James Clapper, the US Director of National Intelligence has provided testimony to Senate Armed Services select Committee members Lindsay Graham and chairman John McCain that suggests Russia's interference in the US 2016 election was a belligerent act of war.
James Clapper...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Lindsay Graham
>John McCain
loser. should have never been captured alive.
wake me when something relevant happens
Apparently it was provided to President Obama in a classified briefing.
Oh, James "We Don't Listen to Your Phone Calls" Clapper
Has he been indicted yet?
>Did Russian hacking sway the results? There’s no way for U.S. agencies to know, said James Clapper
>“The intelligence community can’t gauge the impact [the hacking] had on the choices the electorate made.”
>Clapper’s testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee was short on concrete evidence of Russian activities
>The intelligence agencies’ classified report, which was shared with President Barack Obama on Thursday, identifies multiple motives for Russia’s interference, Clapper said, but he did not provide details.
To be fair, he did say they, and John McCain knew the election outcome had not been "swayed" by Russia. What i want to know is about the standard operating procedure for high level hacking by a nation state in a cyber war and how escalation can be managed. Obama already confiscated GRU and KGB assets and expelled those four spies, which seems to me to set a precedent that cyberwarfare can have real world political implications.
SC and AZ better get these fuckin' turncoat pigs out of office. This is not good, but what's worse is that Graham and McCain will block anti-amnesty DHS candidate, Kobach.
These two MUST go. Between Ryan, McConnell, McCain and Grahamnesty, these scumsuckers will be blocking Trump's agenda at every turn.
All I see is "evil Russians contradicted the propaganda narrative we were trying to push"
Causus Belli right there, but not how they think
This same guy admitted to committing perjury before Congress.
all known liars.
>James "I committed perjury several times before, in front of congress" Clapper makes a bullshit statement again.
Leftist are still this stupid.
I noticed the same thing. There's such dissonance between the headline and the actual statement amounting to, "the voting machines were not hacked" and "we don't know if the leaked info had an impact on peoples' decisions."
So here's a simple question: if he had no problem with lying to congress once under oath, why do we believe him now?
Right, we know the Podesta staffer was an idiot, but what about actual intelligence breaches: I'm assuming the DNI didn't provide a classified briefing to the president that contained a statement on getting phished.
Look at the people it was to... fucking John "jihadi terrorist financer" McCain
Did he present any evidence with the testimony?
Or is it still, "trust me"
all warmongering trash that need to be purged from the republican party. I say, if they want to go to war with Russia, we drop them off outside of Moscow with some guns and let 'em have at it.
>James Clapper
>Lindsay Graham
>John McCain
DNI Clapper stated that his agency was more certain, or words to that effect, than they had been in October regarding Russian government involvement in the hacks
McCain, Graham, and clapper is all ya need to see to know its bs
Fake news
Anyone who has any critical thinking skills could see a lot of the "news" posted on here was complete, utter bullshit.
>clinton assassinations
>sharia law
>the real news is the fake news so totally keep listening to the fake news telling you its not fake
I understand if you're just forwarding propaganda because your ends meet but a lot of the idiots on here and reddit really thought the shit was real.
What supposedly got hacked?
It wasn't the voting machines, they were standalone, not connected to a network
It wasn't the Podesta emails, they got BCC'ed to a compromised yale.edu account
And since when has Clapper been employed by the DNC?
They are the epitome of neocon policy, and will say and do anything to keep feeding the war machine.
Not clear, but the NBC report from the White House staffers claims the report details Russian hacking of the State Department, White House office, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
BTW it was Robby Mook's email leaking
domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) client-ip=
How in any way shape or form are those related to the Election?
Or Clinton losing?
Trump did what McCain McCan't. He has an inferiority complex and since Trump wants to put in term limits is also threatening his job.
CLAPPER: Not wittingly
that guy
This is James "Least Untruthful" Clapper we're talking about, right?
this is the guy who withheld information on Iraq's lack of WMDs to get the war going
it's the death throes of a foreign policy cult built on endless war and they know Trump won't put up with their shit
and he has lied under oath before
Nobody is saying this is related to the election outcome, yet.
proofs? in 2017? what are you a bigot?
*clapper's distant clapping*
Prove it. Until then shut your mouth, Crapper.
>related to the election
The briefing was on "Russian cyberthreats" not, "Trump and Putin stole the election" despite (((((certain people))))) trying to make the latter the narrative.
once you lie all your statements become questionable.....
lied about nsa domestic surveillance. lied about wmd's.....yea there is a narrative being pushed here...
And really, why the fuck is hillary clinton and john podesta off the hook? It their fault! like the russians are worse than those idiots!!! FML
Why do the intelligence community want to go to war with Russia so hard?
I'd rather go to war with literally any non-white country before I went to war with Russia.
The real question, I feel, is how did the NSA fail so badly to prevent this?
Good question.
The hacking was only 5% of it. It was the complete domination of the memetic battlefield by trump supporters that won the election. Russia definitely helped win the meme war.
But since the entire mainstream (((media))) in Europe, America and parts of Asia was meming 'for her' I think trump won fair and square.
And the fact that people are sick to death of being overrun with foreigners and undesirables.
