The Netherlands > America

>smoke weed while fucking a hooker
>policeman can watch you do it
>best cheese
>good healthcare
>everybody is tall
>good women

>shitty food everything tastes the same
>prostitution is illegal
>go to jail for smoking weed
>you dont even have real cheese or bread
>everybody is obese
>women are ugly

Give me one thing america is better in

Protip: You cant

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So why are you such an underachiever on the world stage?

>best cheese
Ex-fucking-scuse me?

>implying invading other countries and bombing them are good achievements in the world stage

Not an argument.

>implying you're even relevant when it comes to imports/exports

Remember when you pussies had a military worth talking about?

Anerican weed>Dutch weed

You lazy fuckers had legal weed for the past century and have been smoking the same dirt. We only somewhat legalized it and we are doing crazy concentrates and super potent breeding. USA is the greatest country. It's in out blood to outperform you worthless eurofuckers even though you had every opportunity to do better. God bless this country.

remember when america was still white?

America has a military worth talking about yet some of your own cities are warzones (chicago) having a military worth talking about doesnt make a difference id still rather live here

I remember

Weed and prostitution is degenerate.
You should be in prison.

>worthless eurofuckers
>europeans literally created america

america and the netherlands are bro's. stop embarassing us faggot.

>I can be a degenerate and cops don't care
>Hurrrrrrrr I've never left my hometown, yet feel I can judge a vastly superior nation.

Protip: you suck at b8, and your nation is fucking pointless. Thanks for the flowers I guess, but you really haven't been relevant since about 1950 when we didn't need your ports for reconstruction.

>europeans literally created america


Prostitution is the oldest profession on earth, and americans actually smoke relatively more weed than the dutch. Basically every country in which weed is illegal there is relatively more weed being smoked than countries in which its legal

>>smoke weed while fucking a hooker
>>policeman can watch you do it

So cops just hang around in brothels watching the customers have sex? Sounds weird.

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were born in Virginia.




I shit my pants in walmart earler! Take that, eurotrash!

>burger education

Don't forget
>Full of mexicans

I moved from the Netherlands to Canada when I was 14 (Utrecht -> Toronto) and you can't even compare them.

In the Netherlands your freedom is gone. Everyone is part of everyone's business. Your houses are stacked upon each other. Everything is expensive and the taxes are insane.

You will never know the feeling of truly being in the middle of nowhere. You will never know actual freedom because there will always be someone nearby.

In North America if you're even decently successful your life will be exponentially better then in the Netherlands because you can have an unparalleled amount of luxuries. Even if you make it there you will still be driving your shitty box to work and getting fucked over in taxes.

Ive lived in america fwy

>vastly superior

America is a third world country in a lot of aspects

the netherlands is probably better except for
>reading, writing, and speaking dutch daily

italy has better cheese anyway and
>smoking during sex

what a shietlauch, mie gouda heere

It's funny for you retards to even try to compare NL to America but you really can't. In the end if you're successful in Europe your life will still be slightly above average.

You will never own a huge property with a house that's over 3000 sq feet being able to do anything you want because it's impossible.

Think about how many times your country can even fit inside the US or Canada. It's incomprehensible.



Well you've got us beat lad, gonna shove a cheeseburger in my mouth. Cheers!

THC percentage has been capped by some laws. Shit was getting too strong in the eyes of some fuckwits in the government so they made it illegal to grow weed with more than (I think) 15% THC. Concentrates are illegal as well, if I'm not mistaken.
It's time we get rid of our retarded weed policy and just fully legalize it.

>best cheese

wow, drugs are only legal in holland because otherwise nobody would eat the shit you call food there, or tolerate the fucking retards you have walking around calling themselves dutch. such a shitty country, no wonder you all need drugs.

>weed legal
>decent burgers and asian food, great beer
>One of the places where medical breakthroughs take place.
>Can get real cheese and bread at any grocery store, can get even realer ass bread and cheese at hipster specialty stores.
>Some women are ugly some women are pretty.
>Filled with bro tier and wife tier asians.
>Low poverty
>Software jobs.

Counter point: Our flag is not a brand of toothpaste.

Go eat your tasteless linze kekse with hödelknödel you inbred

i wish americans could talk like this, because we actually have good dairy

>taking pride in anything but a wisconsin cheddar factory

Keeping their country white and getting rid of Islam.

Enjoy being Netherstan in a few years.

The food in Europe is either trash or ridiculously over-priced. It makes me laugh when Euros think they're food is so fucking good when the mid range restaurants in my suburban town are better than most meals I've had in Europe.

Got me there

Are you fucking serious?

The quality of Dutch milk is slightly better than ours, although we're up there. Not saying that means they have the best tasting cheese though.

The true culinary redpill is realizing that all the types of food Japs eat on a daily basis are super cheap and delicious wherever you go because of business models with limited menus where only 1-2 very efficient and talented people are working in the kitchen.

>implying dutch isnt the best language on earth

Theres shitloads of sugar in american food, you just miss the sugar thats why you hate european food but its just because your a sugar addict. Thats why 1/3 of your population is overweight. But i guess thats whay you get for building a nation on an indian burial ground.

Northern three provinces where I grew up are great, would not trade that for anything.
Randstad is basically cancer and will be majority Islamic within two decades.

Fuck the weed and hookers, get a girlfriend you sad fuck.

I will move to the USA as soon as possible. I want to live in a Western country where one can walk for more than ten minutes in nature without stumbling across another god damn village.

>Capped at 15% THC
Can't you just get passed that by growing your own shit and breeding stronger plants? Or is the underground marijuana market not very safe in the Netherlands?

Brabant > rest of holland

I agree on the nature part though, youll never find a spot here where its absolutely quiet.

doesn't mean that prostitution or weed are degenerate...

or that your country isn't shit

I guess you can its legal to have up to 5 plants even.

