>Drumpf supporters will defend this
He said he'll have US pay first and the Mexican money will come in the form of a shitload of penalties he puts on them
I'm guessing hillary won by landslide too right?
Cool fake news op.
Fake news
In exchange the funds used will be first to be paid back from the tariffs received on goods from Mexico.
Notice how the Shill has given up on trying to convince us that the Wall won't be built, and is now struggling to convince us that it will be built BUT we won't physically force Mexico to build it for us.
Haha, Drumpfhkins btfo by getting everything they wanted but with miniscule differences in execution!
Stop nurturing chaos.
Mexico is still paying for it by losing potential jobs.
>He hasn't read the art of the deal
get ready for a wild and confusing 4-8 years...for you
Ask me if I care though??
Ask me if I'll vote for him again in 4 years? [Spoiler] you're damn right I'm voting for him again [\spoiler]
You don't understand business or cash flow evidently. Lurk moar.
He has repeatedly said they will pay for it in one way or another. We will he compensated. Also, shit 'source'.
are we pretending to be retarded or something?
Obviously the US is going to pay first, no way they can collect 10-12 billion immediately with tariffs and fees or whatever trump is gonna do
That doesn't really help us, though. When he said "they'll pay for it" it needs to be literally, not figuratively.
ITT: Trumpkins on suicide watch
CNN said it. I am therefore BTFO as I was when Hillary Clinton won the election in a landslide.
They'll defend anything, the dick is so far down their throats that all they can see is the hairy neo-conservative bush that is plowing up their nostrils
In cases like this, they'll just pull random shit out of their ass that means nothing
>Trump supporters will defend this
Sure as hell will. Fuck the left! Hahahahaha!
Taxes on all the money they send home. It's been stated time and again.
Stop posting fake news
>they'll preach don't trust fake news
There's two options here:
>America pays for it and builds it quickly with Mexico making small payments for it over the years.
>Mexico pays for it and the thing gets finished in mediocre condition by 2050.
>all these excuses
This is gonna be a a good four years
You probably haven't either Jimbo
Even through tariffs mexico isn't paying for the wall.
We took Trump seriously not literally. I knew the likelihood of Trump getting Mexico to sit down in a meeting and agree to fund the wall is ridiculously low. It would make Mexico look pathetic. He made you think past the wall and argue about how to pay it.
I assumed from day one that we would end up paying for it and he would knock the trade deficit with mexico around a bit to make back the money.
I have no problem with my tax dollars going towards building a wall with mexico.
Why not just tax remittances and use it to fund his stimulus?
So he's building a wall? Welp, one more thing to check off the list.
>[x] He won't be president!
>[x] He won't bring back jobs!
>[x] He won't build a wall!
You thought Mexico was going to write a check with Memo: For The Wall? Of course America will have to pay for the construction up front. What he meant is Mexico is going to pay for it in the long term.
i just wanna see mexicans cucked by a big wall
And literally no one cares and would happily pay for the wall
>using cuckchan
Closed the image and tipped my fedora
>>Drumpf supporters will defend this
Sigh, you know they will.
It's like Ronald Reagan all over again.
to pay for border fence*
who gives a shit, we all wanted trump to win so that he'd appoint christian justice
>can't refute facts so you'll have to bash the source
Are you stupid user?
If you have to deny the reality of cnn, you're beyond hope.
Meanwhile, all the pollsters said it would be close but Hillary would edge Trump out.
And that's exactly what happened.
Worst. Election. Ever!
Tax remittances, like I just fucking said, and build a wall. Illegal beaners go down, economy reinvents itself, welfare claims plummet, Democrat voting goes to shit, we all prosper.
>Shill has given up on trying to convince us that the Wall won't be built,
What shill? After the election, TRUMP said he wasn't going to build the wall.
Now he's back on, but if you take anything this liar says on face value, you're a fool.
got it the other way around, mod-man
The pollster said Hillary was going to either edge out an electoral victory or an electoral landslide. In fact I remember them saying he has no path to 270.
this has been the understanding from the beginning faggot.
>Mexico is still paying for it by losing potential jobs.
Wait, what????
Is the wall going to stop US manufacturers from moving to Mexico????
user he said if Mexico wouldn't foot the bill he would cut their funding to make the money back. This is effectively "making them pay for it". I know you would love for Trump to fail us but you'll have to wait for him to be president first to develop an actual argument.
This is all I'm giving you. Let's see if you can put 2 and 2 together.
>>He hasn't read the art of the deal
And Trump didn't write it.
