How did this man get elected?

I mean honestly...what was his political history?

what party was he apart of ?

Most pertinently, why would the american people allow this person to take office, especially with the middle name Hussein.

fuck tronald drumpf and fuck white ppl

He was a senator
He had a political career before his presidency and might continue


18 to 35 year olds.

a very short and undistinguished career

I think he had written a few books though

look how unracist i am - i voted for the black guy solely because he's black

Any democrat would have won after the Bush presidency and market crash

People were so sick of republicans after Bush (Who was worse than Obama) that they would've elected a dog as long as it wasn't part of the GOP

Also the novelty of the first black president got record numbers of niggers to stop looting for a few hours to go vote

>might continue

He's been trying to secure a secretary-general position in the UN

Aside from the obvious clusterfuck Bush got us into with the Iraq war most people bought into Obama's Hope & Change nonsense.

kenyan hackers stole the nomination from hillaryeven though she had the popular vote

He is a CIA plant. They no longer needed the previous character that he played so they recruited him for president.

it didn't hurt that his budget for the campaign was three times that of his opponent's

I will give you a hint

He's a nigger

He was a lawyer too I think
Honestly I think his wife would have made a better president than him, I wouldn't agree with her policy most likely but she seems pretty popular and isn't dumb, would be leagues better than Hillary

he was a democrat senator. are you retarded? 16?

also he literally struck when the timing was so perfect. white people were okay with a black president, everyone was so fucking sick of repubcs/bush tax cuts/tanking economy, the change and hope message struck a huge chord

They ran McCain and Romney

Was he perhaps chosen ?

George W Bush.
Read Dune.
No, seriously, this is explained in Dune, and it made it into the under-appreciated Lynch film. Guy one is real mean. He's so mean you'd rather have anyone else. So you embrace Guy two.

Obama was the first politician to upload his campaign videos to YouTube. That pretty much won him the youth vote in 2008. YouTube was still in its infancy and seeing a politician on it pretty much sold him to every young person, white or black, back then. Except me. Fuck that nigger, I was 16 and a McCain No Blame, No Shame


stop nurturing chaos

The Republicans had just had a POTUS for two terms. Everyone is just playing the game.

The internet was new, Bush was bad, and they spent over a billion dollars on his meme machine.


he actually promised to get rid of the patriot act and swiftly end the wars in iraq and a ton of other shit libertarians supported ron paul for, but then completely lied about it all

>The internet was new

>his ears somehow stick out farther now


Everyone just wanted to be part of the novelty "I voted for the first black president."

White guilt and realizing we went to war over lies. The people thought he'd be transparent and diverge from the geopolitical manipulation we all experienced. Europe hated us, so all the cucks in the country wanted to prove how amazing they were, so were much more motivated to vote for a black man. "See world! We're progressive! Fuck Bush". Really that's it.

>How did this man get elected?

he was black and promised free shit; how could people possibly resist?

The surgery is wearing off.

>How did this man get elected?
He was black. They wanted to do the same thing with Hillary because she was a woman and it was "her turn". This is the way libs think.

>How did this man get elected?
He was black. That's literally all he had going for him.

>Most pertinently, why would the american people allow this person to take office, especially with the middle name Hussein.
White guilt.


The normie internet was new.

>How did this man get elected?
Massive voter fraud. The only difference between Obama and Hillary is that people bought the Magic Negro narrative surrounding Obama, so nobody really questioned the results because they were believable regardless of your feelings about him.

Too bad the photographer who took that picture doesn't understand how the focal length affects the picture.

Dude I'm going to sue your ass thanks for the carpel tunnels

>He was black. That's literally all he had going for him.
wrong. he also had highly developed teleprompter-reading skills.

Don't do this it replaces your blood with mustard gas

Because he was black and whites in america are brainwashed leftists


People were angry with the Bush Administration, angry with the Republican Party and the Iraq War, and angry about the subprime mortgage crisis. The country was plunging into the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression. Obama had been nominated by the Democrats and campaigned on being a Washington outsider who would bring change.

Honestly, Trump won for very similar reasons.

carpel tunnel is fun though.

>be on phone
>play game as to how long I can hold onto phone above face before my hands go full retard

White guilt and "muh first president"

Thank god he has made whites racist again.

Thanks Obama.

His mother is a white Jew. So technically, Obama is the first Jewish president. Not the first black president.

"Before Sup Forums" and "After Sup Forums" Obongo

>first Jewish president

I need a source on that. No way that he's the first. Also your faction is shit on Total War 2. Got Rekt by the HRE

Democrats voted for him, republicans voted for his opponent... independants split down the middle...

Then the all mighty important "monster vote" kicked in... this is people who have never voted or usually never vote. Black people came out in droves to vote for their first time, that's how he won.

It's the same way Trump won. That's why I kept saying the monster vote will win Trump the rust belt, and Sup Forums kept saying I don't know what I'm talking about.

Why does this job age them so much? Surely this is not a normal 8-year progression, and I've read that increased stress being linked to aging is a myth.

Don't think it's true. I would have heard it before if it was true. Sauce?

hopefully not his foreign policy is terrible.