>Mediterranean race
Responsible for Sumer, Babylon, Akkadia, Assyria, Persia, Ancient Egypt, Rome and Ancient Greece.
>Snownigger race
NEVER had an ancient civilization.
Why are they master race again?
>Mediterranean race
Responsible for Sumer, Babylon, Akkadia, Assyria, Persia, Ancient Egypt, Rome and Ancient Greece.
>Snownigger race
NEVER had an ancient civilization.
Why are they master race again?
Other urls found in this thread:
>semites are Mediterranean
top kek
>he doesn't know the Neolithic farmers who gave agriculture to dumb European hunter gatherer savages were mostly from Mesopotamia and Persia
What's Yorkshire?
You know what, it's curious. Oftentimes, the non-tanned South Europeans actually have paler skin that Northern Europeans.
stop shit stirring dude, blondies already give us shit without you making them hate southern europeans more. we're all white and have to work together.
can I into med too?
That's kind of true. Untanned Meds have actual WHITE skin as it was spread by the farmers from those regions. People in Northern Europe seem to have evolved a different mutation that gives a natural pinkish tone to their skin instead of white.
REMINDER: It's no coincidence that European civilization started in Italy and Greece. Those are the countries with the most ENF admix in the continent. Euro hunter gatherers were stupid savages who couldn't figure out how to develop agriculture and therefore civilization on their own.
Hey man, should I put my DNA data through this test?
>Anglo Race
>responsible for modernising every fucking nation because we literally kickstarted the industrial revolution before taking over most of the planet
>Why are they master race again?
Snowniggers are barbarian savages
they tried and failed, proving their inferiority
>Why are they master race again?
Because not everyone's living in WE WUZ land.
There are 12 million Muslims in Brazil
That's a fact
I'm not sure if Eurogenes does individual DNA tests.
>Morocco: 22% SSA
>meanwhile Egypt is at 17%
What the fuck is this chart
It's a fucking mestizo filthy huenigger playing at being civilized.
All I can imagine is a favella in rio with a monkey pounding away on a keyboard in frustration
>implying it was the Anglos and not the Celts
You're probably not even an Anglo why do you want to be a shit Germanigger
But isn't the K8 test online? I think it is. He's also made a new test which is for sale only.
>tfw Southern European but blond
What does that make me
nice try D&C
Asians and Egyptians were the first to build great civilizations.
Mediterraneans were the ones who took civilization to new heights and achieved the highest possible levels first.
Anglos, Germanics, Gauls, and to some extent mediterraneans were the ones who contributed the most (by far) to the MODERN world.
The reason that we see the northerners as great is because we live in modern times. The lifestyle we enjoy was created probably 90% by Anglo, Germanic, and Gaul inventors, philosophers, etc.
North Africans are mixed with niggers? I mean how is this a surprise to anyone. You literally look the average Brazilian.
Here's a better more detailed chart though so you can see the full extent of your actual nigger blood. East African isn't really nigger.
A Southern European. Blondism exists naturally in Southern Europe, just at a low frequency.
Now make the one where the white guy is looking at the Egyptian statue and saying "My ancestor :)".
I've seen white people non-Ironically claim this on this board.
>I've seen white people non-Ironically claim this on this board.
You should read Arthur Kemp's "March of the Titans". It makes Afrocentrists look like amateurs.
The sahara has always been a huge natural barrier during much of Morocco's history. There have actually been very little population movements between morocco/northwest africa and subsaharian africa before the advent of the slave trade.
In addition, Egypt through Sudan has seen a lot more subsaharian flow, which would normally translate to a higher % of subsaharian admixture.
I guess that chart would make sense if it counted moroccan nomads living in the sahara, but the fac that the mozabites (a sahara-dwelling tribe) have almost the double of our north african admixture makes it, again, REALLY dubious...
It's for the entire country obviously.
Also, Tunisia has a quite high amount of SSA despite being in the far North of Africa. A lot of it probably comes from the slave trade. Portugal has a noticeable amount of nigger admix in my chart as well. They got it mostly through the Atlantic slave trade.
The Ottoman Empire imported 15,000,000 sub-Saharan African slaves in an 800 year period, who entered the gene pool to replace lost soldiers/peasants. That's why some areas like Azerbaijan are darker skinned than Egyptians and Tunisians.
The idea that Egyptians were white is laughable, but the idea that "Ancient" greeks were far whiter with lighter/hair skin and that they've been displaced/bred out has enough credit to be heavily considered.
>all those places except Rome and Greece
>levant make colonies and enslave the local pasta niggers
>Italians we wuzing 2000 years later
The ones that live by the coast have probably less, maybe around 10%. I've been to Tunisia (in the North) and the people don't look too different from Italians.
Rome and Greece were essentially Aryan at their peak
> Anonymous (ID: w+R2JO4U) 01/05/17(Thu)19:55:42 No.105821638▶
> (OP)
>Asians and Egyptians were the first to build great civilizations.
>Mediterraneans were the ones who took civilization to new heights and achieved the highest possible levels first.
>Anglos, Germanics, Gauls, and to some extent mediterraneans were the ones who contributed the most (by far) to the MODERN world.
>The reason that we see the northerners as great is because we live in modern times. The lifestyle we enjoy was created probably 90% by Anglo, Germanic, and Gaul inventors, philosophers, etc.
> Anonymous (ID: PGu/haK5) 01/05/17(Thu)19:55:58 No.105821671▶
>File: ADMIXTURE_11.png (61 KB, 803x1544)
>North Africans are mixed with niggers? I mean how is this a surprise to anyone. You literally look the average Brazilian.
