Are slavic countries basically "white trash: the countries"?
Except Poland. Poland is based
Are slavic countries basically "white trash: the countries"?
Except Poland. Poland is based
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You know, it's so low because abortion is almost entirely outlawed. Whores who want to kill their baby usually go to Czechia or Germany and tell neighbors they miscarried to avoid stink eyes and shaming.
They even smoke a lot.
Typical for white trash
The chezchs also smoke alot
Maybe its something to do eith eastern Europeans
They earn much less.
Also typical for white trash.
>look at my country
>look at year
10 year old data lel
It has mostly to do with laws that regulate smoking and taxation of tobacco products
Doubt it have changed much since then
It did. They increased tax 2 times since then, new smoking law came to power and e-cigarette appeared on market
According to
It was cut in half and as someone who is living here I would say it is correct. I mean we are still on top but we are going down.
White people in general are trash
They had communism too. Don't judge them
What about the alcohol disorders though
Still have, we were hijacked by a coalition of leftist parties last year
Pls drop us some freedom
And why are you blaming us exactly?
I'm pretty sure slavs still drink ad 2017
not blaming you yankees, just asking for some of those sweet liberation bombs strategically dropped in our parliament building in Lisbon
Based moor knows its the only solution.
what a shitty get
delete your post
He might not be but there is reason to because Mario Soares was a CIA asset. The DCIs wanted to get rid of the Estado Novo and install a regime which was more amenable to American influence. The Carnation Revolution was part of a package that came along with the rebellions in the colonies, largely orchestrated by Kissinger.
Doesn't mean that much because socialism in Portugal was a problem long before the Americans decided to make us of it.
the link does not work last I saw this image
are you the based canadian from the portugese politics threads?
Map thread? Map thread
I don't know if I'm based but I do post in those threads.
>sparing your child the misfortune of being born in Russia is considered being "white trash"
what is this one?
why is pooland so religious
children outside marriage.
leld heartily at the difference between east and west germany
Wow, Scandinavians truly are cucks...
Seems low for Ireland.
This country is full of fucking bastards.
Do you lack basic reading comprehension?
You can't even blame it on yuropoor translations, it was plain english.
Eastern Germany and Western Poland should form their own country
fuck no. they are retards. we keep them at bay
Can we take a step back and admire Sup Forums for a second?
People are taking these maps as fact, with no source in the images, and no real way of knowing it wasn't just created on the spot.
What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums? I knew from the shit that leaks into /sci/ and Sup Forums that Sup Forums was retarded, but I can't believe it's this bad.
The only alternative is a retarded duscussion without any background
but Ireland is not as religious as you
Or the alternative is to ask for source for shit from who's posting it, and ignore it if they can't back their shit up.
Otherwise you're just insulating an echochamber, and responding to the ideas you like, and treating them as fact, essentially building a fictional world where you can not, by definition, act rationally. That's the problem with the far left, and even with Sup Forums. There are these narratives people just entrench themselves in, shouting 'Misogynist' or 'Cuck' and plugging their ears when someone begs to differ, even if it's on a philosophical or scientific basis.
Sup Forums used to be a bit better than this, at least. It was about actually looking at cabals, about the Jewish conspiracy and joking about it while also trying to keep the distance from any kind of narrative like that. It used to be perfectly fine to shit on republicans and democrats, or talk ill of any one figure or person. Now if you bash Trump, you're CTR and a cuck. If you say anything that might give liberals any credence, it's the same. If you even imply that corporate Judaism is even remotely behind Trump or any of the idols they've elevated, you get a sea of shit crammed down your throat for being a libcuck.
Sup Forums has fallen, almost in its entirety.
add to this that we are practically surrounded by non caths thus pole=catholic. many times is our history it was used to determine who is who. Even in XX century
I suppose you are taking this thread to seriously. These are just stupid maps you can agree with or not.
>whether or not data is falsified is a matter of opinion
O-okay user.
Why are Italians and Greeks so awfully redpilled ? Mediterraneans will win this battle in longtime, their culture seems superior
You can just reverse search all the maps for their source
It's not that hard
Jesus. I posted only europe. You can sit down and enjoy mocking some euros
Its is Germany, France and UK that is diferent.
Well yeah, but both of the countries are Western nations with NATO history and no bound to the Sovietic block
They were heavily influenced by America, just like us, but remained this conservative and traditional
>with no source in the images,
Half of them has source in the image and the rest is easily verifiable via quick google search.
Feels disgusting being surrounded by so many degenerates
Germany and France is different bc they were setting a pace for the whole Europe since the fall of Roma. They were always progressive and spearheaded change. I wouldnt associate it with americanization
For France this seems to be true but we Germans were really redpilled and conservative as nation till the end of WW2
It has some huge American influence lad, I can't deny it
Our church never went full retard so people had no reason to abandon their traditions. Czech and russian clergy lost the trust of ordinary people because it was too greedy.
True that WWII fucked you up (however stupid it sounds) but you need to be honest and admit that you have given up on the mainstream religion (catholicism) by your own accord. It wasnt like someone invaded you. So you werent so attached to its traditions so much. Any way the biggest misconception is to treat Germany as one country. Local difference are quite significant
> Ireland
Not bad
I know. Based af
Really made me think
It was in Eurovision. Along with Australia
What are they believers in? Vampires?
If anything real Americans were trying to prevent it as it was a result of left wing, pro-soviet 1968 movements. They were successful in France and Germany but not so much in Italy and in Greece they were crashed by a right wing junta.
Poland has a ton of History and Influence from Western Europe. Russia was nothing but an agricultural backwater til Peter the Great came along
Lets continue
Why hasn't someone gone full on "gas the kikes" then?
i must confess if i had a nation. Id probably burn abortion doctors alive, id seize control of shares of every company that funds it (for myself i want $), if anyone protests ill send in flamethrowers just as long as no pregnent women or kids under 12 die idc. Kids over 12 should know better not to protest for the demise of the youth just saying. I was so happy when that clinic got shot up.
Anyone that has a top minority language that is not native is cucked
How does that match up so well with the old German border? I thought there were no Germans living there anymore
>allow full and completely legal regulated abortion for any reason
>few people do it
Thank you liberalism
> Top minority language of Ireland is Irish
Being this cucked
Look up Golden Dawn
Because it's not an actual antisemitism but simply common sense
>have no jews
>lose anti semitism
Funny huh
The fact that guy doesn't know this makes him retarded
I'd say that it's infinitely more cucked to have your native language as a top minority language, if your native language was spoken mainly then it wouldn't be a minority language
They are no Germans there. As for economic differences the reason is that german lands were much more developed. As anything else you must know that these Poles came there from the east. There are in fact from Poland C. The differences in morality come from cutting off roots
I meant as in a nativist language
Like the language of the natives pre colonization
Poland and Greece barely have any Jews left and are probably the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe.
So Ireland?
The Frisian's
The sami
Poles are the niggers of Europe and they know it.
Only place they are even remotely respected is on this website by burgers and that says everything
WTF is with images not loading? Is this not imageboard?
Yes, OP. Pic relevant, Serb moved to Kentucky.
I offer Poland become a leader of panslav
Reset browser
Yes they are
Hey, your comment is not appreciated
they're still better than filthy d*nes
jesus christ