> Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real.

Have you gone mad from redpills?


Have you found the truth but received a (((psychiatric hold)))?

Other urls found in this thread:

no more schizo talk on pol, I left x cause it was too much. I dont want to get in trouble

Schizophrenia doesn't exist.

How can you say it doesn't exist? What the fuck?

Physically impossible.

Far from mad.

What's impossible about it? Why have I been hallucinating since I was 4 years old if it's not real? Why are ashkenazi jews (which I am) predisposed to it because of their genes, but most people aren't?

Autism tier:
> JIDF threads
> CTR threads
> slide threads

Reality tier:
> Race realism
> Jew-dominated MSM
> Jew-dominated Bolshevism
> Mass migration to only white countries
> Feminism creates childless sad women
> Both USA political parties controlled by rich businesses

A little out there, but true, tier:
> Hitler did nothing wrong.
> Communism = Jew masters, Goy slaves
> Systemic oppression of men in Western society
> White genocide

Useful Idiot tier:
> Racial Holy War threads
> self-doxxing threads

Schizophrenia tier:
> Ancient aliens
> Antarctica redpills
> Flat Earth
> "Elite Insider" creditor citizen threads
> "literally an ayy lmao" threads

I will say this.

>The whole of "Schizophrenia" comes from a term that was coined meaning "split-mind" The issue here is "There is no definitive test to find out if someone has schizophrenia" There are only "symptoms" and the symptoms come from the DSM I - VI. What you will find is the very symptoms that refer to the disease refer to many other of the same diseases classified as such.

Hallucinations aren't schizophrenic.

You can have a perfectly orderly mind and still hallucinate. (You do it every night).

If there is disorder in your mind, it is only a matter of time before it finds stasis.




return to sender

your axiom is: 0
my axiom is: 1

all men are uncreated equal

Hi I'm a functioning schitzo. I don't know what's real anymore. I'm pretty sure we're locked in some self referencing fractalized reality that feeds into its self.

>take a break shlomo.

Nailed it.

take your meds, your family loves you. I promise if you listen to the doctors you will be healed in time. No one understands and there's no all in one treatment but each day you can get better.

Hallucinations are very rare from normal people. And just by listening to schizophrenics talk you can tell they can be logically impaired and they can have serious outlandish beliefs. And it's usually something that happens gradually beginning later on in life, meaning they weren't always like this, hence why it's a disease.


I think you're right, because once when I had a bad cold I lay in bed and read a whole bunch of Erowid trip reports on DXM, while high on DXM. I was enlightened but it cost me 5 IQ points.

Schizophrenia is a spook

>curly hair
>jewy look
>good with money (accounting and numbers)

now this

>predisposition to psychotic disorders

thats it, I am a Jew, this ties up everything....

oh fuck........

shut the fuck up you new age retard, go keep on trying to astral project, I am sure 99% of you fags would be too traumatized if they ever experience something to the tier of a schizo....not exalting schizo, but you are a faggot that do not know what is talking about.

wtf are you talking about, I wish your dreams of becoming crazy come true.

thats individuality, when you become conscience, you create a reality bubble...

As previous poster mentioned. Fractals.

If you go into a deep set you can lose the overall picture. See The mind however tends toward order, so give it time, going deeper into the rabbit hole to the point where you find yourself back at one again.

Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal
And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late

we can interact from within our bubbles, but indeed we are separate realities

> mfw schizophrenia isn't real, but thinking I have schizophrenia is a symptom of a different mental disorder that's basically the same.

What's wrong, did I take away your special snowflake victim status?

You love your diagnosis, you wear it like a yellow star.

Worthless jew how dare you act condescending over people interested in the hallucinagenic properties of the mind

im schizotypal and i get delusional when im burning off my adhd meds and get sleep deprived. i start to keep thinking things in my peripheral vision are hopping at me or swearing that i heard noises. heard a tap on my window from a bush and i swore that the pattern the branch hit the window had to have been a person so i grabbed my fnx45 and just waited for like 10 minutes like a complete autist

>what next? antisemitism is a mental disorder...kys kike.

Nice poem, brody
I feel the same way

I went through a psychosis and thought I everything had divine meaning and I came up with these retarded theories and became convinced of them.

When your brain goes crazy like that, you see profoundity and patterns in everything. The pattern on the wallpaper suddenly becomes the manuscript of God.

Here is the true redpill: It's just a fucking wallpaper.

do you ever play TAROT but with a deck of Magic:the gathering cards? Anyway, you write like you have Schizophrenia. LARPing isn't the answer.

You NEED a prescription for anti-psychotic medication so you can fight in the inevitable Racial Holy War.

Delusional soldiers are not useful soldiers.

Not schizophrenia.

Your sensitivity to stressors just appears to be too high.


>Sup Forums general

See. Your mind found order.

I don't understand what you're talking about. But the point is schizophrenic people's brains differ from normal brains and they clearly act much different than normal people and struggle cognitively. I really don't see how it's not real.

