Why is Sup Forums so anti-individual? Almost every argument is based on conjecture and anecdotal evidence and people still lap it up and label the bullshit as "redpilled". Can no-one think for themselves? People talk about how the jews are brainwashing the normies though the media and how they would never fall for their lies, but don't they think it's weird how certain ideas are pushed here and anyone who disagrees is just immediately dismissed as a shill or a pussy or a bigger? I notice a lot of people practising selective ignorance to a lot of the topics they feign passion for. Do they even realise how many "black" races there are? Do they acknowledge that there are degenerates and civilised human being from every race? Haven't they noticed that every nigger in America comes from a nigger family, while middle/working class black people grow up fine? Sure there's evidence to the contrary, but it's anecdotal. Don't ignore ignore circumstance just to push an agenda. It's so easy to give in to the hivemind, especially when you find yourself relating to them on a personal level, but don't make that an excuse not reflect and think about your ideologies and decide for yourself the ideas you choose to latch onto.
Why is Sup Forums so anti-individual...
>or a bigger
yahoo could have used you
Because we want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Humans alone are worthless pieces of shit. When we put aside our degenerate (((individualistic))) desires, we can be strong and dedicated to a unified cause. That is why Sup Forums is a fascist board and always will be. Anyone saying otherwise can fucking kill themselves.
Millennials don't know what individualism is. They suffer under groupthink and equality memes. Can't shovel a driveway, mow a lawn, or cook a meal.
Half of them can't even get hard without porn.
This guy just about nailed it. Alone we are weak and flawed like a single gnarled stick. Together we are strong like the mighty fasces; our many flaws as individuals overlooked because our combined purpose to support the blade of human evolution is so much more important.
I'm for individualism but I don't think we should play by a set of rules no one else is willing to. It's obvious that minorities are engaging in identity politics and using political correctness as a vanguard.
Precisely. Most people on this board before the fucking 2016 election understood this implicitly. Now we have to re-redpill the 100,000s of normies who flooded here from The_Donald all over again.
No worries, though. We are where people who seek political knowledge end up, not where they start. All roads lead to fascism, and Sup Forums is always right.
But then who decides who is and isn't part of the group? Where does the boundary lie on who is and isn't accepted? The larger a group gets, the more difficult it is to streamline ideas to the point where large groups of likeminded people are almost impossible. The larger the group, the less freedoms the group has. So sure we're stronger together, but who gets to take advantage of that strength? Probability dictates that it probably won't be you, and that suppression of ideas is what leads to infighting and depression amongst it's people. So strength in this instance is subjective to interpretation.
Because most of us are narcissistic
Ideology evolves. The Roman Empire was as strong as it was because for some 400 years, it was a small city-state surrounded by enemies. It became an empire because its citizens were so dedicated to the higher ideal of empire and glorious civilization that all men joined the military or government, placing their PERSONAL stake in the future of the empire. Rome was utterly sacked around 400 B.C. Utterly burned to the ground. The Germans stole all their gold and totally humiliated them. Only because the Romans themselves decided together that the ideal itself of Rome was worth preserving did the Republic continue to rebuild and flourish into the glorious empire that it became.
As long as people are willing to stake their personal fortunes and lives in the future of a cause, there is no need to pick and choose who is a part of it. It's when the government itself starts dividing the people into (((individual))) social/racial groups and economic classes that the empire falls apart.
Our meme government in America at least tells us "You are all Americans, no matter what culture, race, or class" Yet they create political parties that tell us the opposite. Not only that, they incite violence amongst us and kindle the flames further by siding with the most stupid/uneducated side to further keep the people divided. We live in the opposite of the Roman Empire right now. A clusterfuck of simpletons who are incapable of putting aside their media/government-bestowed ideologies of what the future should be like for the simple purpose of being part of something greater than us all.
We can fix it, but it will take time. A long time. But things are going the right way so far, at least here in the USA. Those niggers torturing one of our kind really woke up a lot of people yesterday to what we are really up against.
lol dude what a crock of shit. Sup Forums has never been always right. the only people that stay either agree with each other or like coming for the laughs.
Sup Forums is just a self-selected bubble and its mostly just autists who believe they're redpilled.
Please kill yourself. Sup Forums is one of the sole forces for good on the internet. I know you are scared of what we plan to unleash on the world, and you should be, because you will be among the first killed in the leftist firing squads. There are more people visiting this site daily than watch all cable network news combined. We only grow stronger. You only grow weaker. Your side is so weak, you're kidnapping mentally retarded people and torturing them and streaming it live on facebook in a primitive attempt to stop this movement.
Actually who am I kidding? You are certainly some 19 year old, 120 pound cuck listening to Tyrone fuck your single mother a room over and are bitter at the world about it.
Imma kill you.
I want to be left alone, is that to fucking much to ask for.
