The $15 Minimum Wage

Is this insanity? Socialist cucks want a federal mandated $15 min wage. That's 3x the min. wage in Wyoming. >>>Explain to me how a $15 min wage makes any fucking sense.

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For the same reason inbred, country hicks want their factory jobs back. Greed.

We need a maximum wage

No reason for CEOs to make 100 times as much as me and other workers

ok i know pol will hate me for this but a 15$ minimum wage will improve so many lives and communities its worth it imo.

>how a $15 min wage makes any fucking sense
if the federal min wage had been pegged to the rate of inflation it would be over $20 now

That makes no sense. They have responsibilities on levels you clearly cannot fathom.

Min. Wage rises = Cost of living rises...


Show me how...

Irregardless of your pseudo-science,
minimum wage altogether should be abolished.

>white and blue
>not greek flag


You're an idiot. If you raise the minimum wage suddenly to this extent the cost of everything will go up and many jobs will be lost or not created.

A case could possibly be made that the minimum wage SHOULD be a good $20/hour but that's only if it was steadily raised as it should have been for the past 30 years... as it wasn't, a sudden raise to $15+ will create many MANY more problems than it would solve.

Golly gee, I would love to pay over $10-$15 for a fucking single gallon of milk! Golly gee, I would love to have employers not be able to hire more employees because they can't afford it! Golly gee, I would love for companies to lay people off because they can't afford it!


Raising the minimum wage is just a ploy to make it unprofitable to operate a business in rural areas.
Thus forcing smaller towns to close up and their population relocate to major cities.

Shockingly you have to produce more than $15 worth of labor per hour in order to demand $15 an hour.

Federal minimum wage is pants on head retarded. Just have it state based.

They don't realise that if everyone has more money to spend the people selling/renting or whatever will increase the prices 1) because they know the extra cash is floating around 2) because they would have more money now and would want more for there time/effort since they're 'worth more'

It keeps the jobs from moving from California to Wyoming

Greek is white on blue. Rearranging the same colors is a solidly standard heraldic practice.

Why not just raise it $100 then, that would be better, right?

Try it, and watch the results. (It will be bad enough at $15)

This fucking guy gets it.

City dwelling niggers want everyone to share their problems & instead of fixing them cry about it by attempting to bring everyone down with them.

Cost of living rises first dumbfuck.

Landlords can raise rent whenever their balls feel like it but government cant raise minimum wage immediately because it takes years for that to happen.

That's what it is now. But cucked places like Seattle go against the law & mandate $15 min wages.

It doesn't help anything. I live in a smallish town in Northern California and the yearly minimum wage increases have just made everything more expensive. I literally mean everything. It hasn't helped people to make a "living" wage off of minimum wage like they want. It just can't happen. Minimum wage isn't meant for that.

It doesn't.


Honestly the Left parties in most Western countries are really clever for supposedly supporting higher minimum wage and government benefits laws while at the same time either supporting or not condemning mass immigration/illegal immigration. It allows them to seem like they're looking out for the poor among the native populace while also undercutting real labor costs and not alienating large and powerful industries dependent on cheap labor. They play both sides without really revealing their hand.

>You have never known hunger, otherwise you would know what a bother it is to be hungry

$15 is sooooo 2016, user.

How about we deport illegals, bring back tariffs on foreign goods, bring back labor unions and let the market raise the wages.

It doesn't, Australia is a good example of this with $20hr wages and $15 McDonald's "value" meals.

Wages go up = cost of everything else does.

>>>Landlord A raises rent
>>>nobody moves in
>>>Landlord B slightly lowers rent
>>>people flood in
>>>people have extra money
>>>Landlord A goes out of business
>>>Rince & repeat

The world doesn't work in your retarded hypothetical socialist ways "dumbass"

Take a business class faggot.

$15 is too much at one time, but increasing the minimum wage does have a concrete positive effect on the economy since people in the bottom percentage of income are able to pay off more of their debts, among other things. Even the Department of Labor acknowledges this.

That is not 3x the minimum wage in Wyoming. The federal minimum wage is $7.25.

Seattle isn't "going against" the law, idiot, separate states, cities, and municipalities can set whatever laws they want related to wages and a lot of other things which the Federal government doesn't enforce much jurisdiction over.

Save your money

It would be more reasonable to lower the cost of renting. Hardly anyone my age can afford their own apartment and that is grim

I live in Seattle, and work a retail job while going to school. 13 dollars an hour to do minimum wage work is pretty nice, but this city is expensive as shit to live in.

