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not seeing this tweet in my timeline
still better than clinton obviously but his wall business was never anything but blowing smoke for the plebs
remember he's not your champion, hold him accountable like anyone else and this might be a decent administration nonsense broken promises aside
Why did he lie to us bros?
>h-he was supposed to be different!
Don't worry OP, Mexico will still pay, one way or another. Pic related, it's how the Absolute Madman will achieve his promise.
This thread is entirely CTR fags, isn't it? Why do you keep coming here? Who's paying you this time?
>taxes remittance
>deports illegals, saving on the cost of welfare for illegals
>budget surplus
>asks congress to use a portion of the surplus to fund construction of a wall
Sounds right to me.
Guys, I dont think this user is paying for the wall
Like they'd even have the pesos to do it. Enchilada Land is poor as dirt
Can someone post the list of all the things Trump "wouldn't do" with the you are here thing on it? We've now passed the "He won't build the Wall" checkmark
Reminder that we won and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
Straight from the webpage full of positions he's run on since day fucking one of the election:
he's going to build a wall, do you honestly think he's going to skip out on the opportunity to troll the Mexicans after all the shit his hired illegal help has given him?
of course he hired some illegals, everyone has - but they gave him shit so now he's going to build a wall and round up all the spics for deportation
That dude buys shit in pesos, the only thing he is paying for is to live another day in filth
>Caring what a former president of a shit-tier country has to say.
But you said the wall wouldn't be built, CTR.
Someone already did the math and you'd have to deport a person every like 3 minutes during 10 years; deporting all illegals is impossible, even if you devoted all the law enforcement manpower to it there's just not enough money/infrastructure. It will be entertaining watching him try and tank the economy though. Mark my words.
All Trump needs to do to get Mexico to pony up the ca$h for the wall is threaten to deport all the niggers there. Everyone knows how badly THAT will wreck your country
CTR back at it again
you faggots really think you're fooling anyone
There is no escape, Taco
frank junior will pay
How'd the Holocaust happen then?
you moron, a law enforcement call out would occur and in a week's time they could kick everybody out. you are seriously underestimating policing and how it works. they are all logged into systems and most illegals live in communes or shared housing. boom, send a few teams in, round them all up, put them in temporary facilities, then bus them out with armed transports.
takes a week, seriously - cops are sick of all the pacos running around and they are going to remove them with extreme prejudice
uninsured motorists, hit and run suspects, public intoxication - you name it, cops have run into it but they can't issue a summons for someone who isn't going to show up to traffic court
deportation confirmed
Trump din du nuffin he a good boy...
Doubt it was one of you guys, Paco. The only thing you dirty cholos do is make my tacos and clean my bathrooms
Donald Trump is a moron.
Do you really not see that Trump has all the leverage here? He's going to continue putting the arm on companies who want to build in Mexico, and pressuring them to cancel deals, sucking jobs out of your country. Then, he's going to threaten you into taking back your citizens who are in this country illegally. So it's up to your leaders to decide, do you want to take in all 30 million or so, or just 20? Or maybe 15 if you cede us Acapulco, because it's basically ours anyway.
Trump's going to steam roll you. He's not some amateur that walks around with unloaded pistols.
Oh yeah, it'll just be that easy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Trump supporters
>1 post by this user ID
Nice try, CTR but you and I both know that when law enforcement is enticed enough, they'll go after anything
soon it will be the blacks that go next
Getting Mexico to pay for (and build) the wall is easy.
You just have to totally crash the US economy by starting a trade war, and both Canada and Mexico will be building walls to keep the refugees from the US out.
Mexico might not pay for it
But it'll cost them far more if they go that route
He is going to reform immigration in the next 2 years
Something the Democrats refused to do
Something has needed to be done for decades
I don't think it will go down the way he said at rallies like "you can come back legally, but you have to go back first". I don't think this will happen.
The idea will have to be something where the honest illegals are able to get quicker citizenship. That way, the cartel faggots and other mudslime losers that just come here for an easy ride and escape Mexican prison will be easier to single out and send back.
No more 10-20 year waiting lines for working people, it's bullshit. An illegal friend of mine has been here for 15 years with his father. He married an American woman, had 3 kids, started a business and also is a head chef at a local 4 star restaurant.. still can't get his citizenship. He pays all taxes and employs Americans at his business.
