"Part of what technology allows us to see now is the terrible toll racism, discrimination and hate takes on families and communities,” Obama said.
> Blacks can't be racist
> Must be Whitey's fault
"Part of what technology allows us to see now is the terrible toll racism, discrimination and hate takes on families and communities,” Obama said.
> Blacks can't be racist
> Must be Whitey's fault
>"Part of what technology allows us to see now is the terrible toll racism, discrimination and hate takes on families and communities,” Obama said.
What does this have to do with "blame whitey"
"Says does not believe racial tensions are getting worse."
>Year of violent BLM riots
>Cop killings
>Hate crime against disabled person
He's basically saying the criminals were leading a slave revolt and getting revenge on their former masters.
Just not the right way.
That's the same thing as libs calling Trump racist for what he said
200+ years after emancipation and 60+ years after civil rights.
Thanks Soros and co.
None of what you just typed can be extracted from that statement without doing SJW levels of mental gymnastics. I know you hate niggers and all that but for godsakes use your brain
Blacks can't be racist in the current year. He is justifying their actions just like he does for BLM
15 more days right until the Law and Order President. It's going to be a long 15 days though.
How can you be this stupid? Stop sipping the identity koolaid and learn how to read.
When Obama talks about
>racism, discrimination and hate
He isn't talking about Jaquan and Darius and Jamal
Stop nurturing chaos.
(((two posts))) by this id
Don't give MTV any more shitty ideas.
Should I feel bad for the cop killer?
'all us to see now is the terrible toll racism, discrimination and hate' means that this event was the result of racism.
It does not mean the event itself was racist.
In other words, if white people weren't so racist these young black men would have never been driven to commit these acts.
No, getting killed by an early model Terminator was too good of a death for him.
well whitey invented the internet so theres that, bigot
Look you're looking too far into it. What he's actually doing is making a statement that as neutral as possible. Just like when Castro died he made a super neutral statement that could be interpreted either way as praise or indictment but not exactly.
Dont get it wrong. This motherfucker is telling you that because of smartphones people are recording police killing blacks, which is destroying black families, which is why these teens tortured the white boi.
Learn 2 speak politician.
Liberals NEVER fucking throw black people under the bus, no matter the circumstances.
It's the fucking rule under their tribe you complete moron. They don't even like to condemn the killing of hundreds of Europeans at the hands of Muslims. What makes you think he's going to condemn his own race for doing what they're naturally prone to do?
He is being completely indifferent towards it at the very least.
Everything that happens to white people is either justified or didn't happen in their eyes. That's the rule to them.
Basically this. Obama isn't even capable of expressing his own opinion.
This guy gets it.
You can be sure that if it was a nigger being tortured live his statement would be way, WAY more direct.
Obama's real legacy will be the literal fucking Helter Skelter. If you told me that on Jan 20, 2009, I wouldn't have believed it.
But when a black guy attack police and gets shot his tone is far from neutral.
Where is the white kids white house invitation? That clock kid got that, and he cause the whole thing.
Right when Charles Manson is about to die, poor guy doesn't get to see it.
Helter skelter is coming motherfucker.
Who /comfy/?
>Look you're looking too far into it. What he's actually doing is making a statement that as neutral as possible.
Obama said " What we have seen as surfacing, I think, are a lot of problems that have been there a long time.” ... ... “We don’t benefit from pretending that racism doesn’t exist.”
He is telling you that white racism caused this you fucking leaf!
To hell with that abysmal nigger. Fucking disgrace we elected him twice.
>Blame whitey
>Learn 2 speak politician.
Lol wut?
so we just making things up now OP?
we Sup Forums now
See? This attack, which is in the style of Soros-sponsored division sowing elsewhere, just goes to show why we need censorship.
It's just like how the highly aberrant Newtown event proves we need to end the Constitution.
>so we just making things up now OP?
Pulling quotes straight from the interview.
