What is Sup Forums's opinion on the Chigago torture video? (or whatever the fuck they're calling it)
What is Sup Forums's opinion on the Chigago torture video? (or whatever the fuck they're calling it)
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Honestly I'm not surprised.
All memeing aside, seeing shit like that makes me sick to my stomach, despite the races or genders of those involved.
havent seen it yet, someone post the link with context and i will give my real time reaction.
What surprises me is that the media and white house are saying it's not a hate crime!
With all the anti-white rhetoric, even to the point of calling for white genocide, that is taking place in our COLLEGES as part of the established curriculum, this is not surprising.
Obongo said it was a hate crime
Just started reading about this shit, my blood's fucking boiling. I hope all of them are raped brutally every fucking day in prison.
Most of Sup Forums is defending the niggers to try and be edgy. Basically the same line of thinking in how they reject every ally that comes their way.
Has Trump said anything yet? I'd think he'd be all over this shit.
You didn't read it during the prior 780,000 threads on it or the 10 or so currently up before you posted? What the fucking hell is wrong with Sup Forums?
It really shouldn't after all the not-islamic-terrorism incidents where a Muslim commits mass murder for the glory of Allah to spread Islam by fear and destroy the infidels.
They were simply innocent youths lashing out at the white man's white privilege which deeply offended them and the racial inferiority complex that leftists poisoned their minds with.
He's letting the left bury themselves on this one for now. Expect him to pop up to throw gas on the fire right when they try to memory hole it.
They think they'll use it to ignite a race war or some stupid shit like that.
In truth they all personally got off to it cuz they hate retards too cuz autism.
This is what happens when you think it's ok for a group of people to call for violence - idiots will act on it.
fucking savages should be hung from a tree.
Why not hang them and the victim as well? Don't the retards need to be exterminated too?
I definitely don't think it was a hate crime, you need institutional power to commit a hate crime; the white boi snitchin like a bitch was more of a hate crime than what they did to him
Fail troll is fail
Completely unsurprising.
i just wanted to try thinkin like an idiot, it was easy
I'm sure that it came completely natural to you.
It was a hate crime, but it doesn't really deserve all the buzz it's getting. It was just niggers being niggers to a retarded white guy. The only difference from it and other instances is they streamed it. I can't see how someone would be "redpilled" by it. Normal black people don't kidnap and torture people, they just fucking shoot you in the face and steal your shit. Everyone knows this already.
The truly appalling thing is liberals like (((Bernie))) and that BLM maroon using it as a platform to discuss slavery. That's what's actually infuriating, in my opinion.
That, and the fact they weren't calling it a hate crime at first. It absolutely is a hate crime. Not that I give a shit what sort of ramifications that entails, but it was a bona fide hate crime. It's the same bullshit they pull on terrorism. Just call it what it is and fucking move on.
It's okay to make jokes on Sup Forums my man.
i don't know it didn't really phase me that much