>cartoon anime style q.t that already looks like something you masturbate to.
>posts dank memes on social media
>pro trolling skills
>sells baconator, the ultimate anti kebab sandwich
why are you not there now showing your support?
>cartoon anime style q.t that already looks like something you masturbate to.
>posts dank memes on social media
>pro trolling skills
>sells baconator, the ultimate anti kebab sandwich
why are you not there now showing your support?
>implying I'm not there right now w/ my mobile right now ordering multiple tendies
Make hat matt black
>why are you not eating Wendy's Sup Forums?
For the same reason I don't buy Aunt Jemima. I won't eat food with a non-white on the logo.
Make Wendy's great again
I'm assuming that Wendy's is just being opportunistic and using controversy to drum up business, but it is funny at least.
Remember to try the White Power Vanilla Frosty! So good you'll want to start a race war
May the red head restraunt and president rules all
>Not Chic-fill-a
Come on you could be eating at a restaurant that actually gets liberals butt mad.
I saw Wendy's mentioned somewhere earlier. Did they do something I should know about?
The Jews who own wendys use prison labor, Niggers go to prison. I don't want to eat food a nigger has touched. I don't want to support the Jews.
Shill for wendys often?
Is this replacing Chick fill A as the official Sup Forums garbage-food chain?
>eating the fast food jew
Nice try, CTR/JIDF shill
>why are you not eating Wendy's Sup Forums?
because it's nasty, greasy shit assembled by niggers that hate their jobs, same as any other fast food joint
I don't eat disgusting ginger food
Also red heads aren't even white
>I don't eat there regularly as it is
Spicy chicken sandwich master race.
>why are you not eating Wendy's Sup Forums?
because when i get a burger, id like to receive a burger. not a big bag of grease.
I do eat there all the time. I'm a chef there. The pay and benefits package is outstanding.
Because whataburger is superior
Wendys was my favorite burger joint before all you bandwagoning fags showed up
They declared a race war on (((Twitter)))
Also, they created a White Power Vanilla Frosty. I had one and it's pretty damn good.
Any r34 of Wendy?
Let's get this shit trending on Twitter
#WhiteWendys, the official mascot for white nationalism
Haha that is my order right there in ur pic but double meat
>Mfw brands compete with pepe
What a time to be alive
I haven't had Wendy's in a while. The Baconator's pretty good though.
Kek. I love how whataburger did the same thing and no one cared because Texas. Wendy's social marketing team probably copied them intentionally and they are like, wtf! Why are we the bad guys! Kek!
Because fast food is practically estrogen in a solid, tasty form.
t. vegan bitch
Because the Micky D's is conveniently located right next to the highway.
6'4 chef with a 10 inch cock who works at Wendy's AMA
They bailed out from Russia for some reason.
I hope Burger King is redpilled enough. Also, that Finnish burger restaurant opened near me days ago.
Goddamn, that pic makes me fucking drool..
Look at dis concept.
>clusters of malls, parking lots, shit, asphalt and fast food chains located next to freeway exits
Murica, why u did dis to us?
What did Wendy's even do?
It's a meme
They immediately buckled to pressure and removed the pepe. Also, I can't think of a more disgusting burger in all of fast food.
I only go to McDonald's once in a blue moon. McChicken is my favorite.
Where did it all go right he meant
You mean burger flipper?
Seen the exact same shit on a road trip in Japan and that wasn't 'Murica. It's pretty natural distribution for the moneys. People drive. They buy shit.
>Also red heads aren't even white
Hello, diverse posters of color.
Chick-fil-a is the best fast food place
Fellow Wendy's chef here but I'm 6'5" with a 10.25 inch cock. I think I've banged every hot waitress to come in there. Once the word got out that my cock is huge, they just started lining up.
18 in college UC, i work for that place hahaha im so happy to see the redpills
How does a mcdonald's look like in a shinkansen?
well made pic, saved
We need to be on Twitter making her the official white nationalist mascot
#WhiteWendys, because the white race is important
I'd let Wendy flip my burger if you know what I mean.
really amazing the amount of newfags on this board. I guess its the price of relevancy
Redheads are masterrace north nigger.
user, small meat NOW!!!
This thread is not even remotely political, therefore it breaks the rules and should be removed. People like you are ruining Sup Forums by making all of these worthless threads about meaningless topics that clearly you didn't think about for even a moment before posting.
i am afraid i do not follow, user. would you mind clarifying a bit?
>non white
>ginger is whiter than he is
really makes me think
If they didn't remove it they would be called nazis. Sup Forums is not enough of a base to sustain.
What matters is that they showed it. I was also scrolling through their tweets and saw a nice huwhite family.
I would literally engage in sexual relations of a sexual nature with her t b h family to be quite perfectly honest desu.