I'm with her

I'm with her

Other urls found in this thread:


mfw my state is gonna elect her to Congress

can't wait for the memes

You go, Girl!

That guy's nuts....have been chopped off.

Brianna who?

god he's so fucking ugly

>all those figures

I only own one, but I want more. Will I end up as bad as this person if I buy more?

having one doll is bad enough

how tall is he?

>that hair
>unkempt eyebrows
>awful skin

You'd think with how much decent money he has, he'd try to look a bit more feminine. Instead it's this mess constantly.

Anyone from the region give this thing a realistic chance of winning? I just assumed this was another of it's fundraising schemes given how disastrous it's game companies performance has been.

Where I come from, it's inconceivable that a cross dresser could ever be elected to parliament. But we are worlds apart.

It could, Massachusetts is turbo cucked.

Please just die already.

This man is trying to shoehorn himself into anything he can find just to feed his massive ego.

>John Flynt

Stop posting here John, no one gives a shit about you or your worthless opinions. Kill yourself


I for one hope Brianna Wu wins. It would be glorious to see normies respond to this monstrosity.

She looks like she's aged 30 years.


It's probably case of narcissistic personality disorder

Think the media will do any coverage of the times he's been caught forgetting to switch accounts to bully himself?



Massachusetts voted for McGovern when his home state wouldn't, don't count Wu out.


Put your dilator back in darling its starting to heal over again

Extremely doubtful that this is going to happen. Too many people that are established politicians in the areas (((SHE))) could run.

Kill yourself John, we're all waiting

Ho Lee shiit

So is he going to try to beat an incumbent Democrat in a primary? If so, I don't think he has much of a chance of winning. Could pocket some donations though.

Can't wait to see him crash and burn when the well oiled political slander machine cracks him open like an egg. No amount of affirmative action will be able to save him.

Great. The last thing we need is a Gamergater in office.

go to bed john, your a man

I was never more ashamed than when I discovered that he attended my university. Thank goodness he didn't graduate though.

I'm with her (male)

I'm sure we have volunteers that would remind them with screen caps.

Can't buy new genes.

What is it with tranny hair? Girls look natural with long hair, but so many trannies just look like guys in a shitty wig.


>play arts kai
This triggers me more than her cutting off her dick.

It's the facial structure. Unless you're born looking like a trap already, you're never going to pass without major plastic surgery.

Fucking, this dude should be triggered by majority of figures behind him.

In fact, fuck it, male figurines should be triggering him for being figurines of men excluding Tidus.

anyone care to tell me what gamergate was about?

tfw you think you could make a better looking tranny than Wu, but can't be bothered and don't really believe in it anyway

What a grade A fucking genuine moron

This dipshit can't even deal with meanies on the internet, how is he going to handle his political opponents and their professional shit-stirring ripping his already stretched out anus wide open for everyone to see

Does he just not think about this shit at all

Massachusetts user here. I just came back from the polls- all 'I'm with her' shirts and posters, and not a MAGA hat in sight.
It's over. There's no point in voting for the incumbent- might as well stay at home and save yourself the trouble.
Unfortunately, Brianna's gonna win.

It all comes down to the primary. I find it really unlikely that the Democratic Party won't find someone to run.

The way it works for the most part is that the party recruits people. They look at open races and then talk to business people, academics, whoever and persuade them to run, offering help with money and stuff. It's not like Elizabeth Warren came up with the idea herself. Operatives reach out and say, "if you want to run, we'll help you."

Dem establishment doesn't want her. They'll find somebody to knock her out in the primary. Can you imagine her actually debating some 50 year old lawyer on the issues?


wasn't the story about this dude that he inherited like 400k from his dead parents or something.

Spent it on making a horrendous looking game.
If you consider an artists work as a looking glass into their mind, he is one fucked up retard.

Since then he has been defending gamergate and feminism at every turn.


Didn't she single handedly defeat Gamergate?

took to the 15th reply. Sup Forums is slipping.

Is it a skull shape thing, or forehead or something? It's just like the hair hangs wrong.


Everyone knows that you go Figuarts for realistic characters and Figma for anime/video games.

And Mafex if you want infinite QC issues.

is she the one with a penis, or is that someone else

Also how the fuck are you a femanazi yet have a figure of FFX!Yuna? At least that's what I assume is on the top right up there.

combination of forehead and waiting too long to start hormones. male pattern hairlines kick in in your teenage years, its just not advanced to the point to look like baldness. If you pull back your bangs you will see where it starts to recede in men.

Lets endorse HER

(Let him explain the alt right nazi support)

or shut up and let her be a rouge 3rd party who gets 99 votes.

Take it as a good sign, it's slipping into irrelevancy

>ywn find an Edward Elric figure without those retarded bendable limbs

But that's Rikku and not Yuna!

why don't people see this guy for the deranged, narcissistic, pathetic creature he is? jesus christ this is total degeneracy

>mouth breather

Rikku's top left. I'm talking about this one.

>Gamergate critic
That's his legacy, huh? His life's achievement. "I criticized gamergate!"

I always forget bow ghoulish he looked by the end. Why did he do all that to himself, he wasn't even a bad looking dude when he was young

Who could have guessed.
>I'm with it

Hey I think that is gunslinger yuna.
My bad

Anyone play this shit? This is his character. Someone go troll the cunt

>believing fake news

Pls. He said many times that the only surgery he got was a little bit on his nose for sinuses / to help him hit high notes.

>he isn't bitching about how short the outfit is

Brianna wew.


1) Let people of the state know of how disgusting he is
2) Heavily shill for the other candidates

fuck no we want him to win! it would be a devestating blow to the democrat party.

Don't forget about the time Pepsi set his face on fire.



Reminder that everything this creature does is to invoke negative reaction so that they can stay relevant and earn pity bux

On the one hand I would enjoy seeing liberals making everything worse and worse, just enjoying the shitshow.

On the other hand, they will probably blame everyone else for the system they created.