Jews don't want you to be high test

>claims to be redpilled

>isn't regularly taking test boosts

Jews have been lowering the test of men for many generations, through food, watter, shampoos, cosmetic products....

What is your excuse? Why aren't you on the same test levels are your forefathers.

Other urls found in this thread:

Faggot, I probably outlift you natty.

Lifting weights isn't high test though.

Natty or get the fuck out. The same shady pharmaceutical companies that push for steroids and similar products are the ones that are only interested in another dollar.

Jews don't want to show you these shows.

Ever wonder why there weren't SJWS, nu males, cucks in 1900-s, test levels.

enjoy your prostate cancer

No said anything about lifting weights, I am talking about test levels.

Average millenial even with lifting will have same or less test levels than normal non lifting adult at 1900-s.

LMFAO you do realise that you get LOW TEST from pharma jews, literally...

>muh heart attack, muh cancer

Low test cuck spotted.

You do realise that with regular checks taking test boost, is not gonna ruin your health, literally improve your both mental and physical health.

As long as your in moderate dosing, I am not talking bodybuilding doses, that is degenerate.

>No said anything about lifting weights, I am talking about test levels.
Then why did you post a guy lifting tires and not a Delta Force operative?

>being low test cuck in current year

Good goy, everything going by plan.

>t.arm chair endocrinologist

t.low test cuck

Of course there is a place for test supplementation but you need to be like 70+ for the positives to outweigh the negatives.

How do i increase my test based serbia?

What is causing this trend?

By starting 100mg of test first cycle, no more than that is needed.

3 times weightlifting per week doing full body, eating high protein and high calory food and sleeping 8 hours a day.

Contragts, you are now, what Jews want to destroy.

Young healty males drink water where are pregnancy anti baby pills being thrown, young healthy males eat processed food, use contaminated shampoos and cosmetic products, and boom LOW TEST. Many such cases.

Is that 100mg per week? Also does that kind of dose have side effects you need to worry about?

the question remains: why the war on masculinity? surely all that is good and wholesome in this world was built by our forefathers. observe areas where little to no work is done at all. everyday things begin the degrade and no one fixes them, infrastructure crumbles, quality of life plummets.

what is gained by the pussificstion that outweighs the shortcomings it causes?

Population control


But I don't want to become infertile.

You're going to have to also take blockers for stuff like estrogen that your body will use to compensate for the increase in testosterone.

That and you're condemning yourself to a life of using artificial testosterone because once you start supplementing your own production of it, your body will produce less of it, so you'll be reliant on taking outside sources to stop you from growing boobs and shit like that.

Seriously, don't fucking mess with this delicate system nature has given you, you fucking retard.

Casual bodybuilders take around 250mg. 100mg will have minimal, if any, side effects.

Women are easier to lead and controll. For a ruling elite to controll the masses they need people to be obident. Masculinity works against that. They want you to be more feminime so you can be their bitch like they want to.

Unlike the people of Sup Forums I don't need drugs to have a normal level of testosterone.

>implying everything we eat and do every single day isn't unnatural and artificial

>they don't want you to be high test
>you should take regular doses of exogenous testosterone
>(even though you will begin to lose your ability to produce testosterone, and your balls will literally shrink)

I don't want to have testicles at the size of beans because of those shitty steroids.

If you want to be manly just eat meat, work out, fuck girls etc.

This is the main reason I don't. If you start on exogenous T you can very easily become dependent on it for the rest of your life, and it's illegal.

Fuck being dependent on gear bought with bitcoin made by some random quebecois bodybuilder in his basement with grapeseed oil and chinese raws.

>Being low test
>Paying a portion of your monthly income to have optimal test levels, eliminate depression/social anxiety, increase muscle mass and feeling of well being

pick one.

Don't you eat nothing but horse meat and drink horse blood mixed with milk?

>1 year to bench 135lbs
>1 year to DL 225
I hate myself. Roid time?

There's nothing illegal about it. Get your doctor to test your bloodwork and if you have low levels it's not that hard to find an endo to prescribe you test cypionate, clomid, or androgel

Rarest of the Rare

>tfw low test
>tfw doctor wont sign off on supplement because too young
>tfw can't afford to buy illegal test

Kill me lads. Been lifting for years but not nearly as strong as the guys I've been lifting with

I should get rid of my porn addiction and cut that sugary crap. I'm sure that would improve my T levels

I'd be down for it, if not for the very real, and serious consequences.

The pill has been around since the 60s. I wonder if it's the feminization of schools.

LMFAO you just agreed to his viewpoint while trying to prove his viewpoint wrong

>taking "test booster"
your best bet is to take estrogen blockers they give women with breast cancer.

you can literally feel your test rising after lifting.

Plus more sedentary lifestyle.

Also fewer boys growing up with present and/or positive male role models. Which means less exposure to manly activities and mannerisms.

I thought I was low test for the longest time. I have been low energy and all sad and shit.

I got my blood tested a few times, every time I come up with perfect testosterone and perfect thyroid.

Turns out I just suffer from depression. Lifting and running every day helps me a ton and gives me tons of energy and I don't feel bad anymore.

That's not something you really want to fuck around with too much. If you actually end up managing to lower your estrogen levels significantly, you can end up fucking up your bones (perhaps later even developing osteoporosis), and potentially drying up your joints.

