*sips tea*
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*sucks cock*
Ever hear of a little thing called the free market?
The insurance companies raised their rates because they knew people would be forced to pay whatever they charged. With Obamacare repealed people will be able to choose their own provider again and they'll have to lower their rates to compete
The costs will go down because the cost of doing business will go down.
Ding ding ding.
It's kinda ironic that king nigger basically turned health care into gibsmedats.
>1 post by this ID
Remember to sage and hide
*smacks lips*
*chugs* freedom
the rates went up because all the young folks didnt sign up like the nig nog said they would. too many high costs with pre existing which is why companies didnt take pre's until odumbo care forced them to. put the pre's on medicare along with the poor and let me have muh cheapo rates again.
The rates went up because they had to cover more because of the legislation. Good thing my insurance covers anti pregnancy pills as a male. Gg try harder next time user.
This was written by a retard who doesn't understand how low the business margins are in the healthcare business. They had no choice but to raise the rates to cover the new people and more expensive conditions.
So we'd be in better shape if Obama hadn't turned it all over to the Govt. thanks Obama.
That's exactly what it is. Poor niggers get healthcare, whites rates skyrocketed. My girlfriends rates at work, as a nurse, increased by ~130%. Mine jumped up by about 70%. We both dropped insurance altogether and get around the welfare tax.
*lowers newspaper*
quit wasting my time...
>sips tea
Sjws especially sheboon ones think they're so sassy and mhm in your face with that shit
Should be *sniffs jenkem*
>Ever hear of a little thing called the free market?
The health care insurance rates go up and insurance company profits go up regardless of what ever else may be happening in the market. They are driven my Wall Street expectations, not actual costs until Obamacare capped their profits at 30%.
My rates will drop by 100% because i wont be forced to buy it.
This man has it.
I'm a completely healthy man in his mid 20s being forced to but buy health insurance I dont need. My wife has aefical problem and she needs it but because of the lack of competition, her insurance had skyrocketed with Obama care to the point where even she was thinking about just dropping it and praying she didn't get caught or need surgery. I love my wife (and would help her financially through any medical issue) and we both love Trump. Repeal this shit.
Then what will replace it?
Hey dummy....Insurance companies were FORCED to raise their rates to comply with the ACA law to give OB/GYN options to the elderly and men.
Don't care.
Your side should not have giggled over me going extinct.
Now I'm not going to pay for your shit.
went to the pharmacy. the lady in front of me was charged over $700 for 3 medications.
I felt bad. but my medication came to just under 400, asthma and allergy shit, and adderall. Fuck obama. Fuck insurance companies. Fuck the white pill (jew)
With luck? Nothing. Government provided healthcare is a stupid idea
*sips sperm*
It's not about competition. It's the fact that insurance companies aren't allowed to refuse people with expensive chronic conditions. Unless you get rid of that provision no amount of competition will bring the premiums down.
holy shit i made that screencap years ago.
someone saved it and posted it.
Wait that doesn't make any sense, or do I have an incorrect understanding of how insurance works? Shouldn't the premiums increase the older you get, because you're more likely to have medical issues? Or are they just trying to fuck over young people because we're a larger demographic ie more money?
Rates never go down?
Weren't there many claims that people had their insurance premiums decrease?
Part of Obamacare was shifting the burden onto the young so that they can subsidize the healthcare of the elderly. Traditionally, young people usually only carried catastrophic healthcare coverage.
Now they're paying a lot of money for coverage they don't use, which also carries an increasing deductible.
All of this is to hide the true cost of insuring the elderly and sickly which are always going to be a large drain. These are people that, before Obamacare, would not have qualified for health insurance at all.
>government tightens control on a sector
>companies from that sector have to raise margins
who knew.
Wow I didn't realize Obamacare was so sexist.
Why does it need to be replaced?
Again, doctors and hospitals can deny an organ transplant if the patient is non-compliant. Why can't they do the same with a patient that has made no effort to get healthy? Because of the law that everyone has to be treated in an ER, about a quarter have closed since 1990.