Needs WAY more (yous)
Liberals are basically as tribalsitic as blacks are, but in doing so, they hold a pathological interest in protecting all non-whites as if they are in the ingroup for these people. It's the most ridiculous thing you could ever see. Destructive misplaced empathy and loyalty combined with and idiotic ideology make for your average liberal.
>indifferent towards it at the very least
More like at the very most. King Nigger doesn't care about white people. Seriously, the Democratic Party as a whole doesn't give a shit about white people.
He's by far the softest president america has ever had.
He's a literal cannibal and Satan worshiper. The flies stick to his face because he smells like shit from eating so much human feces from raped and murdered babies. Oh, and his birth certificate is a fake too.
Nothing he says matters even one bit me. The nigger burns in hell.
> Part of what technology allows us to see now...
i.e it has been going on for ages (as people who have read about some of the brutal crimes that go on in America via Sup Forums will know) and this is an obvious consequence of groups like the Black Panthers and Malcolm-X's lot getting the attention MLK's lot should have gotten.
The media has driven this. Now MTVetc is trying to flip it again to retain attention and $$$
^ Bear in mind Adorno was a wimp in a comfy place and not in the swell of it so he got the light treatment.
>don't even like to condemn the killing of hundreds of Europeans at the hands of Muslims
Obama still has never said the phrase Islamic Terrorists. Because that is 'his tribe'
Imagine having a leader without the balls to have an opinion.
I legit respect Merkel more than Obongo. Yeh she's a complete and utter cunt and she wants to destroy Krautland and Europe but at least she has her own mind... This stupid nigger had no fucking idea what he thinks. His only opinions are 'MUH HEALTHCARE' and 'MUH RUSSIA' and both of them are based on absolute bollocks.
I think you're only half-right.
The Democratic party literally despises white people.
I mean, most white people vote Republican, so that right there, among other things, (such as our history of fucking badass conquering) is grounds for our replacement to them.
He is almost right, it's that coupled with the fact that the media pushes stories with cop on black violence and buries stories with cop on white violence. It makes it look like only black people getting shot by cops and people who don't know any better freak out.
Obama ordered this attack, he is actively involved with that situation. And he's fucked, because what happened to that white young man is a recognized birth blight. There is no need for special contracts to sit out in front of someone to adhesion assent them to an attack being a birth blight in this case.
And Charles the Rothschild (the coward) is involved with his little pack of immature cornballs are involved with continuing to attack the hapless young man.
I have battled both and I am making things uncomfortable for the attackers in jail at the moment.
The black contingency is a disgrace, to implement an attack of this type. Far from a show of strength this is a show of weakness on their part. The more positive news about it is that they used phones to implement the attack not straight "magic"/brain telepathy. So there is a trail that could be sifted out once Trump gets into office.
>giving a fuck about what king nigger does at this point
Desperately clawing for relevancy. You've got 15 days nigger.
>the despicable, terrible act
He just said "racism is bad and causes bad things". Reading it from a neutral perspective it seems like the attackers are the "racist ones".
It can be interpreted as "white racism", but he doesn't say that so accusing him of it isn't really fair.
"They did it because they were oppressed" is one way of interpreting it. But it's a real stretch.
Leaf's got it. There's a decent chance it was deliberately open to interpretation.
Merkel lied utterly shamelessly and went back on what she ran on in a way that's almost unprecedented.
He's doing practically everything except going full chimp and throwing his shit at the walls
I laughed.
I don't like king nigger, but I have to be honest I don't see his quote as blaming white people. He's saying this is a racial issue, which it is. Blacks beating up a white person. Keep the mental handicap, this was racial.
Don't you think youre reaching ? Sounds like he's just condemning racism
>Being this retarded
When liberal politicians talk about "racism, discrimination and hate" they are NOT talking about blacks!
How is it retarded? He's saying it's racist. So when you hear "racism" a voice in your head says it can't apply as against whites? Perhaps that's the problem.