I'm not talking about fast food or processed shit at the grocery store, it'seems hilarious when you idiots think that's the only food available here and then jerk yourselves off that you eat better than that trash.

in some states where weed is legal you can get a gram dab 30% THC for $5

thats belgian you fucking hick

>prostitution is illegal
>go to jail for smoking weed
not true depending where youre at in the us

>gram of dab with 30% for $5
Where do you live

this was in Vancouver, WA

>implying its affordable to eat at a restaurant three times a day

What the fuck

Stop with this divide and conquer shit, you fucking PvdA kike shill.

Best cheese? No mate.

What's Belgian you fucking kanker


I vote piratenpartij not pvdcuck

>don't have real cheese or bread

I work in a bakery and can easily name more European breads then you can. And we have something called Murray's Cheese in America

I see, that's pretty good

Based belgians

Listen here EU Mouth Breather. The very internet you use to mock Merica was invented here and you can trace whatever electronic device you used to post this back to USA as well. America could shut down your joke of IT Infrastructure over night and you can play in the dark with North Korea.

hey I eat that trash you asshole, I'm not fat. Mountain Dew makes you STRONG faggot and pizza-hut has been proven to enhance aryan like physiques

Dont you mean russia?


Why does American "cheese" burn instead of melt? I'd rather eat plastic than whatever the fuck those yellow square sheets are, at least plastic will melt in heat.

Holland is full of 7" aryans like myself because of all the milk and cheese dont talk to me about mountain dew thats just something the jews at fox news want you to believe

>degeneracy is legal and normal
>literally cucked police force
>Italy has better cheese
>socialism (not even the good kind)
>some people are tall
>meh women

>hearty filling and plentiful food
>degeneracy is outlawed
>everybody speaks English
>top tier women beauty wise (inb4 picture of nigger)

360 up in this motherfucker


>winning wars is bad

I'm joking my boy! However, around my neck of the woods, there is a significant epidemic of fat toothless trash, a lot of it on welfare. It's kinda funny to think about. A three gallon jug of mountain dew is cheaper than a bottle of water, so there you go. We aren't all fat, but here in the south, yeah about everyone is fat.

the food in europe has been hijacked by lobyists. if this tasteless shit from france and holland is so good, then why the fuck is all of europe being forced to pay to produce this shit through subsidies? because no cunt in their right mind would touch this shit. dutch cheese is a literal meme. it is garbage and it is fucking everywhere.


I mean, yeah, Dutch cheese is a meme, but no to garbage food.

Just don't go to Leader Price or Lidl.

Its sad really, but its a consequence of capitalism. Did you know the food industries engineer their food so people get addicted to it? Its called bliss point you should look it up

shouldnt you be at prayer right now? jesus your country is a fucking joke, defending your shitty food should be the least of your problems you fucking retard. but it isnt, which is why your country looks the way it does.

Go eat your linze keks and hödelknödel you inbred how can you even say somethin about our food when your culture makes such tasteless cookies

All your country is good for is ski vacations and schnitzels

yeah and you go through slight withdrawals if you quit the soda pop as well, which I can attest to. I was never a huge soda drinker after my teens but anyone with common sense will one day realize how fucking bad that shit is for you. Worked with/had friends who were early 20's getting their fucking teeth pulled because their drink of choice is rock star ass fuck mega energy or mtn pepsi etc. I think the south might rival britain for worst teeth

>when communism is the best diet plan ever invented

And being annexed

are you a retard? french farmers dont recieve euro killing subsidies each year, then complain it aint enough? what planet do you live on?

I never saw a fat russian under stalin

While you are right, there are plenty of cheap options for healthy food, but people fall for the marketing of sugary unhealthy food.

I buy meat, dairy, grains, and some vegetables all raised locally at no markup. Some people just don't have the interest in buying food that is good for them and the market facilitates that.

One thing that's better is that here in the USA, I'm not surrounded by smug dutch cunts like you.

The industry also markets stuff to kids with shitloads of sugar and fat in it like those lunchables and stuff like go-gurt. They even present it like its healthy and then moms buy it, they really should regulate the industry but its just too much money involved

It still is 93% cuck

>not legally owning up to 12 plants
nothin personnel, kid

that's white trash food

It went moldy, dude.

Post some original Dutch tall girls


No instead of being surrounded by tall master race aryans which you would love based on the fact your on /pol, you live in a nation literally built of off immigration and are surrounded by mexicans and niggers, way better

No, since you don't live here I'll explain to you what's wrong with farmers. It's pretty simple:

>Be non-union farmer/non-corporation-possessed farmer
>Be ruined because workers unions and such are stealing the profit from everything

>Be the contrary
>Be fine!

But in both case, so fucking sad to see that many of them are using additives and such shite.

Oh, and exporting everything. We get to eat meat from Belgium, Austria -no offence-, Germany... even Netherfuckinglands.

Still, it's changing, people are willing to eat well once more, every single restaurant has his meats coming from France. 'cept for spanish, italian specialties, of course.

Sorry for broken English.

It's supposed to be Moldy. Preferred cheese of Charlemagne, too.

well the good thing is some/most whites that aren't white trash trailer fuckers understand that, but niggers and beaners don't. I routinely see dindus on the verge of massive strokes at age 30 still buying hog jowl, and beaners that buy a 24 pack of coke every two days with a little boy who is so bloated he looks like the fucking behemoth from battlefield 1

>He thinks his cheese is better than our Wisconsin cheese

How do you eat something that literally smells like vomit, i never got this

Just don't be a pussy and like things that actually taste.

I bet you never ate bulots, too: pic related.
To be fair, not everyone like 'em.

didnt even make it 24 hr before surrendering