can anyone explain how the USA got KRAUT'D
Can anyone explain how the USA got KRAUT'D
>glorious coonass masterrace
>New York
Ayy ohhh thats-a spicy meatball
>UP isn't Finnish
BS map
Dont know how, i want to know how you fucked it up.
>inb4 the triggered britbongs show up
How did Texas get wetbacked?
that should be kinda obvious
Hot, Flat, and Krauted.
Where I live there is a lot of people who claim german heirtage, when in reality, they cannot even name which of their anscestors were german.
Lol btfo germans are the master race.
Millions of German immigrants.
It's why America is the way it is.
Germans are genetically prone to national construction and then slow destruction.
German Americans have played a great hand in the creation of various socialist organizations.
>Tfw my father accidentally found an insertion in a newspaper about an American family looking for Danish citizens with the same ancestors as my family and contacted them
Shit's spooky.
Also most descendants of German Americans now are the types of white people who share huffpost and buzzfeed articles, want to fuck dogs, are liberals, feminists, etc, and "just don't feel like having kids"
So much this.
Most people don't actually know where their ancestors came from. A lot of them are English, Irish and Scottish and they don't even know it.
This. I think it has more to do with German ancestry being the only truly distinctive ancestry that was ever large enough to leave a mark on the general populace. I have an uncle that still speaks German but he's at most 1/4th German. My mom still identified as German, though, because it was the only distinctively non-American ancestry she could think of.
Turns out being formerly a part of Mexico does that to you
Also helps that the US is too incompetent to properly secure the border
Yes thats how you fucked up....
Any evidence to point that out? Or is it that you idiots decided to put people into power that signed bills so you got fucked?
Why did Utah get so ANGLO'D? do Mormons claim to descend from Joseph Smith or something?
These threads are always so fucking retarded.
>hurr I know a guy who...
>durr most German-descended are actually libtards..
Shut the fuck up
Mormons descend from English Puritans for the most part.
they're direct descendants from the puritans
We're about to get TACO'D
Anglo bitches love big Aryan cock.
Not an argument
>implying Us governent doesnt actively want mexicans to pour over the border for cheap labor and democrat voters
>> mexican
>>northern illinois
>not all irish
german inheritance law caused the youngest siblings to move away for better opportunity because the eldest son inherited everything
german-blooded german citizens today were born from spoiled and entitled ancestors
I thought the US was supposed to have a low muslim population
My ancestors left from Germany in 1730s. Seven years war probably made them go.
Damn so many tacos
You see, here in the south, there is virtually nobody with a German surname. When there is one, they are usually a college professor feminist or liberal.
The south also happens to keep defacto segregation in place and remains the most conservative and republican area of America despite being the most "diverse" part of America.
>The south also happens to keep defacto segregation in place
>this is what southern faggots actually believe
I drove all over the south and I've never seen so many god damned niggers and spics in my entire life. Even the little backwater towns that up here would never see a black face in 10 years, they're all over the place down there.
*bombs dresden*
That tends to happen when you live in a religious post-slavery area?
I said segregated, not fucking eradicated you idiot
Given that 70% of the african american population lives in this area, we're doing pretty good on that end. We would be doing even better if weren't for the very white northern blue states and your precious union.
The based Krauts came to the USA... the cucked Krauts stayed in Germany.
Bible belt is not Irish, it's filthy Scotch-Irish.
1848 revolutions in central europe pushed immigration up pretty high
This. It's full of based Scots and Anglos with a long proud history of colonising the frontiers of civilisation against primitive barbarians, not disgusting potato-eaters.
What's the big British patch in the west? Is it white?
Utah. And it's 80% white.
that's such a shitty map jesus christ
and before people comment on it, the reason british has a larger presence here than that popular 2000 map is not because americans like to flip flop their muh heritage, it's because the 2000 map just used english while the 2010 map bundles all the various british results together as british.
They just pick the german grandfather instead of the other mexican one, the indian one or the black one
Yeah okay spaghetti nigger.
cuz germans start fuckin when theyre 8
So, that explains why your country's going down the shitter.
Meanwhile new york got GABAGOL'D
We own your brain
There's no escaping the big black salame
I can't argue with these digits
I live in that little blue dot in eastern NC. The only reason it's that way is because of Lejeune.
I can. It was Bismarck. I'm not even joking. Bismarck and his policies caused a huge emigration to the US.
That's not how Mediterraneans look...
I know. It's a meme you retarded autist.
I'm probably more smarter than you will ever be in your entire life.
You can't even speak English any good and your saying your more smarter?
I don't need to speak filthy Anglo langues. I'm fine with Italian.
Texas was once part of Mexico, so the map might be lumping anyone with Texan ancestry from that period into Mexican ancestry.
The map also doesn't list Spanish ancestry, so it seems to be assuming that all Spanish ancestry is the same as native conquistador rape baby ancestry.
>dat little irish flag thinking it's mexican
you forget the spanish ancestry....
exactly, mexican its not the same than spanish faggots, besides when usa steal more than the half of our territory we were an independent friend