Daily Reminder that OKC bombing was an INSIDE JOB. The perpetrators are still at large and even hold some of the highest offices in the country, STILL.

here is the quick rundown

info on pic related

now, we are all aware of the 9/11 patriot act connection but here is where many people forget these same people are connected and pushed for the same kind unconstitutional bills years prior, signed into law by who? Bill Clinton.
if you were not alive or have short term memory the "attack" was carried out on april 19 1995 and these bills introduced the following day.
The bill was introduced in the Senate by Senators Joseph R. Biden, Jr (D-Del) and Arlen Specter (R-Penn): and in the House by Representatives Charles E Schumer (D-NY) and Norman D Dicks (D-Wash). The two bills were introduced simultaneously and were essentially identical. The bills were passed on by the Justice Department and the White House and prior to the Oklahoma City bombing, had bi-partisan support.

The bill was specifically designed to give the President of the United States the ability to name whomever he wished as a political enemy for the purpose of that person's removal, and the appropriate media label would be "terrorist". One could also foresee, as a result of this bill, great strides in the effort to completely disarm the American people.

in this thread I propose we find links between these "law makers" to proceeding and prior "false flag" attacks carries out by entities within the government.

Step One:
pick a false flag

Step Two:
research bills proposed shortly after attacks and who proposed them

Step Three:
Post Results

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Never forget

didn't Timothy McVeigh stop by Bill Cooper's place and talk to him befroe the bombings? I remember something about McVeigh showing him a microchip that had been implanted while he was in the military as well.

>didn't Timothy McVeigh stop by Bill Cooper's place and talk to him befroe the bombings

yes. and there are other clues that mcveigh and johndoe number2 (and JD3, rarely talked about) were all FBI informants, who carried out the attack under the guise of a cia program, and that mchveigh was not actually executed.

Sandy Hook
Boston Bombing
Virginia TV
Orlando Fag Slaughter

Alll fake as fuck.
And many more!

true, now lets examine what laws were attempted to be passed or were after each of these, who sponsored them and if they are still in power

Right now there is a whole new set of laws written and waiting for the right trigger to be pulled.

Bud Dwyer too. He was forced to kill himself for other reasons.

>Right now there is a whole new set of laws written and waiting for the right trigger to be pulled.

and the trigger will be pulled by the ones pushing the bill


"We have been at this for 16 years!"
Lol thier crisis actors are nigger tier at this point and people eat it up...

the more that can be exposed the harder it will be for people to buy into their narrative

The OKC bombing was an Iraqi operation designed to ruin the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. The Clinton administration covered it up. This was one of the few smart things they ever did. I'll remind you we got them back for it eventually.

Orlando flag slaughter was followed by no fly no buy attempt

notice how mr(((kohl))) tries to make a mockery of alleging child molesters, lesbos and the likes in the govt this interview

I don't care if the government purposely did Waco those fucking cult faggots deserved it
>hurrrr I think I'm Jesus
What a fuckin homo

better bun them all alive then!

you sound like a faggot, git gone

Nah I think I'll stay. Fuckin loser

>calls me a loser
>licks boots

Why are you defending a bunch of nut job cultists? Queer

why are you defending the Clinton administration? homo

Where was I defending them? Other user was right you ARE a loser lmao.
Enjoy your dying thread bud
>he'll still reply

ill take the bump, youre the real loser bumping my thread. and nowhere did i defend them either. but I guess you missed your own point when you accused me of the same shit.

doubt youll post more than twice like the other guy. guess obama was right after all, govt is transparent. We can see right through you shills