There is no federal minimum. Wyoming has a $5.15 min wage.

>That's 3x the min. wage in Wyoming

Why are burgers fine with people getting exploited like fucking slaves for 5 bucks an hour? What is that, 800 a month? Day of the grill can't come soon enough

Law as in 'way of life' idiot.

In other words, Seattle, liberal capital of the northwest, is going against the grain & trying to be progressive. Wait until that places becomes a shithole in 10-15 years then text me nigger.

Live with your parents.
Work a better job.

Problem solved.

As a roboticist I'm ok with this. I'll be laughing all the way to the bank when it's cheaper to replace minimum wage workers with robots.

>Tfw badass Finns fought of dirty Soviets so their grandchildren can say stupid shit like this.

Why should you get paid $15 an hr just to rise my price of goods & flip pre packaged burgers at Burger Cuck?


It's not going to become bad, a minimum wage like that isn't even all that out of place in Seattle anyway, the cost of living is really high. If anything it will just get businesses to fire more people and hire less people based on productivity. If anything too bad happens it will have economic ramifications that will make the city have to re-adjust things until a working wage is realized that works.

>>>Fire more people
Niggers have to work somewhere faggot

15 would be fine if you were a first world country but you're not. A livable minimum wage would collapse your whole economy. Also American meme magic is pretty powerful, when they all put their heads together and believe something it becomes basically true so I'm sure the day after it becomes law bread and milk prices will sky rocket and all fast food joints, shops, etc will fire everyone and go out of business because they can't afford those wages.

lol u mad paco?

$15 min sounds about right, you gotta live and you'll probably spend the money on rent, utils, qnd consumer goods

It makes perfect sense; it will help facilitate the welfare-state that will lead the proletariat to revolt.

>Increase minimum wage
>Prices/living cost increase with it
>Everyone gets a lower purchasing power
Good plan, bud.

>The federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt employees is $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009.

You are absolutely fucking stupid user.

As a landlord I'll tell you straight up: I WISH it worked like that.

We are totally at the mercy of what people are willing to pay. I can only charge more if somone is willing to pay me more. Pour more money into the system and people are willing to pay me more. If a shitload of other landlords enter the market, I will get less.

If the rent is too damn high in your city it's because you don't have enough housing. Push for more units to be built and rent will go down.

There should be a minimum wage raise, but depending on the state. A $15 raise would be good for urban cities but not rust belt states like Wyoming.

>GIBSMEDAT movement

Also, note that the current minimum wage does not reflect the current US inflation; back then the minimum wage was actually a livable wage

Lol, I sell pot retail in Colorado and make $15/hr. I would do it for less. I get discounts that, when factored into my monthly bills, makes that up to $18/hr. And I get $30-60/day in tips for helping people choose their method of degeneracy.

A minimum wage does NOT guarantee jobs, it guarantees that only those who get jobs will be paid that minimum.

Raising the minimum wage can lead to unemployment and higher prices.
What happens when employers try to cut corners to keep a profit?

They may fire workers or cut back on hours actually reducing the total amount a person can actually make from that single job.
Prices of goods can potentially rise as well too if the employers do not wish to fire workers or cut back their hours.
The very people crying about raising the minimum to $15 have no idea of the unintended consequences that can happen because of this and the list goes on.

Yeah I suppose paying the debts can be a positive but would the interest rates increase.
But my main problem with min wages raising is for example, in england the min wage is now 7.20 and 10 is considered to be a good wage, and if there was a 'jump increase' here to 10 for the min wage that would effectively put a lot of trained/ qualified people and everyone in between on min wage although most would increase would they be adjusted to accordingly? I don't think so.

And in that sense I think it's systematically making the lower class poorer and poorer and only benefits the ruling class and elite in the long run

All the fight for 15 stuff is almost entirely fueled and fought by niggers because they want to keep working their dead end ultra-low-skill part time jobs and make more money because "muh wuh moah muneh"

Either way, if they do suddenly bump it to 15/hr we can expect to see a hell of a lot more automation in fast food joints, retail stores, and virtually any business that is fully run off min-wage jobs. I'm sure McDonalds Corp. would rather pay $50/hr or so to some IT tech guy and put in a bunch of machines than paying 10 dindus $15/hr for worse quality work than a machine can do.