It's a tight rope to walk when attempting to correct for the xenoestrogenic epigenetic world we live in....

what a beautiful flag, like a jewel


The decline in this graph is due to aging. It's a longitudinal study tracking the same group of men over time.

Roids are the ultimate bluepill.
Injecting testosterone into your body completly fucks up your system, and in case you didnt know, surplus Testosterone (Like the one you are injecting) is transferred into Oestrogen.
tl:dr if you juice, you're basically doing hormone therapy and turn yourself into a woman for temporal muscular gains.

Shitty diet low in Mono saturated fat and saturated replaced by a diet rich in Omega 6 fat.

Testosterone is also negatively linked with cortisol, so that high cortisol level somehow decrease testosterone level and (maybe?) vice versa. The implication being that not only will lower testosterone decrease muscle mass and hamper proper development, it will also lead to a more neurotic people.

So it's shitty diet.

>what are estrogen blockers
>what is a cycle
>what are natural ways to re kick testosterone production into gear after a cycle

ignoring how retareded you are. there's also the fact that steroids burn fat which create/causes (not sure which) estrogen in your system, and builds muscle which creates/causes (again, not sure which) testosterone

Jesus man. Were your muscles stripped from you by a vile sorcerer or something?

That's 5x5, not 1rm. Still pathetic.
Its not an issue with mass because strangers compliment my physique sometimes. I have some mass but no fucking strength.

This right here says EVERYTHING, my leafy red compadre. You will understand it all, after you read this image.

>that uncommon banner

I am more jacked than anyone on this forum, thus kek

OP is right.

Don't shave or trim anything except your face too btw. Some girls will balk at first but many love it, even if they pretend not to at first.

>comparing all "roids" to testosterone
>comparing teenagers to men >30
>generalizing all mens hormone/endocrine systems
>doesn't understand how the test/estro balance actually works
>calls someone else "bluepilled"

This is what roids do to you.
Is this what you really want?


>still thinks all "roids" are testosterone
>doesn't know the difference between hgh and test
>posts picture of "roid" gut
>someone who literally abused hgh
>thinks testosterone is hgh
Is that the best you can do?

>Jews don't want you to know about Testosterone
>ads on the radio all the time including on liberal radio stations for "T" supplements



Don't fuck this up.

Your test levels affect certain nodes in your DNA that can affect your children.

Its more for women, but also men work.

Thats also why you dont spawn fatties or skinnies. Deficient health, any degenerate behavior, leads to degenerate DNA. Studies proove that exercize habits affect DNA and the effect is passed to your offspring. Redpilled bio teacher taught me this.

Test levels can be affected by lifestyle and die, obviously. But they do affect your offspring's DNA (not the actual genetic sequence, but something else, forget what because not bio nerd)

Why do jewish doctors push that shit then?

Pay no attention to the wringing hands behind the script.

>falling for the pharmaceutical jew

How do you connect to the internet in your yurt temudjin?

Probably right.

I've known and hung around those types of guys my whole life and they're the biggest cry baby drama queens in the world. Some can be bros though

is there a way I can increase my test without fucking myself up with illegal shit?

Sure. /fit/ does it every day.

Holy shit even if I had the muscles, my fucking bones would snap from all that weight.

I can't even stand without excruciating back pain.

By the way one of the big companies peddling this is GNC. Which is owned by 'Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan' (What the fuck?) and Ares Management.

Ares Management in particular was founded in part by a man named Antony Ressler who is to absolutely no-one's surprise a Jew.


Masculinity causes wars and conflicts. Its simple as that but you still wont understand because you are low iq conservative subhuman.

proxy paige.
She gets prolapsed by niggers though. That gif is the only good thing about her.

GNC and other "health food stores" push pilled synthetic versions. First of all, pilled "roids" fuck up your liver since that's how the shit gets processed. If you're wasting the money on pills and not getting real test you're doing it wrong.

Jews are and never will amount to nothing, who discovered and colonized most of this planet, certainly wasn't the kikes.
>huurrrr we're the chosen people
Only in your mind perhaps.

just eat a fuck ton of almonds bro

If you think test boosters work you're a fucking retard falling for another Jew. Inject real testosterone if you want actual results

Here you go faggots

Delta forces are natty, roiders have shit cardio. I mean maybe they are on other secret drugs but definitely not on roids.



Just eat more zinc and do bodyweight or bodyweight training. Stop fapping and dont fall for the meme of proteins. If you want to be a real high test go to an old school boxing ñ. Fighting is the Best way the gain test. But today are only mc dojos.


why are your colors a sideways Armenia?

But exogen testosteron produces infertility.

Fucking Mongorrians!!

W/e lad I went to the gym and did heavy squats so I got my testosterone boost for the day. Feels fantastic man.

nah those are just roids

Just bee the best you can bee mate


No source.

We've done business in the REPE world with groups like Ares. The people that run these shops in Jew York are evil soulless sociopaths.

I plateaued on 5x5 after ~8 months. Go to 3x5, lift heavy, when you get stuck deload to 5x5 at a higher weight and work back.

you have pelvic tilt from the chair-jew. look up the exercises to correct it.

loling @ throwing "conservative" into your ad hominem curse list. you must leave Finland at once to redeem yourself.

I wish they would at least have strongman competitions more accessible on the internet.


On my way to becoming an undercover goy in this world if I don't get burned out.