"Killroom" of Alefantis Instagram possibly found!

Alefantis "Killroom" found at Pegasus Museum owned by Alefantis.

Original Vid by PizzaGateGear got taken down during the first thread luckily some user downloaded and reuploaded it

Dump of some Infostuff and Memes user requested me to make in the last thread and thought someone else here might be interested too

Last threads

Also Im taking a break. Will lurk on phone a bit, but if interest is still there when bumplimit is reached someone else has to redo it

Other urls found in this thread:








really makes my neurons fire

i only made these to make people think "what the fuck does that even mean"

who's ur daddy

A brit scrambling to denounce a pedophilia scandal?! Must be one of Jimmy Saville's little boys.

It's okay Ahmed, things might get better with a lot of therapy.

while we are at the emails
what could these emails which are so top secret that we arent even allowed to know which agency deemed them to be too top secret for us, be about?

It's pitty that the video is already gone...

>deciding what belongs on Sup Forums



Can you provide me with some PROOF that any of this BULLSHIT is real?

If not, fuck off.


the original one by pizzagategear is down, the reuploads still are there


pic related shows that pizzagate is real (pizzagate=people in powerfull position are into pedostuff). the only thing that is debatable is the extend of pizzagate. and now fuck off pedo shill. you will get your rope soon enough

>pic related shows that pizzagate is real (pizzagate=people in powerfull position are into pedostuff)
Where's the evidence?


just fucking google their names. all convicted pedos. no debate to that. so fuck off already

weird isnt it?

John Podesta and Bill Clinton are convicted pedophiles?

thanks for bumping this thread again newfag

>hard evidence


Show me 1(one) thing that would hold up in court. Otherwise, you can fuck off.


Is that supposed to be Assange?

Why are British people always trying to dominate others and treat other nations in this way?


Soon it will be legal what they do,California legalized child prostitution yesterday

did they generally legalize it? what i read said it only made the child prostitutes not get charged which wont make much sense either way in my oppinion as their live is fucked up enough already.
important is if the "customers" and pimps are allowed to do that stuff? if so why did noone wreck havoc there yet?



Holy fuck. So much autism in one post. Were you vaccinatd as a child or something?


The right genetics and environment makes the right mindset. And that image only half the story. But the rest is too /x/ for Sup Forums

I'm still waiting for that "hard evidence" that you retards keep talking about.

I'm sure you'll find it any day now.

Hey don't use my condition to discredit pizzagate you fag

daily reminder that david brock, head of CTR is ex BF of Alefantis, and that he probably employed fellow pedos he knew from his lovers pizzaparties.

would explain why the shilling increased so hard 2 days before election which was too late to influence anyone and coincidently is the same time pizzagate came up making the shilling not just some random job anymore, but something personal.

Ok well then, explain to me if it'snormal for a person who has photos of him with children to have a statue of a symbol of pedophilia on his Instagram. Explain to me.

fucker already looks pedo as fuck


pic related is the same guy. I don't know what's actually wrong with him.

If he were a shill he'd eventually figure out how to change flag with proxy, but this guy is just always in these threads and i have no idea what his motive could be other than pic related again. But prob not, somethings wrong with this poor gentleman

I 'm still waiting for your explanation what the statue of a symbol of pedophilia combined with these children on his instagram mean if it isn't what we think it is. Explain to me what normal reasons there are for that, I 'm listening.

>And that image only half the story. But the rest is too /x/ for Sup Forums

Hit me up senpai, I wanna see it.

