> Texas
Try it
> California
It's already yours right? You can keep it
>living off handouts and goodwill
Fucking shit skins, when will they learn? If the locals perceived you as a conquerors they would kick you out in a week flat. As is they thin you're economically beneficial and bring social benefit because they're fucking retards, but that won't last forever.
everyone who has lived in those states knows they are shit. go ahead and take em fags. with cali and arizona out of the mix the united states will go full Republican.
That's my point. If you aren't going to acknowledge the original owners of the land but claim your land was "stolen" then you're an idiot. Both times the land was taken, so why is it "stolen" in one case and okay in the other?
>mfw they already have NV, AZ, CA, NM
We raped your ass to the capital and back in the 1800s and we'll do it again Paco
>with cali and arizona out of the mix the united states will go full Republican.
Are you fucking retarded?
probably because they had so fucking much of it then. But i bet you they don't feel that way now.
It's not the European's fault that it took contact with a culture that acknowledged private property rights in order for them to figure out what private property was.
You can't even control what you have. We could probably take more if we wanted to but we'll settle for the wall you're paying for.
Clearly some tribes had concepts of land ownership. The whole beads for land fiasco was actually when a tribe pretended to own another tribe's land and traded it.
I'm a nationalist who hates Jews and I support this. Mexico's justification is shit but if they can take it, and do, they're justified since might makes right.
But maybe I'm only saying this because I hate burgers and Mexico has always been a good friend to Britain.
Okay, But stay out of the Ozarks, we're approaching our shitskin threshold and you never owned it anyway.
>falling for the aztlan meme
wew lad
if it meant spics got out of the rest of the US, you can have that. but we all know once you guys turn that to shit you'll just keep moving to the nicer countries
It was never really Mexican land. This is the greatest deception Mexicans have ever pulled off. They merely inherited a claim from the Spanish Empire, but in most of that land not even a single Mexican soul stepped foot. And the few areas where Mexicans did manage to make tiny little settlements, they were governed not by Mexico, but by the Indian tribes, who would tax them. The Mexicans did not govern it, and they did not develop it. In those days, a land claim was a fancy way of saying, "we have the right to fight Indians in this territory until we beat them and can actually govern the land." But Mexico never beat the Indians. The Comanche and Apache and Utes used to routinely kick Mexican ass. So how was it their land? Because of a piece of paper they inherited from Spain, who also never governed the land?
Their concept of land ownership basically was, "anywhere we had been before." There's some contention with the Sioux tribes and DAPL because they say there is land they owned that has not been ceded to them, but if you ask them what land did they own, they say, "anywhere the buffalo roamed."
From what I learned
>North places in Mexico get neglected by the government, since only the capitals gets everything.
>North places live with a huge lack of resources.
>They get tired and fight to be independent from Mexico.
>They "separated" from Mexico.
>>México still has the properties.
>They become even more useless on their own.
>>They decide to ask US for help.
>War because Mexicans doesn't want US to get the territories or some shit.
>Santa Anna gets surrounded by US soldiers.
>>Santa Anna exchanges the territories so he can live.
>People refuse to believe their beloved president did such thing and blame US for stealing the land
>US fills up with Mexicans
>becomes a shithole just like Mexico
What an accomplishment
Texas had had to do with the Mexican government being shit at dealing with natives, so they imported a bunch of Americans. Americans decide they don't want to live under the shitty Mexican government and secede over a war that the Mexican government started. The part about Texas running out of money and basically being bailed out by the USA is mostly correct though.
>stolen land
Did you know there were less than 5,000 total Mexicans on the entire Californian landmass before the Americans got there? It was never your land. We developed it. We created it. It is ours other than a small portion of Southern Texas that actually had a significant number of Hispanics.
>all the Mexicans came after America made it prosperous
really activates my almonds
California is already Mexico-tier
>mfw mexicans trying to get btfo again
We'll take Baja this time
Don't forget the comanche were fucking shit up left and right and nobody wanted to deal with that.
Once the second Mexican American war is over and the US has won I will take a qt cinnamon girl as my wife.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, you taco nigger.
>US won't ever save your state from Mexico.
Fucking Oaxaca.
Just immigrate
We will take your swamp too.
Look at this fucking uppity streetshitter.
You can have California. Take it.
Nevada is off the table, it's radioactive anyway.
Cancun too.