> we are a single great thought, spiraling outward in every direction
> we are in our own bubbles

have you ever had the feeling that something really loud is about to wake you up when you're fully awake already? ive had this feeling and it's really weird but i get a really weird sense that somethings about to shake me out of what im currently perceiving into something completely different

>schizophrenic people's brains differ from normal brains and they clearly act much different than normal people

Women differ from men, therefore unicorns are real.

schizoposting is the truest way to shitpost. Get in real touch with that reptile part of your brain and just let the madness and words flow, you should try it, it's fun.

MKULTRA is real.

Yes you were targeted.

Yes, you are a lizard person.

But there is nothing wrong with that.

Here in the pscytz genny you are among friends

Your nervous system appears to be hyper-sensitive.

Not schizophrenia. You need some downers.

How easy is it to get diagnosed with schizophrenia? I'd like to do so, so that I can get disability income from the government and spend the rest of my life dedicated to the study of memetics.

God damn.

I knew I was not crazy all along...
we make up this reality ourselves.

I saw so many going insane while doing as much drug as me, get to the hospital and be diagnosed with all sort of names that doesnt fit the person at all... While I never went to see any doctor or anything despite many depressions and hallucinations... I went through it and now I'm perfectly fine. Without meds or anything...

This science is so incomplete...


These people act like shitposting and letting genius rip is a danger to themselves and others.

Pathetic. Afraid of their own minds,

Who benefits from that?

my bad, you be the expert, really I dont want to tie myself by the neck even more than I have already.

Oh okay, you're right. There's no such thing as illnesses, mental or otherwise, because it's all subjective as to what should be considered the norm.

This is shitposting.

During the whole Pizzagate thing I had a psychotic episode, it was like a 3 day fever dream. First time it's ever happened and haven't had anything neurotic happen since. It was a wild fucking ride.

I didn't say that.

I just said schizophrenia doesn't exist.

>really I dont want to tie myself by the neck even more than I have already.

So now your suicidal. Agree with me or I kill myself. Grow up kid.

no i got labelled with the personality disorder schizotypal not schizophrenia. apparantly having too autistic of a thought pattern makes you too gay for your own good

It has been reported that some victims of pepe, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being peped. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP

YEs. A wild fucking ride.

That ends.

Then it begins again,

Then it ends,

Like everything else in the cosmos.

And thank GOD for that. Psychosis is exhausting, took me almost a full year to recover too. Never mess around with psychdelics or any drugs for that matter when you're on SSRI's, I did it so you don't have to.

Nope, never had that.

>Agree with me or I kill myself.
Ever hear of the "Quantum Suicide Trick"?
It's a sure-fire way to either jump realities or die.

Stop fucking with peoples heads.

knock yourself out with the properties of your mind, I am sorry but, seeing people wanting to eagerly enter a state which some would consider suffering, makes me think you dont fully understand what you are getting into.

neither do I, maybe I keep away from it cause I have already had my share of crazy.

I see you are a very superficial person, I am talking in a figurative way, like the bible says, beware of the power of words, the power of the tongue, cause in the end the words you say are the ones used to "hang" yourself.

You too.

Bad boy.

The memes are Litterally destroying my life and I could care less.
No one will notice when I am gone

It was an actual residual schizophrenic episode or schizophrenoform. First day I thought I was being sacrificed to a black mass. Second and third day I thought i was in a Trueman type show where the whole world was watching me and I was entertaining an audiance. I had auditory hallucinations and delusions. I heard a laugh track, had my own theme songs playing in my head at the appropiate moments. Was talking to people that weren't there and much more.

> if you mix SSRIs and psychedelics your wallpaper will start dropping redpills

tr7ps of truth

Okay man, you win. Significant loss of gray matter in the brain is normal. And it's surely just a coincidence that these people with the loss of brain matter hallucinate more and are more cognitively impaired, with illogical delusions. And they definitely don't typically struggle in life. All normal.

Okay that shit is schizophrenia.

Get help friendo. Pepe needs mentally rock-solid soldiers for the RaHoWa.

Actually the full story involves 3 days in a foreign jail for disorderly conduct, but that's a story for a different day.

I'm supposed to be taking pills and working with a guy named Nick but fuck the pills and fuck Nick too
Pic related.

I hope it doesn't manifest again. Schizophrenia manifests in males between 20's and 40's. If you make it past that you're normally fine. Mine was drug induced but it I wasn't on psychadelics. I had a weird experience on a fent analogue from sleep deprivation and either too much dopamine or seratonin.

greentext please. 88, white man.

I was having really bad nightmares and felt sick like when I had my nervous breakdown. It felt like my head was on fire and a really bad caffeine jolt mixed with paranoid thoughts. I stopped paying attention to pizza threads after that.

I've got mad redpills.

Also schizophrenia can be tamed through a strict dietary regiment, which the best way to describe the mental illness is an allergic reaction.

Just tell them about Lord Kek, meme magic; tell them about the archons and the secret wars and conspiracies, mind control etc..

I really think the occult shit triggered it, as I said I was on an anologue at the time that other people mentioned gave them trips but that whole episode fucked my perception of reality. The first day was a paranoid hell, I thought my mother wanted to sacrifice me. The later two days were enjoyable, I was literally skipping around and singing.

