> i think that the only thing that can save black people are white people who give a shit and get tired and finally come in and start wiping out niggas
What did he mean by this
In his mind niggers are separate from black people.
this was savage
That a race war wherein the based blacks sit on the sidelines, if not engage in blasting away the dindus who are the scourge of society. Honestly, I have no problem with the high-IQ blacks who are actually productive.
How do we keep the based ones out of harm's way, though?
MAGA hats?
Pretty much every single thing Tommy does is a savage, absolutely brutal critique of black culture.
IQ is what separates blacks from niggers. That's literally the only reason Africoons will forever live in mud and shit, while Ben Carson makes a fucking killing being productive.
Mo. They should be intelligent enough to avoid the danger
That'd work. Niggers would rather chimp out at the idea of engaging in a race war against whitey and wouldn't be smart enough to try to hide their noggery.
Apparently he did a follow upbwhere he goes in in the racewar
Well it sounds like he supports bombing anti-white BLM rallies, but that would be illegal and immoral.
This is proof that good blacks can exist.
Cold dude
What happened to that other black guy that always smoked Cuban cigars and called out black people all the time he was cool
>black women are the problem
>women are the problem
I like this guy
>IQ is what separates blacks from niggers
Exactly. That is why SJWs are so dismissive of IQ scores.
black people need smarter genes to get better. sperm banks can supply the genes. after 3 generations of cross breeding, they will be well behaved and smart.
he is kinda the only dude i can stomach
said he hates thugs and wants to live a nice life with whites
i dont have anything against people like him
They register as noncombatants for our side and produce weapons and equipment for the race war.
Getting real tired of niggers and the faggots who support them
>Laid off from my job
>UI gets frozen because they're claiming I'm still employed, just working less hours
>Can't get food stamps
>Struggling to pay my bills
>Might lose my house
>Car breaks down every week
>Have to submit huge piles of paperwork every fucking week to prove I'm not being a lazy piece of shit to keep them from taking my food stamps away
>Meanwhile Roshawndanequia'ne shits out her tenth kid as she drives home to her gigantic house paid for by our taxes in her luxury car she gets with her child support from her ten ex husbands and blows her thousands of dollars in food stamps on cheetos and grape drank
I turned from a wishy washy faggot liberal into a strong conservative REAL FUCKIN' QUICK after moving out on my own about five or six years ago.
>>Can't get food stamps
Fuck I meant medicaid. My bad.
I want to be optimistic about black people but I have never met one even remotely similar to Tommy.
Anecdotes and anomalies aren't even worth consideration. Unicorn blacks are nothing but propaganda
mix asians and blacks and raise the black IQ
this is a fucking shitpost right?
Tommy has been saying this shit for years, go back and look at some of his videos during the knockout game shit
if a race war would happen, only niggas would side with niggas
Blacks and Hispanics know well enough from experience not to side with them, or to at least keep their distance,. And the guiltful white cucks trying to make reparations with their "black brothers" would only get themselves killed by the niggas who (surprise!) actually really hate them and everyone else who isn't a nigga like them.
It's tribalism to the extreme, and like their cannibal ancestors, eats itself to stay alive and put.
He's not saying whites have to race mix, just that the good black couples should use sperm banks to progressively produce whiter children.
Tommy is based as f
He's literally telling whites to kill all niggers.
Not black people but niggers. Who make the rest of his race look bad.
I think America needs to end this rap culture bullshit. It seems to rub off on all these primitive brown men.
Here its Pacific Islanders and Maori
Europe its Muslims
America its Niggers and Latinos.
Time to out law rap I say.
*smacks lips*
*loots store*
*tortures kidnapped sperg*
Civic-nationalist reporting in
Nu-Sup Forums is truly stormfags. In my heart beats the song of liberty. It was sung by Ron Paul in 2008 and hasnt stopped since.
Because he panders to whites?
Tommy let that nigger Tariq Nasheed (the very same nigger that Tucker Carlson BTFO) punk him pretty badly. Got all up in his face and made Tommy back down. You could tell Tommy was scared. Tariq was cracking on his bald spot and everything. Pretty shameful stuff senpai. Tommy tries to defend it with logic, but this is nigga wars, that shit does not matter.
