molyneux has always been based, he just makes some of his arguments less extreme sometimes to appease the normies which is fine because its a good staring point to get redpilled
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I love Molyneux, but for life of me I can't understand UPB. The problem is his belief in free will. Free will is totally unnecessary to explaining any human action, because cause and effect encapsulates everything. There's a far simpler way to convince people of the importance of morality. Just ask people if they wanna live in a world where stealing from and killing you is ok, or if they'd rather live in a world where people respect each other.
Implying he doesnt support it anyway.
That here. Gotta make some bucks.
Guy is pissed since a while ago. You guys really should see some of his first videos.
>m-muh anachism and tah church and state is evil!!!! atheism is the future!! btw. dont spank ok? pls.
>picture related.
The only problem I have with Molyneux is that he sometimes seem to dodge certain hypotheticals because they aren't convenient.
I know they are often unfair arguments but that is the stuff people will handpick to motivate why he is wrong.
The most important thing he taught me is that democracy is a failed experiment and that whatever power it gives to a group can be used against you just as easy as it can be used by you.
It's all construct to have someone subscribe to your special brand of morals and ideas.
Anarchism is essentially a power vacuum waiting to be filled by the will of a retard. That's the biggest flaw of anarchism. Minarchism with guaranteed undeniable rights are the only way. No supreme court telling us that "you have this right, but only to the extent that I am confortable with"
The things he says then and now are not mutually exclusive. He values western civilization because it breeds high IQ people when its values are held true, which brings society loser to the ideals he's long striven for. He'll do what it takes to defend the path to his goal, and if that means supporting nationalism, then so be it.
Fucking mushy keyboard.
He just realizes it now because it could be his child or relative one day who is victimized.
Simply ask any Libshit this question: What if it were your child who was victimized?
It may be appealing to emotion but self-preservation will always triumph no matter what anyone says.
Well and he makes some unusual jumps in logic at times.
My favorite videos of his are the largely informational and historical ones.
He often repeats that if his opinions change about things, it is because he has new information that wasn't readily available at the time when he had a "different opinion".
"What do YOU do with new information? Ignore it?" I love this man.
This was a based video.
>appealing to emotion
Is exactly what people respond to. You can't make reasoned arguments to most folks. Capitalism works because people are driven by self interest; and socialism fails for the exact same reason. You have to appeal to self-interest to change people's minds.
He's a very emotional person, but his integrity has taken him more towards pragmatism as of late.
He's putting away childish things.
Yes, that too, but I think it's because we sometimes assume things to be "common knowledge" and think people don't need every part explained to them.
I realized this when I had to explain to my family that if one part of the constitution is up for debate, you essentially have no rights if the group says so.
Maybe you find this guy interesting as well:
Don't waste your time on his "philosophy" stuff, it's some pretty amateurish stuff. His strength lies in his political and social commentary.
If you've followed his stuff 2013 - now it's pretty plain to see he's really cut back on making arguments all the time in favor of long winded emotional rants & then injecting an argument. It works much, much better
>tfw watching Molly slowly becoming redpilled
White Nationalists bantz him a lot, but he's a good guy.
Pragmatism is essential if you really think about it. People fail to understand that theory that doesn't work in reality is missing variables and is essentially incomplete theory.
This is why some still support Communism. It sounds all great but it doesn't take in consideration that people do not work like that.
Indeedily doodly.
Any minute now a leaf will start shitposting about how he is a crazy death cult. Any fucking minute.
yep its the first step. doing it slowly so his audience will follow.
in about 2-3 months he'll imply clearly that he stands with white nat
Stop paying attention to Molymeme.
Is he teary-eyed in the beginning?
Just started watching.
Molyneux confirmed for facist, will lead the RWDS
I think some people are more capable of free will than others, namely, niggers.
how long until he goes full 1488?
How can anyone but Sup Forums-tier autists take Molyneux seriously?
Watch his video called 'a conversation with a racist' or something, it's habbenin.
And then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
>Ruby Ridge/Waco 2.0 happens in our lifetime
I've noticed I can fuck up liberals arguments easier when I think of allegories that explain a parallel truth. Molymeme is a master of this.
Just because he's confirming my own biases doesn't mean I'm just gonna ignore the fact that his channel has gone completely down the shorter over the last year. He seems like he's really pushing to become the internet Rush Limbaugh or something instead of trying to tie current events into philosophy like he used to.
Molyneux is a fucking joke, but he says some poignant shit occasionally. He said some real shit in that video, I hope he wakes up some people. If you read between the lines, it's been pretty obvious that he was red pilled for a while now. He's not an idiot, he's just a weirdo.
The best response to a liberal argument is "BEANER BEANER BEANER!" while you clap your hands to the rythm of your superior logic or else you do not believe in freedom.
Pragmatic politics matter more than philosophy, especially right now when the West is facing the possibility of looking at some sort of crisis, and he makes more money doing it anyway since it's more immediately important and as such appeals to more people.
Gotcha, though I remember one example being particularly glaring but I'll have to find it.
Ye, you mentioned a good example with the constitution. The constitution includes provisions to add and amend aspects of it but its original tenets, I agree, serve as the core values the country and government strive to uphold. In that light, any amendments ought to be made with those values in mind. The Thirteenth is a good example (on a tangent, I loved his video about the Reality of Slavery) of an amendment working within the core values of the Constitution while adding something of substance.
I'll check out this other guy, thanks for the link.
lol this guy is such a closet nazi it's a fucking joke. also he always makes everything as dramatic as possible, including his thumbnails. like we know you're a sociopath dude just stop
>there are people who doubted Molymeme
In some ways I feel bad for him. The truth really has done a number on him.
He's a narcisist, not a sociopath.
That's fine if others like it.
The only videos of his I've actually liked over the last year were the fall of Rome presentation and the 1 or 2 videos where he veers really close to going full 1488.
I even like Sargon more than him now, and all that faggot does is play YouTube videos of SJWs embarrassing themselves, pauses the videos every 10 seconds, and says "ah yew fucking stooped? I mean really, ah yew daft?!" for 30 minutes straight
The abyss truly stares back.
If anything he makes more informational (in terms of statistics, etc., not necessarily metaphysics, epistemology or the like) data-driven videos now per time periods of say, a month, on average than he did at any other time his channel was up, he has researchers on all the time.
Bend the knee, or be destroyed.
I remember when Molyneux started. He was a legit AnCap Libertarian. He had a lot of good to say. His intro video was great and got millions of views. Slowly he became more nationalist. He's become a race realist. It's sad he's let his emotions get the best of him. I don't watch him at all anymore unless someone recommends a good video he may make from time to time.
Bump because I like propaganda.
Not sure if confirmation bias or it's real. Has he actually been Sup Forums'd?
>Molyneux finally admits he understands white nationalism
But he doesn't understand spanking.
>It's the 4th of the current year!
He's at least looking at the same memes we are.
He's still ancap, he's just preserving the path necessary to get to that ideal.