What went wrong?

What went wrong?


Medcucks always were subhuman.

Yeah right they were blond before the Germanic invasions and then turned darker after the Germanic invasions hahaha

>blond people in antiquity

simply untrue

came here to post this, can someone shoop a merchant in that mediterranean dude?

This kills the Nordcuck

(Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander and united Greece)

Alexander the Great was blonde.

>t. Turk rape baby


>being this retarded
that flag

It's a fact he was described as blonde, I'm not saying all Mediterranean peoples were blonde in fact it was very rare.

If there was a "Russian" column it went straight to Jew in 1917.

t. hohol who can't even kill each other in civil war right

thats a big head

t. Pedro

>tfw those poor qts were all raped by jewish cocks

>It's a fact

>everybody was blonde with blue eyes

Fuck off

You do realise no one in that picture is ethnic Russian?

Russian Royalty are all Half German

Italians have always had brown hair, fuck off.

He was brown haired and olive skinned

E A S T . P O L A N D

people who live in the mediterranean area today are nothing like the people who used to live there. the shit from africa and middle east has mixed up the people there who used to be white.

just look at this fucking bust. does he look like a brown haired tanned sandnigger to you? of course not, it's obviously a man of white european descent, just like they all were back in the ancient days.

Why do niggers and snow niggers (AKA "whites") always try to take credit for glorious achievements os glorious southern european civilization?


>does he look like a brown haired tanned sandnigger to you


t. kang

top KEK

this just looks off

as opposed to the mosaic where his eye is 50% of the face?

>Thinking a great leader or ruler could ever be blonde and blue eyed

It's never happened in history that a nordcuck was ever respected, let alone as a ruler

Every country and race is in the process of being blacked, not only the nordcucks.

Blame the kikes.

>he doesnt know

Even the Nazi leadership was mostly dark haired brown eyed guys. The blonde and blue eye phenotypes are garbage tier in men, they're only tolerated because it looks nice on some women

I honestly don't think Meds themselves really believe they're descendants of great Ancients. Like, they try hard to pretend they do, but at the end of the day they all see their true reflections in the mirror.

Name one blond historical leader

Actually name a blonde that is respected at all, in any capacity, ever? There are none. Even eminem is brown haired

Not a single blonde haired blue eyed male has ever done anything of any significance or been respected in any leadership role

You're posting a mosaic from Pompeii, hundreds of years after his death.

Alexander was blond with one eye blue and one eye brown, according to Aristotle, who was his tutor.

That's wrong.

The contemporaries claim he had red hair.


stop lying to yourself and making us Scandinavians look bad. We are not nigger tier. We wuz never kangz.

>contemporary picture of alexander 100 years after death.

Did the blond race die out that fast in Greece?

Fucking vermin.

They are good men, just gullible and innocent.

>Blonde, blue eyed
Sorry sport, theyve been proud of their beautiful black or brown Hair for Centuries, even in antiquity.


It's a style of art. Note the very large eyes.

It's not necessarily a reflection of what people actually looked like.

>You're posting a mosaic from Pompeii, hundreds of years after his death.

Which is a copy of a 3rd-century BC Hellenistic painting.

oh boy dutch royalty.

If you think henry VIII was bad, check out dutch royalty. Recently a book has been published describing the antics of our late Prince Bernard, husband of our former queen Beatrix.

Now Bernard was a filthy man, and so was his father-in-law Klaus. That's right, prince fucking KLAUS. a goddamn kraut. even until the very end he always spoke with a thick german accent. He also was a sleazebag. Went on trips to africa to hunt ivory AND ebony (if you know what i'm sayin)
Has a handul of illegitimate descendants in africa.

Fuck our royalty. Long live the republic.


t. Xu

Funny that you say this. I actually met a Syrian immigrant (from Aleppo) who looks just like this.


This. One of my buds is blonde hair and blue eyed and he's like that. The ones in my circle myself included with dark traits are more aggressive and paranoid


You won't be a car even though you live in a garage.

Greece is not much better then Sweden >_> its basically a toss up between being raped and being poor.


Doesn't mean the it's a 100% accurate representation. Ancient art is tricky. Contemporary sources describe him as blond or red headed and with one eye blue and brown. The heterochromia is something that eludes most people here - this is a very important trait for him, physically and psychologically, as it is a rare phenomenon, especially one eye brown, one eye blue.

Also, note the highlights in his hair and rosy cheeks of the mosaic. I don't know why it's posted here as evidence that he was brown skinned or something.

he just looks like a more robust med, nothing unusual Jamal

I'm intrigued. What's the book called? (even if it's only in Dutch)

We killed Moors and Arabs but now Sweden you're making love to them. Please stop it.

btw, the Lysippos bust is considered the most accurate depiction

most poor country in europe

african tier

if we are subhuman, what exactly are you, bacteria?

>No, you see, the depictions trying to accurately depict what he looked like weren't actually accurately depicting what he looked like
>Olive skinned people can't have rosy cheeks

He was an olive skinned guy with light brown hair. It was called blonde because it was light brown - blonde hair did not mean yellow to anyone in the region or time period because there were non melanin-deficient humans in the Mediterranean at that time

Greeks 1500 BC=Swedes
Greeks 500 BC=Germans
Greeks 100 BC=Austrians
Greeks 400 AD=Croatians
Greeks 2017 AD= Turks


You're confusing the history of greece for the future of sweden

Calling this blonde is a huge stretch, it's just light brown

And trump isn't respected

Nope. I happen to know what I'm talking about, for a fact.
The mask of Agamemnon wasn't the face of a Mediterranean man it was a Nord.
The Nords conquered Greece in 1600 BC. They were known as the Myceneans.

Said the Mongol.

shut up untermensch, enjoy your ruins while i look upon the glory of rome still standing after 2000 years. also you women love mediterranians, our women despise your shitty kind

>The Nords
good joke




Lol nordcucks have never conquered anything or done anything of any importance, anywhere, ever

if you paint him brown hair, tanned and brown eyes then he looks like many italians i know. my cousin looks like this and is from the south even.

if i look at the ancient italian art i see in our chuches they pretty much look like italians today too. better come and visit italy before you talk such nonsense slav untermensch.

He actually looks kinda Middle Eastern on this bust. Reminds me of Elagabalus.


sad but probably true

he is mixed with germanics

most of the people in italy are mixed with germanics

when will italians and iberians just admit that they're mongrelized rapebabies?

Looks like the Minoan ladies.

stop shitposting in every single thread

t. Tyrone Gonzales Svensson

he looks very differently on every piece of art honestly, who knows how he really looked.


>All the lightest areas are the most cucked

Wow are you trying to make nords look bad or was it just an accident?

I would have fought for the whites just for her.

Large breasts are not common among Mediterranean populations

man with too bright hair just look shitty. bright eyes is where its at. italy still got plenty of bright eyes.

No idea, it's not that important anyway. He can't have been very tall and yet still BTFO most of his enemies. He'd probably laugh at us for acting like bitches over his eye color.

how is that shitpost?
only few people in italy look like ancient latins, entruscans,etc

germanics invaded and raped everything

nice memes, talk genetics/taxonomy or shut up, not all ""meds"" look like your stereotypical idea of 'med'

t. descendant of mehmet

>he's never met Jewesses

norway and poland are pretty based

More "Nordic" Mycenaeans.

Yes, germanic barbarians ruined europe. Thousands of years after the height of greece, and far after the height of rome. During which time nobody in the south was germanic