Sup Forums

>Sup Forums




Sorry kid. This is Trumps America now.

there's your problem.

I like how this guy thinks

>That face
He's ready for the race war

theres nothing to defend
if i had a 12 year old daughter to marry off to him id do it in a hearbeat because 12 year old girls are so cute when theyre spoiled

Who cares, people responding negatively to muslims is simple pattern recognition of what they do in large groups, or is reciprocating the muslims feelings towards him.

Do people think muslims love the West and wouldn't kill you all if it suited them? They're barbaric people like Aztecs, Africans and Vikings


He did nothing wrong

It can stand on its own and doesn't need defending.

He's a good guy, anen.

High school doesn't teach you an-

>mfw butchering abduls

>While we disagree with the messages he sends, we support his freedom of academic expression.
t. Drexel University

How did the Vikings become pacified but the others didn't? Aztec/Mayan we'll never know because the Spanish immediately tried to outbreed them but ended up creating a distinct mestizo race.

>implying that butchering muslims is bad

Honestly, Muslims need to be butchered.

They have no place in Western countries. They're like a disease.

They white ethnostate must be preserved at all costs.

Social media posts made with your own name can come back haunting, especially political.

I don't think he talked about them that harsh, probably just posted a crime statistic and media spun tuhat as hate speech.

Muslims are 99% human garbage that deserves to be butchered

>implying I don't encourage it

God bless this champion of humanity!

this guy is hilarious

a true crusader, just born a few centuries too late

>takes one post out of context
>retard get's kidnapped and tortured
>chink bigot, physically assaults man
>white nigger calls for white genocide
>all a-okay

Being a libtard, folks.

Does that chick have Down's syndrome or something?

HAH, I remember the basics of cqc.
heh, nice try kid

Not just defend, we need more of this.

>One white male teacher says some bad words

>one asian elementary teacher physically assaults random guy and advocates violence to get what you want
>"lol go grrl. Lets show the patriarchal capitalists that we're gonna get them XD"
Really gets the noggin joggin


>implying the lefties on facebook didn't defend the professor who wanted white genocide for christmas


seems reasonable to me

Yeah. Sure.

I don't fucking care.

Sounds like my kind of teacher where do i sign to learn

>implying muslims deserve to live

Gr8 b8 m8 u rly rustled some jim jams with dem bantz