How do we solve the fat problem in America?
Bonus points: no genocide (fatricide?)
How do we solve the fat problem in America?
Bonus points: no genocide (fatricide?)
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Make it illegal in the continental 48 and Hawaii
Give em Alaska
those are perfectly healthy bodies
obesity is a social construct used to make others feel bad
I agree, those ladies are clearly fine and I don't know why I chose that picture, but you have to admit that obesity is a problem in America?
Communism helps everyone lose weight.
Run laps around OP
>not giving them california and using controlled explosions combined with their high mass to sink the entire state into the sea
as a fat fetishist I say we encourage it
Fat adults are a lost cause
We need to revamp P.E. classes to focus on personal fitness routines and calorie/macro counting
Education. Instead of blaming obesity on fatty foods and lack of exercise, start focusing on the main problem : sugar.
you can burn 400 cals in an hour and eat 600 worth in 5 minutes in a cheeseburger
why would you not wanna be fat is the real question
Yeah that's why you count your calories smart fella
In doing so you would know exactly why you are the weight you are
PE never teaches proper diet.
Lifting should be taught in High School.
Like everything in this country, it wouldn't be so much of an issue if all that Brown dead weight made the stats seem worse than they actually are.
Fatties gonna fat.
those food stamps are getting used properly!
Loving the diversity in your modeling campaigns, America. Fierce!
Leave trails of M&Ms for the fatties to follow and gobble up. The trick is to space the M&Ms out far enough that the fatties burn more calories by walking between each one than they gain by eating them.
Everyone is happy.
Are you fucking retarded?
have federal income tax be equal to your fat percentage
mandatory diets to all people above average weight. we'd have to implement a digital currency system where everyone has chips implanted in them so the fatties will only be allowed to buy certain foods at certain amounts per day.
I'd fuck the one on the left.
She looks comfy, it would be like fucking a waterbed.
yeah but would you raise the little fat fuckers that slide out of her afterward
lol no
I actually am excited for the world in 10-15 years where all the women who ride the cock carousel and are fat end up being single and alone. Will they get even fatter? Who knows? What will the future of white women be?
Who you calling a bigot? You're the ignorant white male harassing females on Tinder while you jack off in a whoopee cushion costume.
As a disabled, queer, Jewish female, I possess more minority titles and identities than you could ever come close to during your priveleged male existence. You made your views quite clear when you initiated a conversation insinuating that a female cannot be an entrepeneur. Your inherently misogynist, societally-programmed male mind believes that a female would only use that occupation to 'hide' unemployment. I suggest you think twice before outright criticizing the entrepeneurs who every day invest their blood, sweat, tears, time, and money, into building the ground your sorry ass walks on every day. You, sir, are priveleged to walk on that ground and exist in a world made by entrepeneurs. You inserted yourself here, like the kind of tool I would expect to be lurking on Tinder. I suggest you leave, bigot.
You still gotta work out/be active and eat your veggies/ not eat super fatty shit but just stop eating sugar is a huge step towards the right direction. No sodas or any kinda of sweets can go a long way.
Sadly it's your old fashioned views that are wrong and it's the reason the world is getting fatter.
The fact that you think P.E. classes are an issue, just show how deluded you are. And calories? Everyone and his dead dog knows how calories work, it's not some newfangled idea, yet obesity is still an issue. I wonder why?
Get rid of niggers and spics; suddenly the weight issue is much less preeminent
Put all the hams in huge internment camps and force them to do hard manual labor.
Those who refuse will be sacrificed to Odin
U posted your bait in the wrong thread, amigo, unless you're starting a new pasta, in which case I totally get it.
Reduce sprawl
Stop corn subsidies.
Obesity is a medical condition. Not healthy desu
1. People are lazy as fuck and won't spend time preparing their own meals
2. People want constant convenience and eat shitty fast food, crap in plastic bags, and too many snacks
3. People drink a fuckton of soft drinks all the goddamned time
4. People think every meal has to be 100% delicious and make shitty choices based on want vs. need
5. People don't exercise for shit compared to years ago
6. People rarely walk anywhere unless they're in big cities where they have no choice
7. People love to sit on their ass and watch TV, play video games, and fuck around on their phones and computers more than anything else now.
8. Many people really don't know shit about nutrition despite being bombarded with info on it.
9. When most people try to "eat right", they still fuck up because they still make shitty choices
10. People feel they need constant reward, and treat themselves all the time, even when they're "dieting"
I can keep doing this shit all day, there are a thousand fucking reasons people are fat fucks.
