So Reddit is planning to disrupt the inauguration. What will happen?
So Reddit is planning to disrupt the inauguration. What will happen?
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Absolutely nothing
who gives a shit?
this will just make liberals look even more childish
lol at "r/hillaryclinton" wtf
>posted on r/hillshill
>thinking they have that sort of meme power
>h-hey guys we are leaving after trump starts his s-speech right?
Reddit can barely get their finger out their arse not to mention stage such a event.
Unfortunately never could Sup Forums instead we just shit post on sites that will never ever affect anything political
>Reddit thinks they're the first people to try this
Nobody is going to pay an assload of money and spend hours waiting to get in and out of there except the biggest lunatics, of which there are ten.
It was over before it began.
i dont think liberals can afford to go to dc to simply protest unless there paid for by our pal soros
The only way the cameras will see/hear you is if you have a ticket. Tickets are limited, and you have to request them from your senator. Hotels in the area cost hundreds of dollars a night.
This is even more sad than all the race war LARP threads, here.
You'll be fighting millions of pro-trump supporters in the process.
Sounds incredibly low energy and unimaginative.
Oh yas I love it!!!! And IMO only reason to attend.
>fifty faggots shouting boo will overpower thousands of other people cheering for Trump
>oh yas
About as much as happened during Bernie's le ebin "fart - in".
Nothing, dems didn't actually like Hillary, they just hated Trump.
We film them.
>43 upboats
It will occur in the fantasies of some deranged liberals and nothing else.
>they actually think this will work
Can't wait for Liberal Salt: The Third Edition on the 20th.
Oh yas I love it!!!! And IMO only reason to attend.
>lock her up being chanted by significantly more people
>First order of business as POTUS is to issue an arrest warrant.
I would jizz in my pants.
>can't even put spaces in between commas or between a period and the start of a new sentence
they protested at george w second inaguration
liberals just want to yell like children then go home and watch big bang theory
it's literally liberal fanfiction
>/r/hillary circle jerk
"mom can i borrow $100 dollars, i want to go protest drumpf"
I hope a water cannon happens.
>What will happen?
They severely underestimate the number of Trump supporters that actually will be there.
She'll be lucky if SHE isn't booed.
will mattis be attending?
Didn't they want to have a fart-in for Bernie/ Who knows what retarded plan they'll come up with next.
Lol. Not even her own subreddit likes her.
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?"
- Lisa Simpson
Where did this meme come from?
It's hilarious to think they honestly believe this tripe.
It's as bad as all the "Look at this perfectly written and illustrated thesis my 8yr old composed about Trump being literally hitler" shit
OMG I was at target and I heard someone say something pro Trump so I went full speed autism and screeched at him for 5 minutes then everyone clapped and target made me president and I rode my unicorn home and please up vote and give plebbit gold and duuuurrrrrrrrrrr
The same thing as when they planned to have Hillary win the election.
That's not gonna happen.
This is exactly what I'm picturing.
Hmm, this actually makes me worry. What if like 5 people show up and boo? Damn and since they will most likely sport crazy hair colours they will receive even more attention.
The more I think about it the more it seems like this might truly end Trump's campaign. Hillary probably doesn't even have to think about him anymore.
How will he ever recover?
>6 of them manage to do this
>Shows what they look like on camera, typical libshits with dyed hair and other degenerate attributes
>Footage used in future pro-Trump citizen army propaganda to show what traitors of the empire look like
I see nothing wrong with this
Theyll be put in a corner for "protestors" and no one will give a shit about them, you wouldnt even be able to hear the pathetic cucks.
inauguration theme music
their plan consists of cheering and booing.
kek. hahaha i'm fucking sure that will change the outcome of history. fucking faggots.
now everyone, be sure to enjoy a White Power Wendy's Vanilla Frosty
lol so if they're lucky they'll get about 5 people to show up. lul