Ive been trying to figure this out for the last 20 minutes, must have read it 50 times. literally what did he mean buy this
Ive been trying to figure this out for the last 20 minutes, must have read it 50 times...
Other urls found in this thread:
Complaining about work, what a surprise
Some young people who are 17 years old have to work full time in order to afford things that other 17 year olds simply have given to them without working at all. It's amazing how different people are.
t. nigger whisperer
hes mad that white peoples parents buy them shit
Young adults today have to work every day to support the previous generation who had everything handed to them. (Cheap everything)
Some people have to work from 17 to put food in their stomach and a roof over their head.
Others get that from their parents, without working.
People are raised differently.
He means blacks need to sell crack to buy (or just steal) nikes, whereas whites get them for free (despite not wearing 500 sneakers)
when will the meme of "nobility in hard work" end?
its such pompous shit, fucking pat yourself on the back a little harder. no one has a bigger chip on their shoulder than poor people
He's pointing out how some teenagers often have to work more to achieve the same thing as those who don't work at all, depending on their socioeconomic background
its almost as a father, if i make sacrifices so that i can give my children a better life than I had. why do black people have such a hard time understanding this simple concept?
He's saying that Nigroids get free shit from the government while Whitey has to work in order to give things to their children.
that fucking id...
Future communist
I had nothing at 17. Not even a bed. Granted I was too lazy to bother getting a job and was perfectly content with sleeping on the floor but still.
Sometimes I feel bad for the average american black. It must be really confusing and frustrating going through life being that stupid and uninformed.
>people raised differently bruh
i think that's what he meant
nice ID
Also, black people have figured out that cucked whites pay out to the people that complain the loudest. 3rd world complaining short circuits their logical faculties and activates pathological altruism.
He means 17 year old in his social group/class (very poor, it appears to be) have to work daily for things that other 17 year olds aren't required to work for, because those things are given to those other 17 year olds instead. And that people are raised differently/have different experiences.
Pretty blunt.
>white people work hard
>pass down their knowledge and success to their children
>black people are lazy
>pass down nothing to their children
This is the difference
>having to work everyday
>aka "hustling"
>aka selling drugs
>or just stealing
why can't he just like, go to a library?
gibs me dat muh fuggah cracka bix nood
"My parents did not have the foresight or industry to bequeath anything to me (as I assume happened to you based on your skin color), so what you take for granted I had to earn."
I was working at 17. I moved out of the house at 17 too. I got $6.00 an hour, but I couldn't afford an apartment alone on that, so I crashed on couches for a while. Then I realized college was a better idea, so I applied and worked through school.
Now I realize college was a terrible idea. Anyway, I don't know what these niggers are whining about. Yeah, some rich kids get the world handed to them. So what? Envying the rich doesn't get you anywhere in life. I wish I could explain that to everyone, even the adults I know.
Just get along as best you can. The fact that someone's got it easier than you doesn't make your life harder. Not unless you can't take your mind off of it and you drive yourself crazy with jealousy.
these people need to be mad at their parents, and themselves. nobody else has anything to do with their problems.
And what the hell did you use to reproduce that text, a copy machine?
why just white people?
seems to me most spoiled race is asian kids
He means he didn't have a dad
>hes mad that white people have parents
>song related
He's upset that his family is poor.
Boo fucking hoo. I've been working since I was 12 to get the things I want.
>Some young people who are 17 years old have to work full time in order to afford things that other 17 year olds simply have given to them without working at all. It's amazing how different people are.
>t. nigger whisperer
That's amazing. How did you do that?
Can't he just buy stuff from gibs me dat?
breddy good, I can actually understand it now
basically he means all white 17 year olds have everything handed to them because of privileges.
You know, the usual utter bollocks while conveniently forgetting not all white kids are on MTV.
>why do black people have such a hard time understanding this simple concept?
pic related
isnt the black youth unemployment rate astronomically high compared to other races?
Working when I was younger to get what all the other kids had handed to them taught me a lot in terms of foresight and responsibility. It's paid off in the long run.
nigga will smith's son is a nigga and he aint worked a day in his life, nigga
its almost like being white isnt a free "I win" card!
He's mad that all his Wal-Mart gibs went to Nikes and Beats headphones.
so he's what, 17 years old and only just now realizing that people have different backgrounds and different statuses in life?
let me know when he gets to the part where he learns that he can educate himself to make himself more valuable and thus move up within society, as he clearly wishes to.
No dad basically
He's under the impression that blacks work, and not only that they work, but they must work for things which whites have simply granted to them by some sort of magician.
>niggers in my Klan rally
we don't lik ur kinnd 'roun her boi
There is literally nothing wrong with his observation. It is something with which all people who were raised less well off can sympathize.
god I fucking hate niggers. The entire race is so frustratingly stupid it drives a man to insanity to witness
>Educating yourself moves you up in society
>All of the black kids on welfare in my middle school had free lunch, [spoiler]the latest video games and consoles, cellphones, and multiple pairs of $100.00 Nike Air Force 1 shoes[/spoiler].
I have no face.
Means he didn't get an xbox for xmas, again.
>LARP Corp., 1-UP Division
There's wealth inequality in the world. Not everyone is born into the same socioeconomic situation
White people have fathers.
I didn't but then again coccaine and the 80's was one hell of a combo so my mom should have seen that shit coming
>More British/Irish slaves than blacks
>White slaves burn in sun, can't keep up, literally drop dead
>Blacks stronger, darker skin, cope with work
>Attitudes are whites are shit workers, lazy; blacks worth the money
>Eventually whites fight for emancipation of slaves
>blacks get equal rights
>But redneck white trash persists
>Stay poor, live wrong side of tracks
>few lift themselves out of shit
>worked two jobs, didn't even complain until jobs taken
>kids worked too until after school jobs gone
>blacks given EVERY fucking programme and fuck it up
>Yet today it's bad to say nigger but ok to say white trash, purely because white privilege means they blew their chance?
Underclass of black and white still persists and yet we still think it's black v White rather than left v right. Fuck identity politics.
I've been working every day since I was 14. Welcome to being white, nigger.
itt: proof that you're a fucking aspie who has poor comprehension skills
This. We are going to be paying the debt of dead people
He thinks white people don't have to work for the things we have. And that 17 is when you can start working. He doesn't know that most white kids start some kind of job at 14. Because he has never had one.