There are plenty of whites that need to be culled as well
Honestly, the trash degenerate niggers are only a small portion compared to the tens of millions of trash degenerate whiteys in this country
If you notice, you will see that our biggest enemy is actually other white people, especially the modern liberals who practice self-hate and internalizing their own racism and hated of themselves and others. Truly destructive people.
Who brought down Hitler anyway? Other white faggots
is not a real thing
you're a republican
you guys ever saw this video?
Cuckservatives that sellout their countrymen for bottom dollar are NOT nationalists.
I know its hard to comprehend right-wing politcs because your a leftist euro-socialst but there are obvious differences.
why cucks love that dumb nigger so much?
You have to go back
Almost choked on my mint laughing. Top kek
>what is libertarianism?
What a faggot
cuckservatives that sell out their people for another so the left don't call them racist are still cuckservatives.
pic related, there's your "civic nationalism". wave some goy flags around so they don't notice they are being demographically attacked and their culture and heritage destroyed, right chaim?
literally just republicanism
opposed to nationalism because it's "collectivist"
Nice (((attempt))) at a 3-year-old "gotcha". Though I will admit his shit saying that white men are just as culpable for the the condition of nigmerica is because of sheboons is pretty typically niggardry.
>IQ is what separates blacks from niggers.
It's always the Americans. Kek.
its actually dna. you'd be suprised how many african americans have pygmy dna. black people are the most gentically diverse group on planet earth. theres alot of really bad dna in africa. but some of it is worse than others
Ben Carson tried to kill his friend and mother.
Im a bus driver. The black bus drivers I work with are like TJ. They hate the routes that are heavily black like everyone else and are the first to talk shit about niggers
That's what I'm saying. IQ is genetic. If the fucking leaf thinks that Black Science Man and some nog from Compton have the same IQ, then he's more of a fucking moron than he thinks they both are.
Youre either purposefully obtuse or a fucking idiot.
>opposed to nationalism because it's "collectivist
Nice false dillema fallacy. It's called nationalist-libertarian.
>cuckservatives that sell out their people for another so the left don't call them racist are still cuckservatives.
No shit what's your point? Its so wildly off topic i dont know why you started your rebuttal this way.
>pic related, there's your "civic nationalism". wave some goy flags around so they don't notice they are being demographically attacked and their culture and heritage destroyed, right chaim?
>implying filthy saracens can culturally integrate
Lmao is this why you have two taps in britain? Stop drinking the water friend
So either now he can hide his insanity really well, or he recovered from it. Either way, it's not as though neurosurgery is exactly a hallmark of typical 'boons.
How? :0
>Take away the woman, just let Sandra bullock raise black kids.
This one can stay.
His mother he tried to hammer and his friend he tried to knife.
Start a project of shipping intelligent, well-mannered blacks to Liberia. Their political and ruling class is already made up for Amero-Liberians. And we already give out foreign aid so as part of the deal increase it to Liberia substantially to bring up their infrastructure.
Love this guy
Protect him
Sure, they have a different IQ, but they're both just niggers.
Reserve the word nigger for the vile scum that need to be killed
Anyone that wants to help others and themselves are not niggers
>Anyone that wants to help others and themselves are not niggers
Said the nigger lover.
They're both niggers.
>Reserve the word nigger for the vile scum that need to be killed
They're both niggers.
I bet you're also a civic nationalist.
Americans are truly a plague on this earth.
Im a nigger hater
I also love human blacks if they are good people
I hate ghetto hip hop niggers
That culture needs to be wiped from Earth
Why tho? Context??
Yeah this guy he's awesome
Will wait to see if he makes vid on this
Sup Forums once again supports an uncle tom.
I am a nationalist
I love all whom share MY ideals.
Not about race
Its about ideals
I hate ALL liberals
Worse than ghetto niggers
blacks = niggers
Point made. I'd laugh at you, but you twats export these shit ideologies all across the western world.
Gee I wonder why there aren't any black countries that share your ideals?
How can you explain that?
>Im a nigger hater
You're a confused faggot who doesn't even know what the word nigger means.
And you nu-fags should quit trying to change the meaning of words because your pets niggers doesn't give a fuck about your distinctions on the meaning.
Doctor Ben Carson tried to hammer his mother and knife his friend when he was a teenaper.
Stormies crack me up.
So ALL blacks are trash.