They got memed on. And the people in charge of the agency are all in their fucking 70's and think the holocaust actually happened so naturally they were unable to meme back from a position of strength.
>once you lie all your statements become questionable.....
Do you consider that maxim universal and apply it to everyone? I mean, If I showed you someone directly lying would you then consider their statements always questionable?
Check the names used by the I spearphisers as documented in this leaked FBI - Homeland Security report
is that a hidden jar file?
Did anyone watch this? It was infuriating, but also insightful to understand the narrative they are trying to develop.
Do you have the C-SPAN footage? Is it on YouTube ?
I really hope Flynn cleans house, establishes an inner circle, and then goes after McCain and Graham those old fucks. Fucking warmongering faggots that want us to kill other nationalists for their glory.
Is this it?
If you showed me evidence of them lying for political purposes, I would question everything they say that could serve a political purpose.
Do you consider naivety a strength?
What do you do when they are ALL corrupt?
Not take their statement at face value? What fucking world do you live in where you accept anything a spy agency says at face value?
No I mean, how do you have a civil society in a situation like this?
I am so glad that Trump will be in office before McCain, Graham, and the Democrat Party starts WWIII.
I don't consider the society I'm living in civil. High-trust societies cannot develop in a predatory environment full of manipulation from state sanctioned organizations like the CIA.
Yes. That's it.
>tfw made clapping joke with the fambly during christmas
This one is a little better bc you can see the name of the person speaking.
I wish Putin would say fuck it you faggots just declared war and start sending over the nukes.
Hacking into a country's political party's computer(s) isn't an act of war.
>Lindsay Graham
>John McCain
its damaging to your brain matter when you realize people still vote for these kooks every two years.
But what about the US State department and the Joint Chiefs of Staff computers' ?
>not throwing rocks at Russia
Whelp, get reading.
What are you, some faggot peacenik?
You're not fooling anyone pinko
you kick them all out and refill the govt.
3 retards who need to be arrested
No, he has't. He has verblly repeated the same incoherent, unsourced story that has already been rejected by folks such as Wiliam Binney, the IT architect of the NSA.
canada please
Gotta protect that pedo network.
welp I guess it's time to enlist
Kek I imagined john mccain, lindsay graham, james clapper and the rest of the zionist neocon warmongering garbage being dropped outside of moscow with their feeble bodies holding rifles during the winter being hit with the idea that maybe that was a bad idea.
I miss when the leaders would lead their armies from the front. Go ahead Mccain, give the initial cavalry charge against the russians yourself.
I think it's James "lies and paper shredders to protect the Islamic beheaders" Clapper
you mean like John Kerry?
>upset about Assange and blames him for releasing files that "put Americans in danger"
>doesn't take Assange seriously when he says it wasn't Russia that gave the files
Makes no sense.
>Giving a single fuck what James Clapper has to say
I would trust a raving hobo more than I would trust James Clapper. The raving hobo at least believes they are telling the truth.
Hannity made a great point that they only care now because Trump won.
He asked where were they back in 2007 and every other year when Wikileaks was releasing information harmful to the US.
They're going to get their war with Russia no matter who was elected. Just wait.
The washington post announced that wikileaks was a CIA front.
Nobody is going to fight for pedophile sadists.
Going to war is suicide, and the jews would he hanged by a victorious Putin.
This leaf will never fight for kikes.
Their claims have just gotten more innocuous as it goes on.
>Russia hacked the election
>Russia infiltrated the government
>Russia influenced the election
>Russia hacked the DNC
>We're not sure if there was any effect on the election
That's correct. They always go back on what they said.
these traitors belong in prison
They know we intelligent, thoughtful white men, fucked their bloody Hillary regime. I cast my vote against her the moment she cackled at the death of Gaddafi. I don't need Putin to enlighten me! I am American and from the top of the pile it's easy to see what's going on in the world. This cock sucker Clapper needs a slapper in his yapper.
Russia hacked Podesta
Russia started the Fake News by planting secret Pizza code into the Emails
Russia also is responsible for InfoWars and is directly funding Fox News
Russia created ISIS
Russia created AIDS
Russia is responsible for Rachael Maddows Face and Personality.
WTF I hate Russia now.
>Jet Fuel
>Can melt steal beams, I saw it on JewTube
What fucking lala land are you living in, leaf?
>Senate Armed Services select Committee members Lindsay Graham and chairman John McCain that suggests Russia's interference in the US 2016 election was a belligerent act of war.
To those fucking neocons, literally sneezing at America is a Declaration of War. I listened to Graham today in the stupid hearing and the bitch was literally calling the expulsion of the Russian diplomats a "pebble" of an action and was advocating for stricter and more aggressive moves against Russia. They're bloodthirsty lunatics.
Dog bless
Trump and Bannon are going to reveal all the raging pedophiles in DC. No surprise Hassert's buddies are skiddish.
Pizzagate is real. All of it.
>Lindsay Graham
>John McCain
Nigger last time these assholes said some shit the entire ME collapsed, shitskins flooded Europe and ISIS grew insanely more powerful than Bin Laden's crew ever was. Fuck both those retards, they peddle war for money and will lie to get it like they've done before.
The deviant impulses of this greaseball slime will undo the rest of the Podesta pedo ring
hello were is the proofs :D :D:D