If Trump wants to do mass deportations, he will reform immigration first. This will help make America great again, also maybe we can win a world cup in 2018 when we let more of you beaners become Americans. I believe.
If he starts building the wall this way I will invest heavily in bitcoin.
>Implying the president can tell Western Union what to do
never said they'd pay up-front.
they'll pay over time.
Laziest one-post ever.
Also, learn what remittances are.
The mental gymnastics here are bernout levels.
>He's not some amateur that walks around with unloaded pistols.
What are talking about? The guy was born into money and is successful himself due to talking the good talk and greasing the right palms. He knows 0 about politics and will likely just fumble his way through 4 years and decide not to run again because it cuts into his 'fun' time.
I know where all of the illegals live.
Every breath Dahnald takes will be observed closely by both conservatives and liberals. Should he breathe or blink the wrong way (once, not twice), liberals WILL riot.
who, exactly, is The Wall c.2017 racist towards?
illegal aliens? that refers to citizenship, not race.
mexicans? that refers to place of origin, not race. not all americans are 1 race, and as such 'american' only refers to place of origin. same is true of mexicans.
criminals? criminal does not refer to race, it refers to people who commit crime.
the cognitive dissonance from that butt hurt little bitch is astonishing.
One of the main ideas was that we would tax money sent by them to their relatives
Yeah....he never said the country would cut him a check. He said that it would be paid for by increases on visas, money transfers, imports and so forth. He was very explicit about this. You are just attempting to discredit him.
Fool me once, shame on you. It's not to keep "them" out, it's to keep "us" in.
>I don't think it will go down the way he said at rallies like "you can come back legally, but you have to go back first". I don't think this will happen.
I disagree. Deporting illegals is so much cheaper and easier than anyone things.
You literally have to register for almost everything in the US. Cars, School, Jobs, everything.
And Mexicans aren't going to want to be here once we take away entitlements.
There will be a fuckton of that going around this cycle.
This election and the way democrats acted the last two years has forced a new attitude in American politics.
Reason won't be a big theme this cycle. Pure Nationalist Protectionism is going to reign because Mutliculturalism and Globalism was rammed down our throats so forcefully by democats.
Fuck you, niggerlover, they ALL need to go. And that faggot we put in the white house needs to deliver and quit jewing us out of what we voted for.
Trump is/will be an illegitimate president because of Russian influence in our election. Sorry, you will never be able to change that. He's Putin's lapdog.
>americans are racist for wanting to keep low IQ savage beaners out
I hope one day Americans nuke that shit tier country
>liberals think he means mexico is gonna write us a check
>instead he means he's gonna tank the peso
fucking retards I swear
>sept 1
why are you denying the holocaust, hombre?
They're already paying. With the peso dropping, Mexican puta is cheaper than ever south of the border. Good times.
So they'll destroy their own cities, ruin their own neighborhoods, and delve further into a degenerate state of niggerdom that the whole world will want them purged and not just the Trump supporters?
Count me the fuck in.
They havent even begun to pay
>mexicans are rioting over GAS PRICES
>rex tillerson controls exxon
we can get rid of mexico though calculated price manipulation.
lets go oil companies!
>Mexicans can't run their own country
>let their literal human trash pour into ours
>allow more trash from central America to come too
>build a wall to stop it
>Ayayay amigo! Thas racist cabron
>liberals WILL riot
they do that all the time anyway though
I think it's worth the money either way
Mexico doesn't have a fucking choice. All he needs to do is tax remittances to Mexico. He can call in debts, and even cut foreign aid to Mexico.
Mexico will pay for the fucking wall. Just you wait.
He's going to hold Dreamers and the guys you mentioned hostage in exchange for a birthright citizenship amendment that eliminates anchor babies forever. He has all the leverage, I don't see him not taking advantage of it.
Umm, user. Are you sitting down?
He should've known niggers wouldn't understand that he was that he wouldn't raise taxes or cut welfare to pay for it.
smartests post in this thread yet, however. if you tax remittances the cash will leave in Jose's pick up instead etc etc.
My guess is he spends the first four years "getting mexico to pay for it in various ways" and "build the wall" becomes the chant for his re election