>Here's a better more detailed chart though so you can see the full extent of your actual nigger blood. East African isn't really nigger.
> Anonymous (ID: KkVY+e9P) 01/05/17(Thu)19:56:58 No.105821798▶
>A Southern European. Blondism exists naturally in Southern Europe, just
ill come to your house with a gun, pistol whip you a couple of times and when you finally tumble to the ground I'll whisper "OOK COOP" in your ear and proceed to bend you over and rape your bum
Muditerannean detected
>posts mediterannean artwork
Why haven't meds done anything important in 2000 years? Why do western europeans run the world?
It's a fact that the early farmers who came to Europe were mostly dark haired and dark eyed. Sardinians are the people who are the closest related to them and they are some of the darkest Euros in the continent.
Western Europeans are heavily Meditereannean though.
Today I learned Hittite Cuneiform was indo-european. Pic related, it's an ancient Hittite swastika.
Nordics weren't the master race, Germanics were because they were a mixture of the traits of Mediterraneans and Nordics learn YOUR FUCKING HISTORY YOU JUNGLE NIGGER.
Irrelevant though because the anglo is the master race and everyone knows it.
No, just well read
Ancient Greek and Roman literature is full of personal descriptions
The Romans in particular enjoyed descriptions of familial traits
We also know a lot about their depictions of their Gods and Heroes from archaeology
Those old marble statues were painted to look lifelike and we know the colors from paint traces
They were white Europeans, with blonde hair and blue eyes very common
they were from Anatolia, and were extremely different from the Mesopotamian ones
>Those old marble statues were painted to look lifelike and we know the colors from paint traces
Africa or Italy?
I didn't tell you to go to Stormfront by accident. Selective reading is prevalent there.
People have been reviewing the ancient Roman and Greek texts for literally thousands of years, we didn't expect amateur historians like Arthur Kempf to show us the light.
>Why haven't meds done anything important in 2000 years?
>american intellectuals
USA or a nigger infested nuclear wasteland?
The earliest ones were from Anatolia and the Caucasus, yes, but the ones from Mesopotamia fit into the same time frame. Indo-Europeans were the latest to arrive, but they weren't all blonde and eyed either. Most of them had dark features as well.
But pureblood meds are basically worthless now. But so are the nordic countries. So maybe a certain hybrid vigor is why UK and US kick so much ass.
>kicking ass
It's always a Brazilian making these threads.
Pretty cringe mate
The third pic you posted, the one about the pigmentation of Roman Emperors is full of bullshit. The only credible source there is Suetonius and "subflavum" mostly refers to light brown like pic related hair in that context, not Nordcuck piss blonde. Sorry, but there's no reason to believe the Romans were different from modern Italians in terms of pigmentation.
Forgive me for not knowing fuck all about European history
But like
>What are vikings?
>What is the Swedish Empire?
Yes due to northern admixture
>[insert food here]
>lame insult
You're on the internet, right now. Americans inventions are central to your life.
under 100=not white
I wonder how much getting raped by Muslims for centuries ruined the Balkans and Iberian Peninsula.
the neolithic Iranian related ones arrived after the neolithic and affected mostly only the south-east Med, and their arrival was probably linked with metal working this time, farming was already established basically
Iberians are still closest to early farmers among major populations
Italy is kinda inbetween with the south getting pretty heavy on the west asian admixture
not necessarily, dark blondism was present among some neolithic farmers, which were pretty far from northerners
might as well say that Nords are Meds because they are long skulled and dolicocephalic
> Not taking into account Arab admixture from the Islamic Empire in the middle ages
>But pureblood meds are basically worthless now.
>But so are the nordic countries.
>So maybe a certain hybrid vigor is why UK and US kick so much ass.
Yes, it's clear to me now. A country needs niggers to work.
Literally all semitic peoples....
Yeah it was nothing to do with greece being closer to egypt and persia and so were exposed to civilisation before the rest of europe. It was all genetics
stop projecting your cuck fantasies Nigel
>accessing it through a computer
>british invention
Mediterranean empires are all fucking gone hue, Im still shitposting here.
The guy's mid-face, and other basic dimensions just look Nordic. Looks like Dutchman.
that's because the Nordid skull is Mediterranean-like, not viceversa
this is something recognized by old Germanic anthropologists, mind you
>Invented by a fag
>greek invention
>Internet/World Wide Web
>American Invention
My above point proven, tard.
>w-we'd still have empires if it wasn't for Jews, and mongols, n' shiet.
Very constructive. Truly noble.
Spaniards are only 4-6% Moor on average and that's for a 700 year rule. Why would Italians have any significant admixture from them since they never ruled any major part of the peninsula?
Halstatt Nordid
classic Med
Alan Turing didn't invent the computer idiot, he discovered and pioneered the mathematical formulation behind computability
woah there mate top tier insult right there. Sure showed me.
>Sumer, Babylon, Akkadia, Assyria, Persia, Ancient Egypt, Rome and Ancient Greece.
>Now all poor, Low IQ shitholes compared to Northern Europe
Really makes you ponder.
Or are meds and nords the cousins of a similar prototype?
I love when Lynn uses a single class to evaluate the IQ of an entire country and guesstimates IQ for countries with no studies available by averaging the IQs of the surrounding countries
The internet as we know it was invented by a Brit in Switzerland.
>Homosexuality only exist between men
Sigh, have you read a book ?
Most likely the neanderthal and homosapian hybrid.
It's pretty funny that there is this Nordic-Mediterannean feud. Most Europeans don't look like either anymore. You can only find Nordics in a small region in Northern Europe, and even less Mediteranneans in the very South of Europe.
I'm genuinely curious as to why. Civilization-induced dysgenics?