>sincerely, me
and you are?
The decrease was in California. Not like that happening in the most populous state makes it any better.
>Sincerely, Me
Who is this person and why should I listen to them?
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
*sips tea*
>it's another Sam Hyde episode
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
*sips tea*
Dear Sup Forums Racists:
I am a fag
Sincerely, OP
Hello t.nigger EBT welfare nigger
Because it's immoral that's why
No, it's immoral to force others to provide health care for you. Your existence doesn't entitle you to take other people's time and money.
Immoral is not an argument.
But it takes conceited mind to think anyone is obligated to think people have to pay for treatments to keep you alive.
Hospitals are businesses.
Business have a right to refuse.
service and goods.
my dad's health insurance went from $350 a month to $867 a month after obamacare came out. for the same plan
>force everyone to buy health insurance
>prices go up
The insurance companies raised the rates because of the increased coverage they were required to provide under new regulations. The alternative was going bankrupt.
No insurance companies = no insurance
If they're charging so much more than required to provide coverage, then why are their profit margins all under 5%?
>turned health care into gibsmedats
FDR, Truman, and LBJ did that. Obama is just building on their work.
Because you can't refuse people with pre-existing conditions and that jacks costs way up. Also, obamacare puts a cap on how much you can charge so the cost is spread out to everyone.
they raised their rates because they have to provide obama's chicago nigger buddies health insurance for next to nothing so they're subsidizing it from the white working class
It was a rhetorical question to point out how his theory directly conflicts with facts.
But this is acceptable isnt?
The construction worker is wasting away the cartilage in his bones while you sit on your comfy office chair making significantly more than him.
Its justified in my opinion.
Neither of them are forced to work in either of those jobs.
>tfw aussie post is the most poignant post you've seen on Sup Forums in a long time
Whatever happens, happens. But the facts are facts, healthcare is too expensive, insurance is a middleman scam, people need care, and government needs to just enforce the contract between health care providers and customers. If they can't do this then the government better take the whole system and make it government service 100%. We don't need this monster hybrid, that gives us the worst of both worlds.
>not understanding supply and demand.
Go read an intro economics textbook, then try again
>ignore that Obamacare required insurance companies to raise their rates because it mandated specific coverage and companies could not say now
*sips whiskey*
If this is purely the doing of none other than insurance companies, how can you credit Obama for creating 15 million jobs?
do you honestly think they wont collude to keep all their rights higher? ill tell you if they dont they are fucking retarded, there is zero reason to go back to lower rates outside of shitty infighting that will make everyone less money. i think these people want money and i think they are willing to talk to each other about it.
Who actually chooses their provider? You either get what your non-shit job gives you in its benefits or or if your job is shit you go on medicaid or some other shitty welfare option.
This. Private insurance is gambling against the house and the house always wins or else it goes out of business.
The biggest problem is a lot of people's careers are dependent on the continued existence of private healthcare, but we can't keep a shitty inefficient system around forever just for them.
>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Your Bones Hurtin Hahahaha Nigga Just Get Another Job Like Nigga Just Stop Doing The Job Haha
This is typically what people who know absolutely nothing about insurance think. The reality is that insurance companies don't want to raise their rates if they can avoid it. They raise their rates mainly to keep themselves solvent as an insurer and continue paying out on claims.
Of course they will collude, people rag on niggers for wanting gibs but jews are even worse, they get gibs in the millions and it is contractually obligated. I know for some hearing the fact that their corporate overlords are getting free shit is humiliating. Calling out one group for handouts over another is just throwing rocks in a glass house.
Of course, we're all predestined to specific jobs.
if the government forces people to pay for a service and that service is guaranteed money and they are private companies then they have literally no reason to ever lower rates. IT IS GUARANTEED MONEY. THE MONEY IS GUARANTEED. GUARANTEED. THERE IS NO REASON FOR THEM TO EVER LOWER RATES BECAUSE THE MONEY HAS TO BE PAID TO THEM.
