Can we collectively ruin this anti-white racist's life? Or at least get him to close his accounts?
Can we collectively ruin this anti-white racist's life? Or at least get him to close his accounts?
You can't just meme him. You have to find dirt on him and make it public. Get weev to help you.
is that you Tommy?
How about those retarded books he wrote?
Yes, let's give him lots of attention and material for him to claim he is being harassed. That will surely show this race-baiting attention whore who's boss.
Anyone watched that hidden colors series he did? Some triggering stuff right there
Let's go
You mean give him an opportunity to show the world how victimized he is? Don't be stupid.
This user has it right.
Ignore him completely.
There is an abundance of smug racist negroids wearing suits, he will fall into obscurity in time.
Who is this fucker?
Yeah, because weev is really gonna do something about it!
that was some of the worst filmmaking in history
it seriously makes alex jones early 2000s docs about 9/11 look like stanley kubric
Lets fucking ruin this nigger
Kek, seriously though the amount of lies told to paint the evil whitey narrative was unreal
I don't think anyone here can say anything more than the word nigger. The word has lost its power. It's like saying KFC and watermelon. it doesn't faze him/them.
Start by reporting the majority of his tweets. Tons are explicitly anti-white racism. Bait him.
Never heard of it, what is this?
Best tactic is to hit him with red pilled questions and wait till he caves in. Like Leslie Jones but not in a way where media can easily spin this with
"Ooga booga raycisss"
Kek confirms
This nigger said four niggers torturing a retarded dude isn't evil.
Kys faggot
The way to get to tariq is via mexicans.
I have been monitoring his feed and he is very reactionary with them. They would be great bait.
it's no secret that niggers and spics hate each other despite the "all minorities are uniting because of trump" meme
So what do you suggest the next step of action is?
And we also have the freedom to ruin his reputation for what he does with his freedom.
It goes both ways bitchboy.
freedom of action isn't freedom of speech fagkid
don't come to germany tariq
you will return back home in a cascet.
Kek will strike him down when the time is right. Till then find comfort in the knowledge that when it happens he will never be able to salvage his life again.
Speaking over the internet is action and not freedom of speech?