side note: i work in finance/investing and used to be CEO of a conglomerate.
Ask a jew in the 1% anything
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm an Anglo and an atheist *tips fedora* but how do I join the Jewish master race?
Almost everyone in the West is in the 1%, faggot.
Do you actually believe in the Jewish conspiracy? Or do you find humor in the meme?
you can convert, but if your an atheist would it really mean all that much?
The only people who voted Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary
im talking about upwards of 50 million as the "one percent"
where is your foreskin currently?
mines right here lel
this again
well, there is some truth to it. But, most jews in the one percent dont care about politics and most of the wealthy businessmen dont either. its more like a select few want to influence politics and have enough soft power to do so. Ive met both jews, and non-jews doing that though. so its probably better to view it as an insane rich guy conspiracy rather than i jewish one.
Martin is that you ?
i didnt vote this election, both candidates were at least some part establishment so it was really a matter of which "owner" do you want to run your country this time.
I don't actually care about the religion. I want in on the shekels. I want to join the big club.
oy vey, the goyim knows i don't have foreskin. But, the insult would work better if i knew what it was like having it to begin with.
this is what i found when i googled spanish inquisition paintings
coincidence i think not
fuck you goy
no, shkreli got snubbed by those around him because he spoke to loud, and climbed to fast.
its like having a vagina around your cocks head 24/7.
what you think about trump winning
Ok, but i could do that anyway whenever i want.
no real problem with it, ive met both trump and Hillary before. Hillary is definitely more of a snake than trump is, she care about the position. trump does give a shit about the people at least to an extent.
Interesting. My jew friend says the same thing. He says Jews have a strong sense of comradery and therefore will help each other to a certain extent. But mostly, the globalist power shit is essentially a rich guy thing.
But, do you really think its all (((PURE COINCIDENCE)))?
What do you think about the US economy currently? Are we near another collapse? How would you get started again today if you had 10,000 USD saved up (and are in your mid twenties)?
but you could never have a girl suck, peel and pull on your tender slippery self lubricating foreskin
she can never stuff her tongue down it and meet your cock hole
Please answer? I'll play ball with you guys, for real, just tell me what you need me to do and let me in on the gravy train.
coincidence, i think jews tend to be better at propping up businesses and making them succeed. but that doesnt necessarily mean they care about politics.
Are you degenerate rich fucks that hate white people, or sociopathic manipulative assholes that play with stocks solely for the benefit of profits?
also what do lyou think about him selecting a GS excutive i think for sec of state?
Go away LARP kike
do you follow everything the talmud says?
did the contact from the other american jew user you contacted with the throwaway [email protected] end up being legit?
Or more simply. Are you the same user from a previous thread? the above is my only question. The dude was pretty cool, rare meeting a jew that is brave enough to venture here but well read enough to have some serious political nuance appreciation.
Well, the truth about it is over a 10 year period youll get a 12% return currently. the economy will collapse right around trumps inauguration. and the only reason its still up is because of rich people like me, and wall street magnates propping it up. But that wont last forever. as for how you should handle your money, since your out of college i assume networkings going to be harder, but go anywhere with a lot of people and make friends. Networking is the next step for you.
You know, fair enough. Mercantilism is in your blood, so I'll grant you that.
On a more light-hearted note, what made you so successful? What did it for you? Im fresh out of college and in the stressful life-searching phase
Ask an Reptilian extraterrestrial who's part of the 1% and anything
Side note : I'm an advisor for the lizard king Xraa'ku
You're that fake "jew" we all called out like 2 weeks ago. Fuck off.
>which "owner"
explain. Is this shadow government "owner" or obvious israel trump connection "owner"
can you give me some money?
go to a synagogue and ask about converting, at least reform synagogues are very open to people joining no matter what their background may be.
How do I thermoregulate more efficiently, like you?
i think he is a shit person, who shouldnt have that position. we never have gotten along, but that more of a personal vendetta than anything.
>side note: i work in finance/investing and used to be CEO of a conglomerate.
lol Rothschild Monkeys
Not a LARP thread, but if you dont want to believe me thats fine.
Thanks OP. One more, what sector would you invest in this year?
Your life is more stressful and less rewarding than mine will ever be. keep chasing that carrot you fucking mule.
That is all.
No, i personally find a lot of the talmuds teachings as pretty abhorrent. so while i agree with some of it, a lot of it is just garbage.
Very blatantly a LARP thread. You don't know shit about the culture or faith you claim to represent.
Did you ignore my question, because I skipped my reparation pays or what?
OP advise my dads a vicar and hes not good with his saving etc..Hes retiring soon and I don't want him to get fucked over,
Can you give me some us bucks?
I exchanged some emails, but we never did end up going further than that. But yea, he is legit.
>its like having a vagina around your cocks head 24/7.
We got your emails john podesta
i networked in college, and had people who owned businesses take a chance on me. i just started from there and through advertising and an accurate reading of the stock market, my business grew.
I find that abducting earthlings and Sodomizing them helps.
No one who works in finance says "I work in finance/investing."
