Japan recalls envoy to S.Korea over new 'comfort woman' statue
Doujins when?
Holy fuck Korea, how many more times do you expect Japan to apologize for this shit? They've apologized over and over and reached a settlement with your government last year. Why the fuck is this still a thing?
Koreans are like little children who can't grow up and let things that happened in the past stay in the past. America doesn't demand Japan apologize for Pearl Harbor. Japan doesn't demand America apologize for the nukes. We're both adults, we both fucking just deal with it and move on.
Fucking Koreans need to just grow up already and accept that this issue is over.
dokdo is korean
Almost all Korean
Don't believe their lies.
Gook here.
This is not just about comfort women. Koreans are mad about Japan's stubborness. Dokdo island, ruling over Korea, competition between Asian countries. It's like USA vs Canada but different circumstances and more intense.
Tldr; we are being fags. We are just bored ayyy
Don't you have a shaman to overthrow?
Koreans calling other people stubborn?
Mmm comfy women
Drink shit chosen-jin
The left is Amercan though
Comfort Women the truth be told
Look at all these Korean girls selling themselves in Japan today.
>muh comfort women
>implying they weren't asking for it
What a bunch of fucking babies.
We finally mean it.
recall ambassador in sk
suspend negotiation of monetary currency swap (dollar and won)which demand from sk
quit participating in cultural exchange held in Busan
suspend economical negotiation in high level diplomacy between sk and jp
we should move on to next step
recall visa and restrict travel from south korea
and final step will be
stop diplomac relations
It's so unfortunate that this conflict even exists. Japan has bent over backwards to appease these Koreans.
What a terrible neighbor. I know some Koreans are reasonable, but the unreasonable ones are louder and more violent. It is a shame.
So Koreans are pretty much the niggers of SE Asia is what you're saying
As long as we want since Japan hardly talks about it.
Koreans basically don't exist in Japanese worldviews. Any TV show you see about the world community, Korea is basically absent.
Part of it is that Abe has been going full revisionist at times. It's like how Japan keeps crying about Nuclear Powerplants because of the A-bomb and a handful of shittily made plants melting down (that's what you get living on the ring of fire).
On a side note, it's a statue in Korea, why would Japan give a shit about Koreans making a statue dedicated to their ancestors being whores?
They're actually acting jewish. They're playing the role of false victim and extracting shekels out of guilt tripping the Japanese. This shit is wearing very thin similar to how the holohoax is wearing thin in the West.
Dude the whole fucking region is like this:
The Koreans piss of the Japanese.
The Japanese piss of the Chinese.
The Chinese piss of the Vietnamese.
The Vietnamese piss of the Laotians.
The Laotians piss of the Indians.
The Indians piss off the Pakis.
The Pakis piss off the Russians.
And the Russians go right back around and piss off the Koreans.
The entire fucking continent is literally just four billion people just constantly pissing each other off and insulting each other and slighting each other and fucking each other over because of shit that happened 50, 100, 1000 years ago.
I'm pretty sure the final step is when you guys take them as comfort women again.
This whore statue is more like a symbol of Korean populism. It appears every opportunities wherever it can be.
The protesters of anti US base in Okinawa are consisted mostly either Koreans of commies.
We should stop it stands on our clay to make use of agitation.
They're already offering themselves.
If they want to do this, fine, but then don't cry about being forced by the Japanese when you're coming willingly to Japan to give comfort.