>discrediting a bunch of autistic nazifrogworshippers on a taiwanese flowerbreeding forum that masturbate to underage anime girls

i couldnt if i tried

also that is actually our biggest weapon. we are too ridiculous to be labled a threat openly by anyone. so they had to invent the alt right and lump us together with every trumpsupporter to then declare us a threat as a whole and discredit us based on a few negative examples they probably faked themselves

not that user but this here is something always deemed to /x/ for it
note that a closed pentagram is said to fend off evil while an open/broken one is said to invite it

also here is some more spaced out theory (even though i deem nothing impossible at this point)

many victims of alien abduction talk about the same stuff as victims of demonic possessions, unableness to move or speak, sense of threat and fright, and violent sexual acts for example, indicating (if you believe those reports of course) that what we think are aliens are actually demons, or what people back then thought are demons are actually aliens.
Now there was some pic going around of some childrensbook where the page that was depicted said something along the lines "dont resist when the alien without underpants comes" which apparently was sold in the bookstoor next to CPP.

now what if the kids are not only for podesta and co, but actually for the aliens/demons they worship and as sacrifices. either by proxy through them abusing, raping and killing them, or maybe even directly by whatever those things are

This shit always makes me laugh. You morons can't seriously believe this shit.

If so, you all need to be locked up for your own safety and the safety of those around you.

in case you wonder where the right spike would end. when i looked i didnt see anything there, just a walmart being close by. to be honest i was a bit sloppy though. when some user posted this i look back into it and saw i came out pretty much there at the C.H.I.L.D. center as well it just wasnt displayed on google maps or i would have redone it more accurately.

There's plenty of evidences for police action. We're just waiting for the sherrif to come to town.

and here some general satanism redpill

its not about what we believe, but what they believe
and i believe they believe that shit and that its not all a coincidence
(wouldnt reply to the pedoshill normally but would have said this either way)

>unableness to move or speak,
>aliens and demons,
cover stories implanted in hypnotic state to discredit if the victim ever talks
my opinions anyway

DO NOT share this on social media, we need to send in a Sup Forums organised SWAT TEAM to check what the fuck is going on

Circumstantial evidence holds up in court, retard

Take it to court then.

forgot this pic

How much do youget paid for this professionaltrolling? You still didn't answer my question. Who is autistic?


pic related to your pic

could be. is the most reasonable thing at least. but i came to believe that everything could be possible

consider the impossible and be sceptic of the obvious

I will, when Trump is president

Can you answer my question? Oh wait you are a troll, you are afraid of questions. Pussy.

think i wrote it to you in the other thread, but i assume there are new people in here so:
about the eye thing. like i have no idea if pic related is actually credible, but i do find it weird that this "pseudoscience" shows that mccann, soros middleton and som other kids have this shit indicating damage at the ovaries/testis. and during ritual abuse the victims often are forced to have sex with animals like donkey and i can surely see how that could cause such a damage
will check the links later though

You know, gotta wonder Britbong. How much are ((they)) paying you to defend them on a mongolian basket-weaving image board?

This has two interpretations:
1. The child will be eaten.
2. The child will eat with them, so when he says: good enough to eat, he means the child is in a good enough condition to eat.

he looks latin american

in latin america, eating someone is sex

You never did, comment on any of the more incriminating posts made in the last thread. Proves that shills only cherry pick things that make them look intelligent.

So he is a pedophile?

so you randomly find kids on the streats often?
either way i believe to eat is just their codeword to fuck to make it fit the pizzastuff. cannibalism is on the table too though

And he can't even answer one simple question of me. This guy is ridiculous.


his name is diego alonso, he could even be argentinian


Aren't you the same shill that defended Islam, and the kikes. That literally makes you both a traitor to your nation, AND a pedo defender. You have no right to talk about people being locked up for the safety of those around them.

>mfw every old ladyused to tell me "estas como para comerte"

Care to explain? Is this once again one of their "the world is dualistic" stuff with one side of the coin being good (the pentagram fending off evil) and the other side being evil (displaying moloch and thus ritual childsacrifices and all that evil stuff) and the coin being saturn?
Because i always wondered why for example the cruel cronus who overthrew his father and ate his children also was the ruler of the golden age where people lived in total happiness. Or garden eden with that god also apparantly being saturn like moloch and cronus indicating its satan. Why are those associated with such a good time?

sorry Op I can't accept any infographs without regulation red connecting lines. anything else is fake and gay.