>Insurance companies are now FORCED to accept everyone, even the 900 pound diabetic whale that has a heart attack every week, smokes like a chimney, and hasn't eaten anything that wasn't in a frozen banquet dinner for almost 15 years
>Cost of insurance skyrockets
Really gets those neutrons firing
This. When congress hands your company guaranteed sales, you raise your rates to increase this quarter's profits to ensure bonuses. This is what you learn at business school in the US.
In addition, your company is LEGALLY REQUIRED to maximize shareholder profits, so you would theoretically be breaking the law if you didn't raise your rates with a guaranteed market.
Obamacare simply doesn't work. We either have to repeal it and go back to the broke-ass way it was, or go full-balls socialized healthcare and be rid of insurance entirely. Guaranteed markets are not compatible with free markets.
So the rates increased out of greed?
And this is why health insurance should not be allowed to be for profit. Makes as much sense as allowing a private company to literally print money and loan it to the government.
But my biggest issue has to be advertising regulated meds. You can't purchase them without a scrip, but almost all drug companies spend near the same on marketing as they do R&D. And that's why the elderly spend more on medication than food or housing. It's shameful really.
you retards realize even Trump isnt going to get rid off of preexisting conditions portion of Obamacare, which is the main reason why its so expensive right?
hol up
so u b sayen
the insurence companies can do wtv tf they want and dont have to compete with each other?
The costs will have to go down. Many people only have insurance because they were forced to buy it even when they don't feel the need it. The insurance companies will have to find a way to keep some of them or they will take huge losses.
Bitch my policy was canceled by the government.
>I didn't get poisoned because I stuck my finger into a snake's mouth
>I got poisoned because a snake bit me
Whats funny is I haven't seen anyone ever try to attack the malpractice/liability insurance. Reforming that alone would save people tons of money
....wew that's some big 'ol bait right there
*smashes dick with hammer
Sure they will, and then some genius will come along and under cut the market and grab a shit load of customers. Monopolies are largely only able to stay in business because they have enlisted the help of the government. Look at how telecoms are now looking to get things like Google Fiber banned from cities across the country without favorable regulation like that our internet would be much faster.
why do you get to impose your morals on other people?
If insurance could deny people who are obese, do drugs, smoke ect, would alot of this be fixed?
> Sheckleberg and Goldstein collude to keep prices at $10/unit.
>Sheckleberg sees an opportunity to gain market share by "cheating" the cartel and charging $9/unit.
> Meanwhile, Goldstein advertises $10/unit, but actually sells at $8/unit to keep Sheckleberg from gaining market share.
Price collusion doesn't work absent a strong enforcement mechanism. Even fucking OPEC can't keep its members from overproducing.
My wife's libtarded friend had the nerve to tell me republicans are to blame for insurance costs going up. Thanks, Kikebook infographs.
Learn, nigger
Work doesn't have to be fun. Studying isn't always fun either
If you don't want a shitty labor job, find out what's hiring, what certifications you need and start working toward them
If you don't want to do that, then destroy your back and knees hoping to become a site foreman or manager at some point
Just don't blame us for it in the meantime
Socialised health care works when done right. Here in Canada, one can see the drawbacks for sure (taxes, long wait times, certain drugs not covered by insurance) but I've never personally had to pay more than a couple of dollars for any sort of drug or medical care. My mother's been quite sick for 12 years now and has to take literally 30-40 pills a day, monthly specialist appointments, hospital visits, and even home oxygen at one point, and only a negligible amount has ever came out of her pocket. I pay $12 every two weeks for medium tier drug/vision/health/dental (80% coverage with $250 deductible) but I'd say that's very little in comparison to what it could be. It works here with only 34 million people, but there has to be a system that could work for the US without sacrificing the freedom of choice.
well technically smokers have to pay higher premiums
whether they accurately report that to insurers is another matter
>skyrocketing premiums
>no connection
Jesus christ.