Are women who've slept with blacks irredeemable?

So I've been dating this chick for about 8 months now and I think she's the one.

However she was a big of a party girl in college and she mentioned in passing that she used to date a black guy when she was showing me facebook photos of her college days.

I'm recently JQ'd and race aware so when she told me this I didn't think much of it, but now I'm apprehensive about it, especially coupled with how she used to be a big partier.

Am I letting Sup Forums get to my head and have nothing to worry about or should I think about moving on from her? I'm going to be really sad if I have to, I really do love her..

And no, pic related is not her



How old is she? If late 20's or older then why are you settling for someone that's settling?

>dating a girl that use to 'party'

You're just asking for AIDS, user

no such thing as a former slut, just sayin'

Also if replies could avoid memeing/calling me a cuckold and legitimately seriously answer the question that'd be great

>However she was a big of a party girl in college
Why do you do this to yourself op

without question


This will be you in about 4-6 years. Get out now, while you still can.

rape her

She'll cheat on you and take half your shit


there's a difference between dating a black man and a nigger

do some research and find out what the black guy was like


sounds like OP is going to be paying the toll soon

>she was a big of a party girl

she will cheat on you.

Pic from set /s/

Go fuck yourself

No. They're irredeemable for their insufferable personalities (and associated disorders), toxic morals and intellectual sterility.

Get checked for STDs.

a domesticated animal is still an animal

>she's the one [aka the best women I believe I could conceivably attain in my lifetime]
>she's fucked niggers
lmaoing at your life

Make a visa application to eastern europe or south east asia so you dont have to pay 20,000$ child support a month

Fuck, so cute except it. Exactly the kind of chick I perved on in high school.

Did you at least ask her if she'd fuck a Blackman again and let you watch?

What is the difference?

>Are women who've slept with blacks irredeemable?
Yes, dump her.

Drop her immediately

Coalburning is a symptom of other, more serious flaws. She's garbage, man. Move on.

>Sup Forums posters are cucks who marry "reformed" cum dumpsters

Nobody is surprised at all

Donkey Kong has spoken

>Being cucked this hard by shitty meme ideology

Fuck off, retard, and stop getting your opinions from dumbass nigger comedians.

burn the coal
>pay the toll


women carry the DNA of all of their sexual partners within their wombs for years.

Their is a chance that if you marry her that she could give birth to his niggerspawn

real shit homeboy. read somethin.

There is nothing wrong with it. I mean I have done thick latinas and prostitutes so who am I to judge? I mean seriously? How fucking insecure can people really be. I know a lot of shit is exaggerated here on Sup Forums but there is no way any poster really takes things into reality and what it all really means when face to face with someone.

I am seeing a black woman currently and she is everything that I ever hoped for before I even started dating. I cannot cast stones. I just hope others begin to live life instead of tacking rhetoric on a computer.

She's telling you for a reason. Fuck her until you find someone else.

Did she get fucked while passed out?
If so greentext pls

>difference between dating a black man and a nigger
Nice meme.

An 85 IQ and an 86 IQ

>So I've been dating this chick for about 8 months now and I think she's the one.
>8 months
>she's the one.
cute. Are you 16?


Enjoy your STD's.

Eh, I'll probably be in the minority but you're the one who actually knows this girl and if she seems as if shes truly given up her partying and niggerloving ways then wife her up.

Nigger please, there is no difference.

Yeah, dump her. You don't wife party girls. Understand that you can inference the persons morals and values from their actions.

A slut isn't going to be a good wife.

>party girls ever give up partying

Coalburners are 100% irredeemable, there is no excuse for such an extraordinary lack of judgment.

pic related look like my sister

Yes, i disavowed her

if you can be honest with yourself and you truely love her go for it.

But can you stand there..and kiss her knowing a black guys dick was in her mouth?
If you can then you're a better guy then me

Trying to get with a non-virgin is bad enough and makes you a cuck, but considering a party-girl that fucked niggers?, why dont you date a prostitute atleast she took money for it,
If you seriojsly consider this youre the cuck of the cucks

Oh and black people and niggers are the same.

>dated a black guy
time to bail
>party girl
see attached gif

She may act like an angel now but she has serious issues and you will see her true face in time if you're stupid enough to continue it

>Donkey Kong has spoken
You should listen mate, I feel bad for you guys.

You have any idea how many sluts I fuck that are cheating on their boyfriends? You realize they not only tell me that they have a boyfriend and are cheating but also laugh at him behind his back? You realize they don't even brush their fucking teeth after they are done swallowing my cum before going home to kiss their boyfriends that have been nothing but kind, loving and caring to them?

It makes me feel sick after im done fucking those bitches, that just ain't right, ya know?

drop her. its possible that her children will have some traces of her previous customers. Even if that weren't true, would you marry someone who fucked a horse?

You are letting Sup Forums get to much into your head
But yoyr mistake was going for a party girl in the first place
If youre really bothered about it you should break up because it'll follow you

Reported to Mama Merkel you fucking nazi.

I wouldn't say they're irredeemable, but people don't change themselves. They add to their list of traits, and once in a blue moon they can subtract something.

By fucking a nigger, she dumped all her coupons for her life's worth of subtractions. Whenever I get to know someone and she mentions having been romantic with a black guy, I cannot possibly nurse a semi, let alone get hard.

BTW, love is a rationalisation for you desperately wanting to make children with her.