Stay the fuck outta my business cunts
Fucking new as fuck
Look at this bait, that I just found. When I say go, give it a throw! GO!
Maybe we have just the right balance of individualism and collectivism.
I find it hilarious that the left demonizes collectivism while they are so obviously participating in it. Their groupthink is pretty much out in the open right now. Not much subtlety to it anymore.
>t. came here 3 months ago
Sup Forums, from its inception, has always been /fash/.
You can be left to your own business as long as it doesn't fuck over your community. That is the essence of the ideology. I know that is hard for you to understand because all you want is your next dopamine fix, but there are greater feelings of satisfaction and inner peace than the ones you get from materialistic gain.
There is nothing like the pride you feel inside when you stand back in awe of what you have been a part of creating.
So a group is successful as long as they have a common urgent goal and anyone who shares this goal is accepted. What happens when the goal is met? As the common goal disappears the clashing ideas of the individuals come forth as suggestive future objectives, and the less that can be agreed upon, the more divided the group becomes. A large group can only be sustained temporarily, and once it disbands or separates, individuals need to rely on themselves and smaller groups of likeminded people. Some people might decided they need to fix roads I'm their area, while some might think it's a waste of time and money that would be better spent on establishing more businesses, for example.
What government, including fascist government, does is create a sense of security. An idea that "I as an individual don't need to worry about these problems because the government will fix it for me", and so individuals stop working towards bettering their community because they feel they don't need to. This creates a false environment where people feel disbanded from their community, when in reality they are just part of something that goes on without their individual input. "I would fix this road myself but I can't because it's a government road". If each individual really had power, the road would be fixed immediately.
The problem comes when people get sick of this false idea of individualism and start to create artificial groups. For example, separating people into races and judging them on that factor alone is dumb. When people don't have a common goal, they invent one and try to convince others to partake, and this is what I'm talking about in the OP. Things like "race wars" are false goals no one wanted until individuals got tired of working for themselves under government limitations and decided they needed something to rally behind, no matter how stupid.
There needs to be more power to the individual.
I've found that iner peace thing or whatever.
I don't need big and shinny shit.
I few guns, my own place, cigarettes, liquor. Etc.
My life is complete. I'll leave them alone if they leave me alone
Ok, we can agree halfway here. Fascism is a bit of a last resort. However, we are that last resort point in the current time. Fascism is meant to serve a purpose - unite us to a higher cause of trimming the fat and purging the worst parts of our society so we can level out again at a healthy norm.
No fascist government has ever reached that point because the zionists always wage war on them for existing and then villify them in the history books. We really don't know what would happen if such a society were allowed to thrive for an extended time.
>Sup Forums is anti-individual
All the beta natsocs may be so, but that's about it. Most of Sup Forums is right wing individualist
>Sup Forums is one person
Take your sweeping generalizations and GTFO!
They won't leave you alone. You are already an ideal citizen in a fascist society. If anything, you would be praised and asked to teach the youth your ways for being a totally self-sufficient human. It is the left who would tell you "you have too much and are a threat" and would offer you either a surrender of your belongings or a firing squad.
Fascism builds self-sufficient people. Communism builds slaves. As 2016 has taught us, there seems to not be much room in between because people always gravitate toward the extremes now.
>Fascism builds self-sufficient people.
You mean people reliant on the state
If you work and pay your taxes. That state relys on you.
Alright. Abit confused but ok
We do think for ourselves. Why else would every thread turn into the shit show that it does? If everyone here was a conformist it wouldn't be so hostile now would it? It'd be one big circle jerk.
A naive viewpoint which is spouted by any bureaucrat or useful out there. A communist would say the same thing. Do you think the state cares about you as long as you obey their laws under fear of punishment? The state doesn't care for the individual, it cares for its own interests. Politburos, career politicians, fuhrers, they're all parasites on society that leech productivity from the individual and use that which never belonged to them in the first place to fuel their inane beliefs as to how society should be. The state should be weak so it can be molded by the taxpayers and people who actually pay for the system. You feed the state too much and they can get away with whatever they want to.
And this is why i want to be left alone.
> us vs them
> ad hominem
how new are you? my points are completely valid. Sup Forums is absolutely self-selecting and a lot of people here just fling shit all day with some holier-than-thou attitude that isn't too different from the far left. either address what I said or fuck off.
Fascism can never work because eventually the infighting would be the downfall of itself. So long as government has complete dominance over the population, individuals become weakened by suppression of their ideas until they either become a nation if weak submissive dogs or angry rebels. The greater good can't be decided by a small group on behalf of everyone else forever, eventually disagreements cause conflict. If Hitler was successful, the German people would get sick of listening to him as his views slowly become more dissimilar to the public. Power needs to change between the completion of goals, and only if the individual is consistently powerful can a society be sustained throughout these changes.