Being fat in Alaska is fucking hard. The cold by itself burns something like 130 calories extra a day to keep you warm, plus you gotta be in shape to fight off bears and giant ass mosquitos. Give them Commiefornia, roll emm from the mountains into the sea.
Stop fat people from reproducing. Offspring of fat people have been scientifically proven to be mentally inferior:
It's no wonder that they end up mirroring the unhealthy habits of their parents and just continuing the cycle.
Who is this?
Incentivise good habits.
normally I wouldn't do something like this but since we're at a 33% OBESITY
I recommend a fine on obese people until they reach the overweight level until we get under 10% obesity.
Deport sudacas and destroy the welfare state and stop feeding niggers and we are just as fat as any white country.
higher taxes for the obese
its corn syrup
American food is disgustingly unhealthy
90% of foods seem to have no nutritional value at all, yet Americans eat it up
The only """ spice""" they use is salt or sugar
It should be considered child abuse to feed children Nickelodeon's High Fructose Sugar-Lumps™ or soft drinks
Ages ago when I was in Australia the Prime Minister said it was child abuse to feed children meat pies and sausage rolls, Trump should do the same. Trump however is a fat piece of shit as well who eats KFC and drinks soda constantly
Simple. Stop eating so fucking much.
Don't blame corn syrup.
Don't blame "types of food".
Don't blame genetics.
Don't blame lack of exercise.
In Philadelphia they just implemented the soda tax (1.5c per oz). That should be implemented everywhere. Soda is so disgusting.
I also think insurance companies should start charging overweight people more. I know many companies will give you a discount if you are "healthy", but we should start charging for higher insurance rates for fattys. They do it in other countries, fuck, they do it in Japan and they don't even have a problem with obesity ( their rate is like under 5%).
You have no idea just how fucking expensive the organic food really is here do you?
this, people dont know what they're eating
What problem? That's some sexy meat.
Remove high fructose corn syrup from all dietary products.
>I can keep doing this shit all day, there are a thousand fucking reasons people are fat fucks.
The point is they are consumiung more calories than they are burning.
Nutritional and exercise point aside regarding health:
How about just eating less?
We are already committed to a fascist federal government, we need to use it correctly and outlaw the shit some people try to sell as food.
eat better or exercise
It isn't, you're just dumb.
Slim them down into thicc.
You don't even need organic, you can get everything you need at Kroger's or something similar. You just need to learn to cook in a healthy manner for yourself which most people can't do
all of those extra costs add up over time
outlaw gmo's
food will become expensive
Make them Suck dick instead of eat
Factory farming should be outlawed for ethical reasons and then people won't be able to be exorbitant amounts of """ chicken""" nuggets or """ beef""" ribs for such ridiculous prices
With a handful of exceptions, organic food is a myth, and the prices are usually jacked up simply because it's labeled as organic. Regular fresh produce is just as good in most cases, and there are always non-chain stores that sells locally produced or organic food.
Basically, as long as you make your own food from scratch, it doesn't really matter if it's labeled as organic or not.
The price differences are insignificant. You don't even need to eat all organic to be healthy.
Prohibition of cars and mass transit.
Illegal to ride horses.
No wheeled transport for individuals.
my country is very large we don't have one of those around here.
when i worked at McDonald's the salad had more calories than the big mac which makes things worse because they think they are doing better by ordering that instead.
However I am not offering excuses for fatties.
they have no excuse to not start exercising.
Just that it's easier to get fatter here than everywhere else.
Proud women of blubber
It's also the food too.
I only buy organic vegetables. I don't trust that GMO shit. They should make it mandatory to label that.
We should also ban high fructose corn syrup from our food. It's banned in many counties in Europe.
The more fat people there are the more (we the tax payers) will be paying for all their medical, and psychiatric issues. Not to mention their laziness to get a job.
>The only """ spice""" they use is salt or sugar
as some worthless piece of shit that stocks shelves in a grocery store, that just isn't true
the fact of the matter is that uneducated people have more kids, and are more likely to be unhealthy, and they pass these unhealthy habits and diet to their children
>buying organic food
you're a dumbass
By Kroger's I mean any big supermarket, over only ever lived in Michigan and that was the supermarket chain there
But you're right, people just don't understand the concept of calories in; calories out.
>They should make it mandatory to label that.
Unnecessary and an infringement of the rights of corporations.
if it's GMO they will advertise that as a benefit.