Try to keep up, user.
He literally never said that shill.
Fuck off cuck
People are so fucking stupid. If you actually thought he would get mexico to send a cheque you're borderline retarded
Not an argument. He still has to get the spending approved, even though Mexico will be paying for it, because the tariffs and whatnot go to government coffers first.
>Is the wall going to stop US manufacturers from moving to Mexico????
donfather is doing this already and he's not even president yet
He never said he wasn't going to build the wall. Where in Gods name did you ascertain that? I remember him saying in certain areas because of geographical constraint there would have to be large fences instead. But most of the border would be wall.
this is why liberals lost and will always lose.
they just dont understand how reality works
>be spic
>left family in home country for higher income to support them
>mow lawns in the greatest country on earth
>every time i send them money, I know 10 percent of my work will be put towards paying for the wall, further isolating me from my family
>trump keep using hyperbolic catch phrases and statements for rallies and candidacy
>"haha stupid blumpf supporters. It's all just catch phrases and shit don't expect that goal to happen"
>lists in detail how he wants to actually accomplish these things on his website and other sources
>anti-trumpers take the hyperbolic catchphrases literally as his plan as an attempt to find any little thing to try to say "AH HAH" to scream about when he does his detailed plan even though he's fulfilling the intended goal nontheless
I just 54ged this same thread with a different image. Keep spamming us, surely that will change our beliefs.
>no comments
Fake news
They will be begging for the wall soon enough
>posting from a fake news site
>Even through tariffs mexico isn't paying for the wall.
Even if Mexico pays trillions in taxes, those tariffs aren't contingent on the wall being built, and we'd still get that money even if there's no wall.
Face it, Trump wants the debt to skyrocket so demand for investment capital is artificially propped up. Banks will make billions.
The same banks you were worried Hillary was in bed with.
If you actually think that Tony "Kike" Schwartz came up with the pure Trumpisms in the book then you're a clinical retard.
>implying anyone actually thought mexico would pay for it
the only people stupider than libruls are the trumpkins who believed the banter.
>Communist News "Sources Say" Network
You leftist have no business even mentioning debt after you cheered on Obama.
Have you been living under a rock by any chance?
How can someone in the US be so unaware of what is happening in its own country?
He said repeatedly that the U. S. Wasn't going to pay for it. I forgot that it's only okay if Trump lies to people because he's """""""""""anti establishment""""""""""
Who said they will pay monetarily
>>[x] He won't bring back jobs!
He's NOT "bringing back jobs". At Carrier, most of the factory jobs are still going to Mexico, and our tax dollars are paying carrier 7-16 million to keep about 700 jobs here for a few more years.
>and now my gibs have been cut because I am illegal, making it impossible to live in 3 dollars an hour
Remittances to Mexico are $120B per year. Tax those at 35%, and you've got yourself two fucking walls. Mexicans come here, steal our labor jobs, then send the money out of our economy. Fuck those spics, they can pay 35% to Uncle Sam if they want to send money to their beaner families.
That's even better
Calm down spaz I'm not trying to fight you. Just not the biggest fan of debt. Stimulus spending sucks enough already (see ARRA, cash for clunkers, etc), so the less debt that goes into it the better, even if it only turns $500MMM to $480MMM. I really doubt we'd recomp $20MMM from fucking Mexicans anyway
fuck jobs and fuck white people
*nods in deportment*
>yfw this chick could be passable if she had eyebrows and a not-god awful hairstyle and wasn't fat
He's got the press thinking past the sale.
Trump's a fucking genius, man.
>What he meant is
This is my favorite part.
"Of COURSE you can't believe what he actually says, none of that makes any sense. Here, let ME interpret his words into something that seems plausible."
You are either incredibly dense or you just refuse to understand how the world works. It's most likely the former. Congress already passed the bill necessary for border wall construction during the bush years, also the money has already been allocated. We will make our money back and then some by taxing remittances which are worth 10's of billions.
You're thinking of Ford for that 700 number. Try to keep up. Also
>our tax dollars
That's not how taxes work.
Go back
fair comment. mexico does seem to be losing some grip on american jobs these days.
that being said, mexico was never going to directly pay for any wall. it just wasn't ever going to happen. bringing jobs and manufacturing back to the US could have happened with or without a wall actually being constructed.
so, just to confirm then
you DID think mexico was going to write a check with "for the wall" in the memo line
The result was within every pollster's margin of error.
CTR before
CTR now
>the wall will be built actually, b-but Sup Forums IS STILL BTFO HAHHAHAHHAHA