Im a transgender and i believe that transexuals dont exist.
Transexuals dont exist because transexual means to transition from one sex to another.Sex is defined by chromosomes and to actually be transexual you would have to change from the xy sex to the xx sex which is currently impossible.Only transgenders exist."Transexuals" dont exist and if you believe cutting your dick of makes you transexual then you are mentally ill.
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sorry im transexual check your privelege
>I'm transgender
Stopped reading right there, check in to a mental ward
You're a psychotic faggot. Psychotic faggots exist.
Humans do not have a gender. They have a sex.
You deserve death
tl;dr sage.
>Im a transgender
>Literally no proof
GAS yourself
Who dis?
I would fuck pic related.
Sex and gender are different
Are you sure?
If thats the casse you should contact a psychologist.
Wanting to have sex with men that dresses up like women is the first step into homosexuality
Ive taken an Anthropology class and you're right, I just believe living in constrained gender roles in better for society and they shouldn't be fetishized
But also you need to die Im sorry.
Sex and gender are synonyms.
post boipucci
But i like female gender roles better, im not denying my sex is xy so i dont think their is a problem with me.
So you are doing this terrible things wirh clear mind?
Thats even worse.
Seriously seek professional help
I like looking pretty and life as a girl is better
You're part of what is called a "behavioral sink" caused by overpopulation and an abundance of resources. Fetishizing the other gender's role in society won't help you. Being cute is fun and all but you can't fix your self esteem issues through surgery or chemical treatments. You're a victim of the world you live in.
>source: Norway rat experiments
Stop nurturing chaos.
>Transexuals dont exist
your right its all in your head
your welcome to mutilate you cock so there no risk of you breeding with the human population
You cant choose.
You never was and never will be a girl.
You are a mentally ill men that dresses up like a girl.
Seek help
The best part about modern society is that you don't have to be female to be girly. Just be yourself and don't get any fucking hormones.
Blaire White pls go.
Transgenders dont get surgery, we just take hormones.Transexuals are the ones who get surgery and they are the ones with the problem because they deny reality and believe mutilation will change their sex.I dont deny my sex i just live by female gender roles
Gender is the social and psychological manifestations of Sex. If you cant be transexual you cant be transgender either.
Please tell me she's got a penis
None of this exists. It's mental illness. All of it.
Pedophilia and zoophilia are next, then incest. After that, people will start hacking off limbs because they're transplegic. Fuck off and keep your lunacy to yourself.
Im transgender not transexual
i smell a raid happening and its not gonna work fagots now back to fuckin R,eddit and complain about why your furry fan fiction crush can never be.
>we just take hormones
>just take hormones
And that's perfectly a justifiable reason, right? Since, well, hormonal therapy was created for an actual and useful purpose.
If you lived in a time were hormonal therapy didn't exist, how would you have been able to become a girl, BOI?
Never said you denied your sex.
>reread and try again.
I don't expect this to make an impact the first time you hear it.
Gonna say it.
Traps > Trannies
Traps are cute. Trannies are mentally ill.
How am i mentally if im not denying my chromosomes?
Transgenders are traps because we still have our penis.Only transexuals are mentally ill
Neck yourself.
Transgenders are traps because we still keep our penises
sex and gender are not different. you are LARPing if you want to be considered a different gender than what genetalia that you have. But that's cool, whatevs lots of folks on this board like traps.
But you are wrong about them being different, they are same and you are crazy.
you thinking that anyone other than you freaks know the difference between them is as psycho as you probably are. explain yourself OP.
They are hot. Probably the closest I'd get to a girl desu senpai
Sex is biological gender isnt.
Here is the definition of gender so you understand
Were better tho
I'll make you transexual. Once you feel this dick your chromosomes will change baby. I'll hit your sweet spot girl. Let me know.
that's a recent update to the dictionary definition, thanks to your "people"
for hundreds of years it's been considered the same
The fabulous /polgb/ discord channel!
Gender and sex are the same thing, faggot. Trying to redefine words in an attempt to legitimacize your mental illness is as gay as you are.
OP is obviously a faggot.
Well it doesnt matter because its just semantics.Their would only be a problem if i mutilated myself and denied i had xy chromosomes.I still have my penis and i will always keep it but since i live my life by female gender roles i call myself female, im not harming myself or others, so their is no problem with what i do.