Self Improvement the old-fascist way

/pol, what's the best way to improve both your body and your mind according to fascism/nazism?
What would be the ideal in that type of society (apart from having blue eyes and blonde hair)?

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Stop masturbating. I'm not even joking Germanics volischke paganism was highly against that. Nazism is hypocritical anyway their leaders didn't have blue eyes and Joseph Goebelle had flat feet


Read and watch good shit on youtube

I'm six days in but i'm probably just gonna bust a huge one in my sleep soon enough. What do?


I honestly don't know I'm 6 days in as well and am just hoping that doesn't happen

Wet dreams don't count m8s. I'm 2 weeks in and feeling all the super powers.

I don't need to inprove any further -
> 5"5 105 pounds, Jealous??

>volischke paganism
wtf is that? and i agree nofap is not a meme and you should definitely quit porn OP

>Read and watch good shit on youtube

Burgers are seriously retarded.

What are some of them? I honestly feel nothing and I just watched a porn video and didn't get a boner. It's weird

Basically it's germanics paganism with Thor and Odin and they believe in Hollow Earth theory with Jews coming from underground. Himmler believed in it

That's what you do on YouTube idiot you read

Ayy, I'm six days in too.

My advice is to get rid of porn from your computer's and work out whenever you feel the urge, and just keep getting send in till you're too tired to want to Fap.

Hypnosis videos also help to an extent if you allow yourself to believe the trance.

Tell yourself you'll nut when you have a girl to put it in.

Good luck bros.

I'm not worried about wet dreams counting, I'm worried about making a mess in my bed every other week. I never stop nofap because I give into my urges, I only stop because I get sick of jizzing in my sleep.

Can transitioning be considered an improvement (in a fascist way)?


I'm trying to think of anyone in any fascist/Nazi high-command who was in shape and I can't come up with a single name.

No. I am almost a foot taller than you, manlet. So no I'm not jealous

I'm MGTOW tho so I'm not getting a girlfriend. I tried hypnosis before it never worked

1) Workout
2) Study rigorous fields (use mit open course ware)
3) Read many different pov's
4) Read fashy literature.

Bonus) Study the occult, and function as a LIGHT occultist. Not a dark one. The ndsap perfected occult imagery, to the point where people actually say things like "those uniforms are so sexy" or "the nazis are so aesthetic"

This is where the trick comes in. You can use your occult knowledge for good or evil. The national socialists used it for the enlightenment and freedom of whites and destruction of the dark occult jews. Which I think is a good thing.

>Joseph Goebelle had flat feet

Flat or not he was an impressive character.


>Germanics volischke paganism was highly against that.
You got a source on that? Let me guess Tacitus?

Tell me more of the occult I just watched the men who stair at goats and am now super interested in governments doing that stuff

I thought the Nazis were suppose to be master race tho with no physical problems

Actually yeah how did you know

Jesus Christ I'm South Asian and even I'm 5'9

Anzu best girl.

1. Set very specific goals that are big
2. Form habits

What are the nofap superpowers you are experiencing

Stop eating grains and added sugars your quality of life will go up and you will think more clearly. It kind of sucks while your body adjusts but it's worth it.

It's not just governments. Everyone with power uses it. Thing is, some use it for good and most use for evil.

>posting trannies in a national socialist board

>"Ride the Tiger: A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul" by Julius Evola

>Nazism is hypocritical anyway their leaders didn't have blue eyes and Joseph Goebelle had flat feet

Just because you aren't perfect doesn't mean you can't promote self-improvement and what's ultimately good for your people

I's it magic? How and what is occultist power. From my understanding it's false but I'm open minded

That's not nazi really since Evola was Sicilians. Nazis would have hated him

>Stop masturbating
If you'r having trouble realize this is what you look like when jerking it

But nazis believed in gassing those who weren't perfect

I came here to say this. You'll discover a new fire inside you as soon as you stop, and you'll see how degenerate our new ((enriched)) sex-crazed society is. Get a wife later in life, and have lots of kids later. In the mean time, make a difference, start a business, drive the shitskins from the lands that are rightfully yours

Lol true you are just fucking yourself

No they gassed the ones corrupting their society

>I thought the Nazis were suppose to be master race tho with no physical problems

They were trying to create a physical, intellectual and moral master race. That of course was a threat to the (((powers that be))).

I'm on sixth day nofap and MGTOW when will I get this feeling? Right now I can't even get a boner from anything

I am 1/4 Sicilian.... what are you trying to say?

I am still a noob, but it's not the hollywood sense of the word. The occult is simply understanding of human psychiatry and laws of the universe which have been hidden from people to keep some people in power with the know how and others enslaved to them who don't know.

Research the "trivium" from ancient greek teachings. The occult teachings you will learn of today (they can no longer hide it effectively because of internet) are just things that have been passed down in elite universities for centuries.

