OK, Sup Forumsiticians, what group of people do you hate the most and why? No simple three worded responses...

OK, Sup Forumsiticians, what group of people do you hate the most and why? No simple three worded responses, really put some thought into this and explain why you hate this certain demographic of people.


Racists, Bigots, Xenophobes, Homophobes, Sexists. They hold society back from progressing.

Niggers. Jews are fucking awful, but at the very least they are smart, niggers are simply pawns to their scheme. Niggers are fucking stupid and unbearable to listen to, and they get away with saying to kill all whites because of "muh slavery". They are so easy to manipulate by the jews, and they don't listen to reason whatsoever. Fuck niggers.

You're a racist and an anti-semite.

I pick Sup Forums. I come here a lot and everyone on this board needs to be fucking gassed.



and what's wrong with that?

Leafs, like

I don't really hate anyone. Just a reactionary contrarian; swinging with the pendulum.

It's cruel and Jewish people and Black people will be offended

I was wrong, it's leafs.

>Sup Forumsiticians
wtf is that a new meme or is OP just some newfag?

Biologically white progressives, most leftists, neoliberals because they are traitors.

What they have done to the Russian, German,Hungarian, and much of Eastern Europe directly is in itself hard to forgive. What they have done and continue to do to Western countries through their subversion and constant pushing for """diversity""", multiculteralism, cultural marxism, Sexual degradation, and so on is unforgiveable. They are actively destroying our people, our nations, and our history.

atheists and lgbt if we're talking about the bigger picture. No true morality, only do things for their immediate pleasure and society worships them.

I've heard it once before, a few months ago

Niggers, kikes, and all the semites

They get up the in morning and they jew
Then they jew thier way to "work" which consists of Jewing people
For lunch they pay less than thier share and leave no tip
Then they jew some more
Go home an jew around the house in fuzzy jew slippers
Finally they sleep and dream jew dreams

Worse than leafs

You're a fucking leaf

You must be one of those Gary Johnson supporters.

Sounds wrong.

>OK, Sup Forumsiticians, what group of people do you hate the most and why?
Muslins, no questions there.

They are the historical rivals of my ancestors, the portuguese. My ancestors fought like hell to reconquer the Iberian peninsula from the muslin devils known as the Moors in order to stop them from raping and enslaving our people, simply because we were christians!

After the reconquista we spend literal centuries acting as a buffer estate in order to protect christianity and europe as a whole from invading muslin armies trying to cross the Strait of Gilbratar!

It might sound weird to you that my people would hold a grudge for literal centuries over things that happened to long dead ancestors, but the fact is that we will never forget the christian blood that were spilled by those devils, and we sure as hell will never forgive them!

So call me an islamophobe if you must, but when the call for a crusade comes my people will be amongst the first to answer the call of war, and I will be in the frontlines fighting against the enemies of my ancestors, and I assure you I shall make them proud!

the willfully ignorant

Jews, because they are the start of everything bad in this world. Without them niggers, sjws, liberals, and everyone else I hate would be less bad.

SJWs. George Carlin would be rolling in his grave.
The "he dindu nuffins" aka the majority of the BLM... they are just creating more racial divide instead of fixing. Of course there are some BLM people who are chill, like the ones who hosted the cookout with cops.
Pozzers. LGBT can be degenerate, but at least most of them arent actively trying to spread a disease.

I don't see why the word "islamophobe" is so bad. A phobia is to have an irrational fear of something, is it irrational to have a fear of muslims who throughout history have waged war and killed many of those who did not hold their system of belief (kuffars/infidels), and continue to do so to this day?


Honkies, Crackers, Rednecks

Gas them all

>A phobia is to have an irrational fear of something, is it irrational to have a fear of muslims who throughout history have waged war and killed many of those who did not hold their system of belief (kuffars/infidels), and continue to do so to this day?
Exactly, just imagine what the world would be like if things were different and they were the ones with the most advanced military technology instead of predominantly christian nations such as those of europe and North america? They would be genociding us all and enslaving women and children over their religious differences, just like they have done in the past while following the scriptures of the Quran.

They don't deserve trust, respect or help, they deserve a good old fashioned crusade up their filthy muslins asses!

Muslims. No contest.

Have never contributed anything, can't fess up to their crimes, and generally kill and rape wherever they are. People call Sup Forums bad but these fuckers are more prejudiced than anyone on this site.
Kill them all.

Its not even an "irrational" fear... Hydrophobic means a material that repels water.