Been a schizoid my entire life.

Parents sent me to psychiologist when I was 9 and would stay up all night fearing that the sun would explode and kill everyone.

I never hallucinated and I live a completely normie life outside of Sup Forums but the way I think is paranoid to say the least. I wish I could emulate the way true schizophrenics write because it's genuinely evocative in the same way James Joyce is.

72 hours of sleep deprivation then megadose LSD. You will never be the same again.

what diet?

going to do hard keto starting tomorrow since I'm a 300lb hacker. if it makes me saner, that's an added bonus.

You have to voluntarily choose not to believe in your mind and instead believe in the illusion. This world is pure illusion, if you try to find out what's real it will drive you absolutely mad because this world is built on illusion.

I realized part of what was happening a bit over a year ago. Went really mental and schizo for a minute, was sure the illuminati types were reading my thoughts. Strange cars would be parked by my house in my neighborhood (right when my thoughts were most bizarre).

Luckily I got on an anti-psychotic for sleep purposes (low dose) and after a few months I came back to normal.

The problem is that it's hard to tell the difference from "Schizos" that have stumbled on the truth and other "Schizos" that are just plain crazy.

Hallucinations are the highest form of psychosis. Even for people with schizophrenia and schizoid personality disorder they are rare. Auditory hallucinations are common but delusions are the normal issue. Most people only get visual hallucinations from psyhadelics.

Reading occult shit, mixed with smoking weed and taking amphetamines, set me off on a few of what i would call manic episodes in the past. Now I just stick to alcohol.

What in the fuck is this

Yeah, meth will do that. I don't do uppers, I'm an opiatephile.

Please answer the following:

>Do you regularly think of anything that can be classified as a delusion by modern society (describe your power fantasies in detail)
>How old are you
>What was the age you started excessively daydreaming like that
>Did you go through a traumatic childhood in your preteens
>Do you have a massive fear of waking up some day and ending up with schizophrenia

It looks like some youtuber trying to ridicule the more "esoteric" thinkers in the nameless movement we apparently belong to. No idea what the song is from though.

Anyone who thinks schizophrenia isn't real hasn't dealt with them. I've worked construction near a mental asylum and these people are completely fucked in the head. You think shock therapy is barbaric until you meet the patients

>we dont like how you're thinking
>here's a chemical lobotomy and hundreds of years of stigma
>have a nice day

kys op. this has nothing to do with Sup Forums

> believe the illusion
does kek advise this?

The moment you raise your head they will revoke your right to own a firearm.

Or both?

>I know for sure it's definately an ad. At least.

>there are people who think things outside of my realm of understanding so they must have a degeneration brain disease and require a chemical lobotomy.
you're a gold fish holding onto a water pistol coming here, you joke of a person

Then I will truly have nothing left to lose


>power fantasy
Mine are often me being successful (author actor whatever) and using that to school libs with redpills
mid 20s
Pretty much as long as i can remember. Specifically in grade 4 is my first recalled instance of getting in trouble for it.

Also no and yes

its extremely unlikely for people to develop symptoms of schizophrenia at the age of 4. x to doubt

After I started frequenting Sup Forums more and dwelling into more of the "conspiracy theory" threads I started developing seizures and was diagnosed with epilepsy. The medicine they gave me really fucked up my way of thinking which didn't really help with me taking all the red pills
Through a combination of my thought process of the medicine and staying on here for over 12 hours a day (at the time)lead me to believe I was being watched and that the medicine I was being given wasn't really to stop seizures but to keep me subdued.

In reality some of the "conspiracy theories" are true, technically I'm being watched. Not how I perceived it, I haven't given any red flags to actually be monitored. Here's a picture for fun.

Don't kill yourself.

There's a frighteningly good chance that you'll reincarnate into an even more wretched existence.

>Through a combination of my thought process of the medicine and staying on here for over 12 hours a day (at the time)lead me to believe I was being watched and that the medicine I was being given wasn't really to stop seizures but to keep me subdued.
you are being watching, you idiot. Your being just recoils in panic when it becomes aware of it for the first time.

k, well I was staring at a poster and the guy on the poster vividly blinked at me and some kind of sound effect played with it. I've had lots of hallucinations since then but i only got diagnosed last year at age 20 because my dad was getting tired of the way i was acting and if i didnt see help then he was going to kick me out and i didnt want to be homeless.

>tfw when we are all schizos, chatting on a schizo forum

Two universes. Two worlds.

Evenverse and Oddverse.

2468, machines and the internet, evenverse.

1357 trees and grass and pussy oddverse.

If you stay too long in evenverse you will develop many ailments of body and mind.

Too long in the oddverse and you have no perspective or understanding of the world around you.

>books are technically evenverse, as is mental images.

You are all possessed and there is little hope for you unless you get healthy (no more drugging) and keep on the straight and steady path to enlightenment.
>you think you're climbing but you're slipping further and further with each movement

i started believing that martin luther king was killed by the fbi and its a big fucking joke every year when its martin luther king jr day