post your Trump / election memes
Post your Trump / election memes
Personal favorite OC
>Hillary's hopes shattered
its like pottery
A review of Hillary's book
I miss Ted
Tip top kikkity kek
Are those first 2 real?
Did Time magazine fund the DNC?
>the tapes
Yep. 100% Real.
Can somebody please post the entire "Give me your Delegates Dahnald" series. Those were the best. My favorite was the one where Cruz has his back turned and he says "Good job kid, you did it, the Delegates are yours" or something like that.
How is that magazine still in business? How can it possibly be relevant with such massive bias and error in judgement?
Ho ho ho Dahnald, hand over the Christmas Delegates.
Brand recognition.
Same reason Nat Geo didn't collapse after running that "pedophilia is okay and so is cutting off your 8 year old sons penis" edition.
I made this one but used a different face than the classic meme face.
I want to empathize with their feelings when they realized that the influence they held was against them, not for them. However, the shock must have been so overwhelming and humbling that I don't think I could ever be put in check quite as hard.
Because half the population sucks it up
Didnt he leaked his tax returns himself that prove he paid nothing thanks to some fuckery bill clinton himself approved many years ago and the media stopped asking him for it?
>tfw you lost a bunch of your delegates pictures
> theme of the election, as well as everything since
Is that Magneto and Superman? wtf?
Fuck, im on mobile and a lot of my shit got blurry for some reason
Every. Fucking. Time.
Holy kek! That's the best version I've seen so far
It's Magneto and Cyclops.
I still can't believe they pulled a "Dewey defeats Truman"
Meme magic is becoming more plausible every day.
Is this real?
Have we properly thanked Russel Steinberg?
Anyone have the TRUMPED election parody memes of BLACKED where it´s all Trump´s enemies getting railed by him? Those were epic
This one is a personal favorite
>A jew was behind it all along
Like pottery, it thymes.
Ritsu top tier
Totally real.
Get mimi Sup Forums app. Kinda sucks but best for mobile.
> tfw this was me
Does anyone have the goodbye speech from ted post?
>when your """friends""" try to hook you up with a hot bar slut but they get mad when you say no because you can't stop reading The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
this is like the nigel farage tweet post brexit
Read that a year ago, words of a two millennium old emperor to me. Such a great book.
I wonder if people will be reading Trump tweets 2000 years from now.
>doesn't know about clover
Not on mobile.
What is his end game?
Clover is for android.
It's just not on the Play Store because it didn't allow google to put a keylogger in it.
Get F-Droid and root your Android.
Really not that important. Mimi works fine, I just don't like the timeout feature. Other than that its shittons better than just Sup
>Newfags always think they know everything.
I just had this very similar conversation with a, now former, friend. She literally couldn't see the irony of what she was saying.
on people randomly dying after attacking trump
I know only newfags call newfriends newfags newfriend. And didn't you just get internet like last week Romabro?
>60% white.
%100 merican
the best was still on election night, when the dems knew they had lost but wouldnt admit it, and they had to send whatshisname out to say "go home and we'll talk tomorrow"
Fuckin love it.
>butter cow
sometimes the memes just write themselves and don't need to be shooped at all
this is now a ted thread
If that is true I am very impressed.. nobody deserves to be the butt of meme savagery more that this dyike
hands down, top 5 best moments this election
the return address was trump tower, so it's possibru
oh there were some really spicy memes this election cycle loved it
trump was like a shot of meme chemo, wiped out a lot of cancer and produced a lot of memes and oc
9/11/2016 this fuck has no shame
Oh never mind he one of those reverse the date fags.. he probably did it on purpose ,lol
I will laugh forever at pic related.