If this shit keeps up it will red pill masses that racism is NOT what those faggot professors have to say.
Politicians not professors. Phone autocorrect
>So when you hear "racism" a voice in your head says it can't apply as against whites? Perhaps that's the problem.
Fuck no! I know racism is directed at whites.
I also know liberal leftist speech and the racism, discrimination and hate Obama is talking about is NOT directed at whites.
Ok I must have misread your post. Been drinking and I apologize for being confrontational since we're on the same side.
omg i laughed
>Where is the white kids white house invitation?
Fuck that. I'd love to see Donald Trump invite #AustinHilbourn to Trump Tower.
No worries.
Do you cocksucking idiots honestly believe that Obama does not have any motive to cause harm or damage to anyone? Do you honestly believe this man does not have any motive of violence toward the white race? Through all of his past actions and behaviors do you honestly believe that this man has nothing but neutral and fair judgement? No one has that. Everyone is biased. The less serious they are the more biased they are and the more irresponsible and destructive they are. And Obama is a very irresponsible person and very lacking in seriousness.. Far more than any past president. God you people are like mental mush.. Strange that they only let people like you into college now. Those intelligence charts which say liberals are smarter than conservatives couldnt be faked just like hillaries polls could they? I mean why would they when everything is fair and non-biased just like Obama or some violent, idiotic nigger?
>"Part of what technology allows us to see now is the terrible toll racism, discrimination and hate takes on families and communities,”
technology, but also dumbass niggas filming themselves..
So when a nigger is a piece of shit it's because of racism, but racism isn't because niggers are pieces of shit? makes sense.
This man is currently sitting as arguably the political position of most powerful man in the fucking world and he has the AUDACITY to say that society hates black. HE IS BLACK. Not only does he say it, but people agree. AM I IN A SIMULATION OF FUCKING ANGER????
"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon"
But you do hate blacks though.
I kind of agree with you. Sup Forums is losing its sense of reality these days.
I didn't get that at all from the article, you race baiting faggot.
I'll just leave this here
Kind of have to agree here. All over twitter is "stfu whitey", ect. Honestly, the riling up of race relations is on purpose; follow the money and you find Soros. Even pol is affected and plays into Soros' hands. Trump and Bannon, etc are the only ones above it all and understand what needs to happen.
>I tried to tell people in 2008 that Obama was a radical but no one believed me.
I wish I had been wrong.
He's good at "sounding" statesman like when his teleprompter works.
the nigger doesnt want his legacy tainted in the last few weeks by racial and ethnic violence.
now really is the worst time for him.
truth is the nog is responsible for inflaming and not quelling blm
I really hope we never elect another nigger "just cause he black'
nome sayen
>Must be whitey fault
Wow the bias is strong with this one
I really hope every one of you ends up in a gas chamber
nome sayen
He's conflicted because he's half human.
"Dat teknology" they used to livestrem it is the least shitty thing they did and it's what got them arrested.
So basically King Nigger is just saying sorry they got caught. kek.
Mfw it's being charged as a hate crime
Yeah but only because he's disabled. Hate for the disabled. Which is bullshit cause it was for being white -- which the media and the police won't acknowledge.
It's being charged as a hate crime. Obama is saying racism goes both fucking ways you retards. This guy comes out and says Israel needs to stop being such douche bags and the jew haters on this board praise trump. There are some dumb fucking retards on this board.
I know i'm like 10 years too late but we've said it before and we've said it again.
"Niggers gonna nig"
Obama spent the past 8 years promoting racism, bigotry, hatred and divided America.
You guys aren't on the same side you're both just too stupid to read.
Anyway, Obama called the attackers racist, not white people, you cucks are just projecting your massive BBC inferiority complex.
It's no coincidence that this site is both a hub of black people hate and a haven of interracial and cuckold porn. You, who are reading this right now, fantasize about dominant black men fucking your girlfriends/wives/crushes, and its sad, very sad.
Didn't he literally just call the act racist by saying that?