Learn the difference, it might save your life

Learn the difference, it might save your life.

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Watch out for those Bergen trolls.

dresden desu

This is true, Anglos are northern germanics

Thank you my Nordic brother

sad - many such cases

SE Scotland has the highest rate of Germanic heritage though.

Is the guy on the right Tywin Lannister?


I'd love to see a DNA profile of Rowan Atkinson, and people like him. There seems to be a genetic sub-group of people who look like that in the UK. Black hair, black eyes and weird facial proportions. Other people like that would be Current Year Man, Russell Brand and Pete Firman.

Are these remnants from the Roman occupation of the British Isles, or are there actually brown eyed, black haired, incredibly ugly natives in the UK? Could it be the French admixture brought over by the the Normans?


The short dark Britons often look akin to Mediterraneans(some even with an almost Jewy look) or Sami/Lapps. though with the strong Britishness that makes them distinct from those populations.

A pure Native Briton type next to two women with Germanic influence(only in their height, faces are British)

Is this a cheeky way of implying (((they're))) ...

I always thought the thing on the left was an indian.

Your assertion works only if you're calling jews native britons.

>Are these remnants from the Roman occupation of the British Isles

atkinson is jew



>Are these remnants from the Roman occupation of the British Isles, or are there actually brown eyed, black haired, incredibly ugly natives in the UK
They were always there. Tacitus and Jordanes remarked on it:

>Namque rutilae Caledoniam habitantium comae, magni artus Germanicam originem adseverant; Silurum colorati vultus, torti plerumque crines et posita contra Hispania Hiberos veteres traiecisse easque sedes occupasse fidem faciunt [...]
>Trans.: The swarthy faces of the Silures, the curly quality, in general, of their hair, and the position of Hispania opposite their shores, attest to the passage of Iberians in old days and the occupation by them of these districts
- Tacitus, Agricola XI, ~98 AD

>Silurum colorati vultus; torto plerique crine et nigro nascuntur; Caledoniam vero incolentibus rutilæ comæ, corpora magna, sed fluvida: Gallis sive Hispanis, ut quibusque obtenduntur, assimiles.
>Trans.: The Silures have swarthy features and are usually born with curly black hair, but the inhabitants of Caledonia have reddish hair and large but flaccid bodies. [The Silures] are like the Gauls or the Iberians, according as they are opposite either nation.
- Jordanes, Getica I.xiii, ~551 AD

I don't know about "incredibly ugly," though. I'd take Catherine Zeta Jones or Nigella Lawson over pretty much any British blonde.

Rowan Atkinson is Anglo. English name grew up in England.

Nice autism.

This is 100% true. I have met many people who identify as "Native to england" and look like the man on the left (mr bean)


Kit Harington isn't fully English though, lots of Southern European DNA.


there is no difference. don't fall for the parlour tricks of the island jew.

yeah, you're right. i always just assumed he was a jew. turns out he's had a dna test done.

>"There was virtually no British at all," he said. "It blew me out of the window because I couldn't see any British. There was a huge amount of western European, 67 per cent, and 21 per cent Irish. I was puzzled about this western European business."


actually, scratch that. i'm retarded.that's about tony robinson.

I've given up trying to talk sense round here.

Just leave them to their stupidity.
It's what they deserve.

The amount of d&c on here is baffling, it even extends to the British people being split between the Germanics and non Germanics.

Holy shit, it's MAYNESTREEM METEOR guy