>We should also ban high fructose corn syrup
An infringement on the individuals choice to consume.
Move to europe you fucking communist.
We don't have socialized medicine here, if anybody wants to turn into a fat pig thats their problem and their cost.
How is it that we are in the year 2017 and there are still people ok with being fat? Despite all of the SJWs "accepting" their disgusting bodies, surely the fatties are still extremely self concious of their weight. Is the junk food granting them an hour of joy really outweighing the consequence of being constantly judged?
It's actually our cost as it stands. We pay taxes that pay for the welfare for most of the fat fucks and we pay the medicaid for lots of the fat fucks.
there's a thread
If they gave me the option in school of solitary lifting weights instead of pretending to play competitive sports I would've chosen the former every time.
The only other thing I can think of is mandatory home economics and teaching kids cooking and proper nutrition. Also mandatory military service for high-schoolers like other countries in the world.
If you suggest any kind of ban or tax then you are a facist that deserves a bullet in the head.
>pretending to play competitive sports
What does this mean? Do they not let kids run or tackle or something?
the point being working out isn't going to make fat people skinny, smart fella
Fat tax.
No, not taxing fat food, taxing fat people. Fat people cost more to hospitalize, so they should pay more for healthcare. The fatter you are the more money you pay the government.
Abolish the (((who))) and teach people real nutrition. STOP EATING CARBS! Simply truth is your being tricked by advertising to eat what you think is healthy and not eating what is healthy. Eat meat anons and fat. If you are what you eat be beasts not fruits or vegetables.
my dad told me how they used to play football in the 70s
back then you were allowed to yell insults at the opposing team and tried to hurt them for realzies
today if someone insults the enemy team you are forced to apologize to the other team and if someone gets hurt you kneel in respect.
basically it was a lot more rough and competitive
Change the culture and make it socially unacceptable to be fat.
I'm sure feminizing our men will work out great.
>western governments
>being based enough to do that
WORK CAMPS or mandatory community service doing some sort of physical labor (like clearing weeds in the city, picking up litter, clearing nature paths of debris and building up bike paths)
shit like this
all fats under 300 pounds shipped to camps where they're forced to lose weight through a controlled exercise regiment and diet. Once they get a healthy BMI they can be released but monitored through yearly weigh-in's where they will be recalled to the camps if they start getting fat again.
Fats over 300 pounds will be gassed (some exceptions for height and muscle may be granted)
Hi fatty fat fat!
Well since it's determined genetically the problem will eventually solve itself. Humans will split into two distinct species and the obese species won't be able to survive without the constant support of the thin species.
>How do we solve the fat problem in America?
Obesity is related to compulsive control
Nigs have the lowest control, so are fatest (I'm part nig so I know this shit).
Asians have the highest self control, so are thinnest (my gf is asian and doesn't binge. Asians don't fucking binge eat ice cream pints, believe it).
It's fucking genetic.
Animals are compulsive as fuck. Try telling your dog to not eat it's meal and self-control. Good luck. Self-control comes from the pre-frontal cortex. Control comes from overriding your natural tendencies. Libfucks don't understand this. They think everyone has the same level of self-control. Fuck libs, fuck them all.
Real easy: impose a fat tax on anyone over a certain BMI. Something crazy like $1,000/year. And if you can't pay it you lose your fucking license.
Well, that certainly reflects society as a whole, doesn't it? Everyone has been cuddled and treated like infants so long that they actually believe this is how a society should be.
When I grew up my mother tried to shield me from the darker sides of the world, while my father wanted me to experience it, in order to grow as a human. My sister did not get the same privilege, met with hardship, and killed herself. Tragic, but it's an indicator of how human society works.
I do not believe that women as a whole is detrimental to society, but it is a contributing factor to the decline of the west. Either through their innate need to protect children from "harm", or the fact that they have lived sheltered lives themselves, thus having no clear image of how the world really works.
Sorry for the blog-post. TLDR;
The decline of the western world is most likely caused by the infantilization of society, due to the influence of women.
Also, ID: FUG!
Bring on the Spurdos
stop selling giant piles of fried meat and huge buckets of fountain drinks
I see they are instilling the Canadian values of "if you kill your enemies, they win" young.
Fix a culture that fosters masochistic personality traits.
is she exercising her boobs?
>Something crazy like $1,000/year.
Woah, let's not get too crazy, now.
It's actually Dr. J. Fug
We let fat fetish alpha males like me fuck them and help make them fatter
no one's forcing you to get them, you fascist