A 15 min wage only makes sense in places like san fran, NYC, DTLA, etc where it won't significantly fuck the market. In rural places, this would be catastrophic to existing small businesses. Cost of living is dirt cheap in much of the rural US and there is no reason for such a high min wage.

Learn some economics.

15 is living wage. Any less and you can't survive if things go wrong. Statiscly increasing min wage results in more govt money. People with little hord people with enaugh spend. Idk it works for the nords.

>rust belt states like Wyoming.
>rust belt states
>rust belt

Nigga, wot u smokin'?


Also, if we make the minimum wage a livable wage, people won't have to work more than 1 job and that can open up more jobs.

Thats what they want a 1.25 dollar increase. No one said 15 now, well idiots.

I don't even know, but my point still stands. Just take the rust belt part out and replace it with midwestern/central states like Wyoming

>tfw I have 2 degrees, one in a competitive STEM major and I make $14.10/hr

>tfw burger-flipping felons make more than me


If they even consider doing this in my state, I pack and leave immediately before it even passes. Also I am someone that gets paid under $15 an hour right now, so I am not saying I wouldn't want a raise but I also want to be able to spend my money too

>muh illegal spic employment
>muh Mexican Ford Factory
>Mexico can't build their own automobile companies

Fuck you, Paco.

Sorry comrade, I had to burn my copies for warmth. I waited in the wood line for 18 hours only to find the government isn't providing enough firewood to heat my shit hut.

2 stem degrees and only 14 bucks an hour?

I do research

It pays dicks

Don't fall for the meme, go business or go home

>passes tent cities daily

No thanks. Seattle and King County are cucked as hell.

Associates degrees? Or just in a shit area? Or do you have some kind of other "disqualifying factors" (Felonies, can't pass drug test, etc)?

you have to stay

Or actually, do the BET, business/engineering/tech

Nothing else matters in this economy

>people with little hoard

Lmao. Wealthy people are wealthy because they save. The poor blow it on vapid consumerism and dem new rims. Also the minimum wage was never meant to be a "living wage" for fuck's sake.

Dude, I also work at a research lab, with an MSEE and make a hair under $40/hr. You're doing it wrong (unless that's just your stipend while you're working towards a higher degree.)

Well there's your problem, you are a lab researcher;

You need to either be an engineer, doctor or some kind of a businessman/economist with an applied mathematics degree to get some decent cash; Chemists and Biologist researchers aren't really prioritized.

Like the other user, I'm in Seattle, went to UW, which is a decent school for a state university

Meanwhile, a friend of mine went to a 2 year community college program to become an x-ray tech, he makes 80k a year

>I don't even know
If you didn't know that you're black, retarded, or an 8yo.

Go to bed, the adults are talking.

>I don't even know BUT my point still stands
>proceeds to attack me ad hominem without reading the full sentence

Nigga, wot u smokin'?

What STEM disciplines are your degrees in?

Also, Seattle is not exactly the hotbed for research (unless you're working research for like a startup or something). Go for Cali or MA or pick one of the gov't sponsored labs.

They should be raising their children to be productive.

Why don't we raise the minimum wage to $1,000,000 per year? Then we'd all be millionaires, but ignorant Trump supporters can't seem to understand this. I guess they don't want to be rich, they just want to be racist. baka tbqh senpai


Cellular, Molecular, Developmental Biology(which is a single major) and Chem


You're totally wrong, man. UW is top tier in Biology and several other fields, like condensed matter physics.

my dream job

Didn't happen that way in Seattle, fucktard.

Yeah, I don't know if it's still true but for a while UW was #1 in research

This would be kind of true in some states, but not in major urban centers. 15/hr makes a lot of sense in American cities where cost of living is already huge.

Seattle obviously won't become a shithole, and since the law has come into effect the service sector and restaurant industry have actually grown.

Private businesses paying higher wages to their employees facilitates the welfare state... how exactly?

Hahahahaha this guy has been getting fucked by his boss.

>Tfw $12/hr wagecuck

Straight sciences in Bio and Chem, hmm. Those are a bit tougher as they aren't as applicable short term and are largely academic pursuits, rather than your practical engi degrees.

Your best bet would probably be trying to get into like an Exxon or somebody like that, an academic racket, or going back and picking up a higher degree (MS/PhD) in an "engineering" discipline. It's all about the buzzword that gets your foot in the door.

TFW I'm 25, 2 years out of school with BS and MS Elec. Engi. degrees, and making a hair over 80K (and have a solid benefits package).