Fake and gay. OP is a faggot. Sage.
t. IB fag
my thread 404d, and i dont use things like "goyim" or Hebrew in average conversation. did a great job exposing me.
its just rich guys who like politics. they are your countries owners, the most powerful interest.
how, where and why did you learn talmud?
You got called out by plenty of people for multiple things in your last failed LARP. Everything ranging from your lack of understanding of Judaism to your lack of understanding of business. Funny you mention the one that you got BTFO on the most.
yea, im a reform jew. ive never taken faith all that seriously i care more about making my company stay afloat and all those around me stay interested in it.
Not sure, i couldnt accurately predict what would fall. more or less its safest to just stay out of the market for the foreseeable future.
when is chyna going to invade us
So you're not even a real Jew. No other sect would claim you're Jewish. Kindly fuck off. It's like pretending you're British because you visited London once.
sorry didnt see this one. i like profits for my shareholders, i dont hate white people. i hate people who i personally dont like whether they are white, black, jewish, or otherwise.
yea, if we are going by if Hitler would have killed my ass standards, i am Jewish.
dont know, cant say i care or think its going to happen either.
He would've also killed you for being retarded.
yea, it was the main one. in what aspect was i called out on for lack of business understanding?
i got one after being my bar mitzvah, and read it throughout the year.
1. Do you know anyone, who be involved in a private bioelectronical company similar to Sarif Industries in the Deus Ex: HR videogame, inventing robotic augmentations and prosthetics for people?
2. Theranos. How did she manage to scam so many people? Why did they let it happen? Is there something we don't know, something perhaps even sinister?
>my female rabbi gave me "the Jewish book of why"
so all that would really be different is that im now a white dude in the 1%?
why did you turn jew?
cant say i have, more intensive robotics is always a risky business to invest in especially if they cant turn a profit. so most of the time i just seclude myself from that sect of business.
it just stems from people thinking it was legit, and them backing it up on a surface level.
Is the economy on the verge of a 2008 style meltdown?
i was born jewish, so ive just practiced the religion since then.
Cumulatively, it may be worse but its kind of a wait and see thing right now. even as close to it as i am. i dont know whos currently propping it up and to what extent they are doing so. but its definitely doing poorly RN.
you mention 50 mil is that what you have in your personal bank?
Is the collapse manufactured behind the curtains? Or is it a natural cause of rich wall street bastards and (((bankers))) fucking the world up for everyone?
I have a net worth of 80 (give or take 3 or 4) mill.
It's all in real estate and 4 llcs. I have a payroll of 62,000 every two weeks. I own a primary residence and 2 vacation homes, one in Amagansette one in Kaibo grand Cayman.
I only make around 90,000 a year in salary. What do with my money?
well, from when i ran the conglomerate i have an over 500 mil net worth. but 50 mil is a good way of determining the people who have influence and above.
a 13 years old american reform jew learning the talmud by himself and claims to understand any of it? i don't think so
did you actually get a 20-volume book set written in ancient hebrew and aramaic to read in your spare time when you were 13? you probably don't know this but in orthodox jewry, where kids don't learn anything besides judaism, they start learning the talmud at age 15.
you seem to have shit pretty figured out, if youd like to start a business in real estate, and prop it up well from the getgo that would likely pan out well for you.
And a person doesn't go from "CEO of a conglomerate" to anything other than retired or CEO of another company.
t. Employed adult
If anyone still believes this tard after this post I pity them. Lol
How long have you used your accountant?
Do you worry about the estate tax?
Is your money in corporations, or trusts. I don't believe it's just in various brokerage accounts and savings accounts. Also, how much cash do you keep stashed. I'm working with about 500,000 in cash just stashed here and there. Do you think that's ok?
Have you been to the IGT on 47th street?
i had my bar mitzvah decades ago. they gave me a huge book with a translated talmud, i read that.
are you a zionist?
do you perpetuate the myth of the holohaux?
where do you stand on the holohaux?
no, i more or less got tired of the schedule. i had appointments made months to even years in advance, because running it was my entire life. i left the conglomerate and started funding the company i originally started, until i could usurp the status of CEO with all the shares i had.
what the end game jew are you really helping us muslims take over Europe
That's the thing. Real estate is slow growth. I've been using the 1031 to grow my assists. I want to know if you know what the big dogs do to make money. I am experienced enough to know there are no "get rich quick" schemes. But let's say I have a coupla hundred K just burning a whole. Should I just buy more real estate?
What's a good network for a non-practicing mischling to get into to make wealthy successful connections?
I was thinking freemasons, any suggestions?
do you sometimes feel that your too rich if not then what is the ceiling that will satisfy you financially?
this is gonna take some time
dont know at least a decade by now.
Not really, i more or less dont pay taxes anymore, similar to what trump said in the first debate.
yea, of my total networth a solid third is in trusts. as for how much i keep stashed, i have roughly
Dont keep much in cash, i have around 20,000 lying around as of right now, mostly because having copious amounts of money around makes me feel like a drug kingpin and is unnecessary.
its much less of a hoax than you think
it happened, the numbers are less skewed than whats suggested on a place like /pol though.
Show proof
nope, i hate people like merkel. and as far as islam is concerned. its an old world religion that cant adapt to western values and at least needs a reformation before any should be in europe.