Who let this one out of the zoo?
She totally chimped out at one of her own last night on CNN and embarrassed liberals, blacks and women everywhere.
Who let this one out of the zoo?
She totally chimped out at one of her own last night on CNN and embarrassed liberals, blacks and women everywhere.
Wtf is up with that gif? Was that edited at all
No edit she just started making all manner of violent facial contortions about half way through the segment
This is the one that said the TSA lady grabbed her pussy last week
>the way jeff sessions treated me was undesirable , unwarranted, undersev-ed, unflatulous, unnarcumptious
>thas why you a hoe
I'd grab her pussy too
There's a bit of a glitch on the video. There's a line going across her forehead.
It's plain to see.
that cunt is always grimacing when someone she doesn't agree with, is talking
always grimacing
fucking monkey
"Now I'm not saying this video is racist, but it's on YouTube, which I heard has a lot of racist content on it. No, No, I'm NOT saying it's racist. I'm just saying that it's on a racist website, with other racist content. But NO, I'm not calling it racist. "
what the fuck is that?!
Finally some competition for Sarah "Ethno-War" Anderson
shes hot
Answer pls
She's more white than black fucking lmao.
I'm not saying he's racist but I'm going to heavily imply he is a monster based on a skewed retelling of events he is involved in!
This shit is complete garbage.
That makes it even better watching the based black man stonewall her with his sheer intellectual superiority
Dare I say pic related is /our/ comfy black icon?
It hilarious how they try to sugarcoat it in order to protect an argument that they know they have no basis on in order to push their agenda and beliefs.
reptilians gonna reptile
you know how it is
A nigger, a faggot and a brown woman?
I see you're doing your best to get straight, white men off the air.
Oy. Vey.
No. She was highly, and almost dangerously emotional, and was high on emotion when she was giving her statement. The face she made was the result of her holding back all of her emotions and angst to get her point across.
What the fuck was her face doing?
He litterally killed a klansmen. And desegregated Alabama schools.
Can it get less racist than that?
Looks like a vsync issue.
He certainly outmatched her. It was so bad her ghetto talk was about to come out.
Based dark skin gentlemen
put her ass to sleep imo
I'd grab it too desu
i'd bleach her.
I meant 2:25.
No. She has to have a boogyman for the blacks in order to be relevant. Also look into her family, she has been rolling in privilege. It's funny how most BLM or "woke" black people are from the higher class of blacks.
Luckily Murdoch was all too eager to make this our new prime time lineup on Fox News after Megan Kelly decided to go social climb at NBC
Goddamn, who kicked her cage?
Another one added to the hood of good, based William Smith. That negress obviously has more black gene expression than white, sounded like ghetto trash. William put her down quick.
She's absolutely right, though.
Wtf that hurts
>intelligent, experienced black man
>sassy, ghetto mulatto
she never stood a chance
That's black guy is pretty cool also what's up with this Latin woman why she call him out for being black? She's latina
Nice job asshole, my hand is creating mustard gas
just a glitch
How the fuck are people voting for Israel. Jews are an even bigger enemy than Islamic terrorists.
If Arabs overtake Israel, they're a much easier enemy to defeat than the state of Israel.
I think she's hawt. She can be my housenigger when slavery is reinstated..
wow she fucking blew it in that last 15 seconds.
Stonewall Blackson
Never seen these two people before. She was such a high schooler in this. I'm honestly impressed she made it onto a national """news""" show.
William seems chill as hell. He knew he was right. I think of myself as pretty cool-headed, but I would not have held it together as well as he did.
Not a glitch, just a problem with her contacts.
Somebody make it real. The black superhero that blows out rabid liberal zombies and then thanks the white male President for the chance to do so
I bet she gets a lot of bbcs hitting on her becuase of her white genes.
"Angela, come let me fuck, wit yo fine light skin ass."
Did the video show her getting her pussy grabbed?
If so, do people not see that this is required? Are we just supposed to let whoever through with whatever stuffed in their vagina because so many of the people these days are nothing but overgrown children with massive victim complexes. She fucking cried.... she cried... like a child. Not anger, but tears.... guaranteed this was premeditated, this bitch has been waiting for her chance to make a move and try and get some of those victim bux.
Victim bux are just a newer form of gibs.
mcniggerator is the only black /ourguy/
You've never spoken to a black woman before? When they're angry they look like that, when they're happy they look like the mom from The Nutty Professor
Fucking slamming the fuck out of those blinkers ain't she. A regular blink slammer over here.
Just another failed product of a nig and a self-hating white woman.
this women is such a nasty cunt
it's probably because she got bleached
o'reilly is a piece of shit cuckold. he needs to be retired.
Link to vid?
He did well to keep level headed and just let her become more irrational.
That's the thing about arguing with leftists, if you stick to your guns, don't get angry or flustered, they will due to their frustration at not being able to to lead you into a competition of shit flinging and talking over the top of each other where they can switch to "I don't feel safe, you're silencing me, I'm being oppressed!"
Give them enough rope to hang themselves. Stay calm and they'll out themselves as irrational fuckwits for all to see.
i second this motion. i have no idea who the non-tucker is
She's 36 and single as far as I can tell. Here she is when she was 33 reading an open letter to her (still) unborn son.
I really want her career to take a Michelle Fields-like stumble.
i read that as her reading a letter to her stillborn son
>Dare I say pic related is /our/ comfy black icon?
Not while Thomas Sowell is alive.
Text version for anyone not wanting to suffer:
Choice excerpt:
>"They taught me black history that never made it in any of my history textbooks. They showed me black kings and queens from Africa who looked just like me (and you)."
lmao yeah. Fucking literally WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET. She would have been off if she wans't brainwashed by her lib parents.
holy cow who let this mut out of its cage
That's funny. You're right. If she wasn't born into her own world of black privilege, you can tell she would be just another random mutt bar slut drooling over white men. Dumb bitch eats drinks and shits drama
does she use skin lightening creams
>But all of them are niggers.
I think shes pretty hot shes one of the few negros I'd fuck. It would be freaky as hell
How'd you get that ?
pretty much, maybe she mad at whites for not wanting her? Kek. I've seen and know a few examples where this is true.
What this do?
Break your fapping hand.
It's nofap month,faggot.
Gives you a bit of a tingly feeling in your dick. It's weirdly pleasant, try it.
dude, fucking call the ambulance now
Lol. 100%. Pic related was just meant to be illustrative of the type of petty ghetto drama a hypothetically poor Angela Rye would be sharing on her normie twitter account
This is his nickname now
>smacks lips
I have fucking hitch hiker thumbs and this shit literally does nothing. Is it supposed to hurt? You all be safe now this is sposed to be a comfy thread
There's no "vsync" issue, she actually makes that retarded chicken neck movement.Ignore all leafs and niggers.
top jej
why are lightskins so insecure that they have to revert to ghetto speak and rant about blackness to validate themselves? no one gives a shit that you're black and you aren't my "brotha"
>mfw this is really Tucker
It's why miscegenation is so poisonous and degenerate.
Get ready for the impending grievance class of rudderless, poorly raised mixed race scumbabies crying about not being accepted by either blacks or whites
A YouTube commenter said she has a demon. it is weird the expressions and shit. Idk.
stay woke senpai
No, and that's part of why she's such a huge racebaiter. Super light-skinned black people frequently feel as if they have no culture and thus latch on as hard as motherfucking possible to being black as an identity to the point of retardation.