I was born in '96, what the fuck am I?

I was born in '96, what the fuck am I?

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FPBP desu senpai

A faggot

from now on you'll be a fascist

but I voted Trump

Late millenial

You can be what ever you want to be!

Laugh now, but Gen Z will restore western civilization for good



you are the hope of the world. given that you are white, if not then you are trash

monkeys should be banned from the internet


You're absolutely fucked.

You were born in the wrong era, and your generation is hopeless. If millennials ever get drafted into a war, we're sooooooooo unbelievably FUCKED


>that flag
A muslim

Millenial garbage
1981 master race reporting


94-00 borns will lead the revolution. Anyone born after is too attached to technology.

Obama kids. Commie core to the bone. First to be loaded on the FEMA trains.

I wasn't even old enough to vote Obongo both years. How does that even make sense

tail end of millennial


He 'educated' you. Can't have those vile degenerate memes hanging around.

Here's a succinct explanation an user made.

an attention seeking faggot

Lol very funny, I am 96 and all people of my age hate commie scums in my country.

this doesn't describe my childhood in the slightest. I didn't get awards as kids and my dad didn't trust medication. It took years before he was convinced I needed an inhaler for sports

Gen X. Millenials or Gen Y begins around 98. Gen X in turn started roughly around 1969.

1 more year and people born after the year 2000 can post on this board.

What about Gen Z