He never commented on any of the more 'interesting' images, I posted in the last thread. He evidently dodged any question pertaining to those. Very suspicious.


Yes well, pedophiles tend to have difficulty answering hard questions

all the stories tend to blur and change over time,
but clearly kronos is saturn is moloch is satan.
the highest god according to the satanists in the dutroux docs is Abrasax who is a combination of all opposites, good/evil male/female. The masonic black/white could be interpretted this way too.
6 and 5 is 11 which is one better than god?

They're not red, but this should suit your purposes.

also a talisman is a symbol (sometimes a piece of jewelry) that collects energy or protects.
it's usually 2 circles connected like
pic related

Where is the interview with Alefantis saying there is a bunker?

That child does not look old enough to eat actual food.

Ah ok, makes sense.
While we are at the symbolism, what do you think of the baphomet? Its always show woth tits and dicks which i thought at the beginning it ls to show that evil isnt bound to a certain gender but recently thought of it being a symbol for the satanic agenda, reversal of all things, make black white, make good evil, make man woman, which fits into the current push for transgenderism which would be another way to push their agenda unto us. Or again just the duality of uniting man and woman (which also fits into the transgender stuff though)

(((Someone))) is pretty upset this is still being investigated

I'm afraid, fellow Britfag, there is something there. No-one knows what yet but they're trying to understand what. Stop watching the msm for a while and understand what thoughts/opinions are truly yours




We got 'em. Time to take 'em to court. That Google search will put them all in jail! Rest now and enjoy your tendies, my alt-right brothers.

There is also that fucking owl sitting Somewhere in the corner (have to look on a higher resolution picture first, but its closed to the "1" somewhere on the bill

You seem pretty upset about nothing


Dam, someone must have really struck a nerve huh champ?

Does Google go exceptionally slower when you search pizzagate stuff?

he points up and down
as above so below
on earth as it is in heaven
the stars of hollywood are symbolic of the stars in the heavens
celebrity - celebrate - celestial
all the rituals go back to the 'heavens'
the 'star-whackers' may be doing sacrifices based on this

The plan is to make human mind-controlled slaves that following instructions precisely & have enhanced memory & enhanced other abilities. This is done by subjecting the future slave to mental & physical torture. The torture also creates MPD which allows the activities the slave does to be compartmentalised in different personalities. The different personalities can be hypnotised & trained to become specialists (sex, assassination, drug running, messengers, etc). When in one personality the other personalities memories aren't accessible, making them literally truthful when they have no memory of their other activities. This is like having a terrorist cell separation but in the mind of a single person.
New personalities can be made (and so memory of past operations forgotten) by new torture such as electric shocks.
The very best completed MPD split personalities (ie. most non-recoverable past memories) comes from the abuse occurring as early in life as possible. This is why pedophile victims are prized slave/operatives.
However the torture can go so far back as to torture fetus in the womb. This can be done by stressing the mother or using long needles to stab the fetus. The cognitive dissonance of the womb being comfortable & nurturing then painful makes the mind develop, at its core, fragmentent. This deep level core mind fragmentation makes total recovery of all memories later in life near impossible as you need a core personality to bridge all the others.
Pizzagate is a small part of a larger process. Adding in other exotic tech & illusions to the victims experience, is the cause of other /x/ stuff like pseudo-ET abductions (a replacement to SRA based trauma), & since no credible person believes in ET the victim must be lying, right?

theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/illuminati_formula_mind_control.htm (look past the word illuminati & the authors Christianity)

The autism levels are off the charts in these threads.


Reverse search this picture:


and then click on the results

tell me if that isn't weird

More info on this?

Reminds me of Voltaire - If you want to know who is in charge find out who you're not allowed to insult.

interesting, Ive seen two of these eastern star peeps in my city houston

>The very best completed MPD split personalities (ie. most non-recoverable past memories) comes from the abuse occurring as early in life as possible

i wish i would just have kept watching anime instead of keep lurking in here. any time i think i hit rockbottom with disgust the ground opens up beneath me and i fall deeper