is anything fucking happening in this country at the moment?
Hey stupid Australians it's spelt labour
>the city of (You)
It's labor as in laboradore
The usual is happening, which is boring.
I don't even pay attention any more.
I am waiting for the big happening. I predict it will be four or five years away.
We know, Canada. It's not our fault our parties are all foreign founded and funded.
Just be glad it's not spelled "Rabor".
does everyone spell it labor or just the parties??
wtf i thought you inherited good english like leaf
Only the Labor party spell it that way.
When they were founded they had a fetish for the spelling modernisation movement, but it never really caught on here the way it did in the USA.
Mum, listen. There are two kinds of Briton in this country (although even both combined are outnumbered by the Chinese).
About a third of us speak proper English, want King Harry to restore the Empire, and actually care about the Commonwealth.
The rest shoot up meth, use words only barely related to English, and have Southern Cross tattoos which they proudly display while drinking Fosters and shouting "Straya!".
>drinking Fosters
You know nothing about real Australians.
Our system is fucked no matter which party you follow.
nah m8, you just cant stand the banter, I dont even think you could comprehend what it is to do a maccas run to recover from a good pissup after some hard yakka, or what it is to have a technicolour yawn after a sly bulls-eye floater smothered in dead horse.
Why I bet you fucking yanks havent even gone walkabout for some sly-grog after the 6 o'clock swill runs dry of the amber, let alone what it is to only pretend to give a shit about aerial ping pong while the ankle biters are around.
Some day you're going to bottle the blood's worth of a bloke who got up in a blue while sitting around the bush telly spinning a yarn about some bunyip around the back of bourke (that's near wup-wup for you yankees), but until then you're not even within a cooee of the big smoke, let alone seeing a true blue, rough and tumble aussie battler at work.
I legitimately know someone who drinks Fosters. No, really.
This, honestly. There is no good party. Maybe Fuhrer Hanson, but even she's not perfect.
I'm impressed!
The only thing that might maybe happen is liberals split to make a new conservative party and one nation form a new coalition with them. And greens might get more insane and abandon labor.
fuck up cunt
do people still actually like the UK and anglo heritage and Queeny on their notes?
Yes, but polls are biased and ask mostly Queerbecucks to make Canada seem left wing and republican. Most Canadians like Britain and the monarchy, my sister who is the most degenerate person I ever met said to a republican they should leave Canada if they don't like the queen
How much more of an ass raping do you want from your ugly gremlin zionist of a pm?
Some. Ethnic nationalism isn't totally dead. There are still a handful of people here who are British, not Australian.
Sadly, I doubt we'll be petitioning Westminster for annexation anytime soon.
One a jolly black fella camped by a centrelink
Underneath the shade of a Dan Murphy's sign
And he sang and he watched a she waited till his mate came with oil
Who'll come a huffing petrol with Me?
Well she looks nice and reminds me of the good old days but it's mostly old boomer retards that are monarchists.
think you'll drop us and her after she dies?
Probably not Canadians don't really do change it's too much work
Me? God no. And there are others in Australia that also want to believe we're not bogan trash but rather just Britons in the desert. And that won't change regardless of who is on the throne.
Sadly, unless the next monarch is even more sociable than Lizzy was, the sentiment may not be widespread. Our media and politicians push the independent ethnicity pretty hard. It's all "Bloody poms" this and "'Straya, fuck yeah!" that.
Completely changing our legal system would be such a massive clusterfuck compared to just putting Chuck's face on our money for a couple of years
complex meme
Potentially. The (((government))) will probably have bipartisan support for it after the wake of 'are Mum's death. Our current (((PM))) was the leader of the republic (ie opposite of monarchist) movement for quite some time, and will probably push for it to "update and move forward" Australia or whatever whit (((he)))'ll spew. The major opposition party (Labor) will probably agree with it, because they'd want to 'celebrate our diversity' or some shit. I don't think monarchism will win in the end here. I myself am a staunch monarchist, I love the Queen, but I don't think enough people in the end would agree with me.
random question for an Aussie, does anyone watch the shows Housos or Swift and Shift?
Some good economic news
Video for reference:
I know no one who does
I doubt it
Normie women here love the monarchy (muh William, muh cute George)
Yeah this, women would probably keep the monarchy alive go to the grocery store the magazines by the cash are all about the monarchy