>she was a big of a party girl in college

The children will still be niggers
I have a black "friend" and watching him try to hit on white girls disgust me to no end. Good thing hes a fat beta

we'll "IQ matching" is one of those rock-solid empirically derived laws of relationships (the other is height matching). She comes from a population with an average IQ of 85, so it's not looking to good for you there.

And unless the "thick latinas" you fucked were straight up native central americans, then you're talking about being attracted to european genes. You should be judged on all your decisions. For instance, I wouldn't expect a women to want a man that has to stoop to buying sex from whores.


why would you want to settle down with a filthy whore?

you know each load of sperm a woman takes slightly alters her dna. if you have babies with her, they will be part nog.

ask the chinese


>big "partier"
>dated a dindu
you really need advice on this, user?
see you in less than 5 years when she inevitably cheats on you and you get a swastika tattoo

I hear you, user. Me too. They tend to be worse than your typical roasties, however.

this is true and may be extenuating circumstance, there are 'regular' well-groomed blacks out there who are charming and intelligent so its not the same as the thug and swag type niggers.

Rather a horse then a chimp

> big party girl
> dated blacks

lmao what the fuck are you doing son?
these fucking cunts have to learn if you slut around and burn the coal there will be consequences, like you leaving her. Tell her why, and it will haunt her for the rest of her life, as it should.

>Former party girl
Honestly probably worse than being a coalburner, she has likely fucked 50+ guys, likely that some of them were black as well.

Yes, poor decision making isn't something you can really fix and you wouldn't leave your children with irresponsible woman, right?

Don't do this. It's abuse. Unless you are both Christians you don't have any business getting married. And if you did;

1 Corinthians 6:16
What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

She's one flesh with the "black", and now you are one flesh with him too. Anyone who you sleep with in the future will be one with him too, and you. Because you are black. That's fornication for you.

I would expect that to come from a country where you can legally fuck a dog.

Never take race mixers seriously. They're nothing more than cum dumpsters. Not long term material. You will regret it.

Why is Snow White 6'9

Dump her you fucking moron

The only difference between a nigger and a black guy is the time of day.


Dump her user

Fuck off idiot! Go back to stroking your boy friends dick! You fucking faggit.
Take a bath with a toaster.


>high end of the bell curve
>well raised by high IQ traditional family with both parents present and employed

Rarest combination in the world. Better chance of finding a virgin in the red light district.

i dropped a girl for the same reasony, luckily before i sticked my dick into her. the stigma will stick forever, sad but true. a coalburner is iredeemable, you know it. you may silence the voices now, but once the infatuation with her is gone, a few years married and it will be there, every day COALBURNER, COALBURNER. everytime she will giggle at a nigger you will remember she used to fuck them. you know she wants the big black d inside, she just choose you for stability and family, but her pussy wants nigger. can you live with that? do you believe her lies? do you believe YOURS?


A white woman should have intelligence to know that her white people are dying.

Then a white woman should have enough self respect not to ruin her reputation by sucking nigger dick.

If she can not do these 2 simple things, she is not marriage material.

>she is not a virgin
>she fucks negroes
>he "loves" her

user you are making big mistake

>tfw no emo gf who acts like a slut in public but is secretly a virgin (until you rawdog her and eat her butthole because she likes having her butthole eat)

Coal burners should only be allowed to go to China and be only used as Triad tramps

Shut up you fucking sperglord virgin, do you think anyone normal autistically thinks he/she has a duty to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children? Bluepilled people who arent racist really think there is nothing wrong with dating a 'normal' black because we all hoomins n sheit, whereas coalburners do it out of sluttiness and mental illness.

>I am seeing a black woman
----Me to you----
> Jump off a high rise!

So much this, mother fucker.

Don't do it. I did, and I've got another 10 years before I can make any change (if I'm still willing/able by then).

Your marketability will increase DRAMATICALLY in your mid thirties. You will have your pick of the litter at that point. TRUST ME ON THIS, AND WAIT. Between now and then, get in shape, mentally and physically. Post pic related on your fucking wall, and FOCUS ON YOUR CAREER.

Remember, a man's sperm is healthy and strong until he is dead. A woman's womb is only viable until about 25 or so. After that, chances of defects increase exponentially. At 35 or so, get yourself an early 20-something, and set her up in the kitchen, and keep her busy with hobbies like tennis or jogging.

This will be the advice that both my sons get.

anschluss now plz

1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

I would be gone. If you can live with someone who has obviously poor judgment fine, but I I would skip that rodeo.

It's true it's rare but African immigrants and their kids here are white people with black skin, not wannabe nigger thugs. I could see a white girl going for one without seeing it as 'wrong' like many autistic spergs here, I had a coworker like that whose parents were from Ghana.

Serious answer OP. If there's doubt in your mind, don't do it. Fuck those people that say blah blah if you love her it shouldn't matter. They aren't you, and if it matters to you, it fucking matters. Do you want to be lying awake at night unable to sleep because the person you thought you loved doesn't live up to your values, and be haunted by it?

Lol, no woman who wanted a future with you would never mention it even if she did

She's literally trying to cuck you, inching it in

Nigga there's pussy everywhere, don't be that guy

leave Sup Forums now, faggot

Only if you can send us a good politician

Your wife is suppose to be your best friend or at the very least a companion
You need to be comfortable with her with everything or ar least not have things that bother you forever

Film it all, send it to their boyfriend.

Or just kill her for being a degenerate plague upon the Human race.