You have to lump ALL into one group cuz it fits yiur narrative of your superiority
If one nigger doesnt fit and is actually smarter, richer, and an all around better person than you , rhen what right rreeeeeeeeee?
On the day of the rope we should tell all intelligent blacks to write please skip us in cursive over their door , a modern day Passover if you will. It's the easiest way to tell since nog can't into cursive
And that point is?
White people cant tommy
They hold so much in that once they lose it, everyone dies
Latinos can do it though.
Wipe out the 98 percent of retarded savages and cleanse their gene pool
I also cannot disagree with this
Blacks as a majority are shit.
But some get it
Cant think of one successful black civ minus Egyptians lol
We waz
Most of us admit there is successful black niggers, that's no secret.
However, an American nigger with an IQ of 140 (the genius threshold) is as rare as a white person with an IQ of 155. While an African nigger with an IQ of 140 is as rare as a white with an IQ of 175.
This could be explained by the fact Americans have the highest mutts rate in the western world.
The point is: their IQ is shit, their genes are shit, statistics show they're general shit.
If you would mix with the smartest black woman there is, chances are your kids would be fucking retards.
I feels for you bro, really I do.
But the tale of your redpilling is music to my ears, because it seems that, once you go red, you stay til you're dead. Welcome aboard.
Pfft long ago had two black male friends
Disowned them cuz they were nigger liberals and into rap
I know no blacks and am elated by it
But i also know people like tommy are not niggers
I'm not saying another race cannot identify with your ideals. But they don't come to them themselves in groups.
Ideals are emergent from race. Thus your ideals are to do with race because they emerge from them.
I fully agree with all you said leaf
>Stormies crack me up.
>So ALL blacks are trash.
>You have to lump ALL into one group cuz it fits yiur narrative of your superiority
>But i also know people like tommy are not niggers
You're a dumbass and it has nothing to do with superiority it's a fact nigger means black like the fucking color.
>But i also know
You don't know shit.
They're both niggers but the word nigger should be used for niggers who act like niggers.
Freedom of speech
I don't care people can say what they want
Again cannot dispute
There should be a special spot for the normals and separated from niggers because they aren't.
I consider niggerism as mostly action defined.
Ie all niggers are black but not all blacks are niggers
>tommy are not niggers
he is a nigger who fools cucks like you for clicks and fucks white women while you call him "based" "redpilled" black
>but the word nigger should be used for niggers who act like niggers.
No it should be used like it was intended to call a nigger a nigger.
I don't use it to differentiate between dumb niggers and plain niggers.
It's like a Spaniard calling them Negroes.
Nigger comes from negro which means black. If you're black, you're a nigger. It's a generic word to describe subhumans with shit-tier genes.
Have you looked at the black science man? He's not a full blown out nigger, he has some European genes, but he's still a nigger and one in a million. While any white could reach his level if they cared to.
>It's a generic word to describe subhumans with shit-tier genes.
Actually it's just intended to describe their dark skin referring to the color black.
But they just happen to be sub-human.
chimping out and talking shit is not an argument tho.
I could not care any less who he fucks.
I also have seen 2 of his vids.
I also know he hates niggers and his life has been threatened by them.
There is no going back for tommy. He would def fight with white in race war.
IF you were smart, you would welcome that and use his knowledge as an insider to gain advantage on enemy.
Really there would be no strategy tho
Point and fire
Over in a month
I don't understand how you guys can 'hate liberals' and cow tail to the opposite position. Shouldn't you hate conservatism too?
> describe subhumans with shit-tier genes.
Are you describing 'white' nationalists?
>I could not care any less who he fucks.
you are just another braindead cuck. fuck off
Why do you need a special nigger to tell you how bad the other niggers are?
>Shouldn't you hate conservatism too?
No because most conservatives would stay the fuck out of our business while helping to stop the fucking degeneracy of the liberals.
That fucking cuck thinks that they have "special" insider info on how niggers chimp out, like anyone needs that shit.
>When you think you're talking to a white person but remembers Americans are 60% white.
Maori are still mostly scum, sorry.
I hate progressive liberalism with every fiber in my body.
I hate every progressive the same.
Ive attacked them.
I do not know ANY anymore. They are all gone in my life.
My ideals and antithetical to theirs.
I equate it to a born again Christian being genuinly friendly with a satanist.
Nothing in common. We are completely different.