So far I only really somewhat understand the hermetic principles and natural law. As for ritual and entities I don't really get it too much.

Tbh I shouldn't say I know, because I barely know anything just yet. But even the small amount of what I've learned has totally changed my outlook on the world. And I used to be a hardcore atheist skeptic sciency type.I still love science, but everything makes so much more sense now. I think Newton knew about this stuff btw too. In fact many scientists who were highly successful did.

Enjoy your prostate cancer

They considered Southern Italians to be mongrels. The whole Nazi philosophy was germanics were superior and that included England, Germany, France, and some Polish areas and North Italy. They believed race mixing is what made Rome fall and that's why only North Italy has been rich since. The North Italian meme on Sup Forums comes from that nordicist theory

Relax mate, hes baiting.

That theory was created by a jew BTW. The whole nofap causes prostate cancer

So what's the practical aplication. What is something leared via occult that can be used to control others?

OK you are a troll. Nazis weren't pol they sint care how "based" you were. If you were what they believed to be racially inferior they treated you as such regardless of your political beliefs

The understanding of how ancient symbology works, and how human psychology works.

You can also learn how to will things into existence, which do not violate the laws of physics and moral law. Research the trivium in order to understand how aggregate manifestation works.

Like I said I am still learning. I am not the best source desu. Watch a few Mark Passio videos. If you can get over his erroneous beliefs about the national socialists he's pretty good on an intro level understanding.

Also read the kybalion.

>Relax mate, hes baiting.

Good, because I'd hate to have to think things were getting....



Is this sort of like Spirit Science? Also what can you will into existance? Money? And can you use human psycology to control minds?

Your great great grandmother fucked a nigger, and that's what made you

if you feel like modern society has inflicted you with too much ADHD try meditation. Focuses the mind.

Actually it's just science. Science which hasn't been shown to the world, because elitist cannibals would get shoahed in seconds if everyone knew it.

You can will tangible real things which don't violate the laws of the universe into existence. Of course it's not like the law of attraction retards who think you can just think and things will happen. The process requires tangible physical action and focus.

See you're focusing on the dark occultist view of it. Ya you can get money and a certain level of mind control with this information, but abusing others for personal gain comes at a HUGE emotional price. It's why many people at the top of the current systems are psychopaths, because guilt is the manifestation of disturbed frequencies for personal gain (blood libel, human sacrifice etc.). Guilt also happens when you do anything which violates moral law. Psychopaths aren't quite human, their brains don't work, so they never feel guilty. Which allows them to nullify the effects. A normal person treading the dark occult path would probably go insane. And they do. That's why you see a lot of pedophiles and cannibals among the "elite" class. These are the non genetic psychopaths, or psychopaths on the lower end of the Hare spectrum.

lol you're either a dumb fuck or a jew. Im leaning towards the former.

You retarded senpai? No it comes from pretty basic history. Northern Italy is populated by Lombards, who are descended from a Germanic tribe that settled in the area.

Then you have umbrians south of them, and neapolitans south of them, and then Sicilians.

Sicily at one time was populated by a mixture of greco-italian settlers and Normans until Muslim Moors conquered Sicily and bred with their women. They are mongrels senpai

That's a jewish disorder

So what are some examples of powers? Like spells and stuff, Astral projection because I would like that

Holy shit you are dumb. Nazis weren't sjws

Yeah and the reason this is a big deal is because of nordicist theory. No one else gives a shit

cold shower

The greatest redpill is complete self-reliance.

The closer you come to this ideal, the clearer things will be. It gives you a practical problem-solving clear sight, and you will be less distracted by a need for entertainment and general stupidity.

Anything you rely on others for, you should attempt to replace with your own methods. And spend your time improving them. I'm not saying you should move into Ted's cuckshed and hunt squirrels, just don't rely on your mum to bring you tendies while you try to use TV/vidya etc as bandaid because you've become bored and apathetic with life.

Fitness is a great place to start, don't begin because you want to lose weight or become handsome, begin because you want to be stronger.

It's impossible to optimistic about your future, unless you're actively working to make it better.

They accepted all races into their ranks.
You said they didnt.

You're thinking of the hollywood idea of it.

A spell (in so far as I understand it for now) is only a spell because you believe it will work. The ritual is intended to get you emotionally riled up, in the same way that say a wedding emotionally riles up the two people marrying. A wedding technically has no real objective meaning aside from what you give it.

This isn't to say occultism is about moral relativism. It is actually understanding objective moral laws, and understanding they are as immutable as the laws of gravitation or electrodynamics.

I made it 45 days before I couldn't resist anymore. But today I had a hot brunette rammed up against the subway wall with her tongue in my mouth and her hand on my cock, so there's that

Back on the nofap train again. It's not worth it bros. Stop the porn, stop the fap, find a chick, give her dat

No, it has nothing intrinsically to do with Nordicism.

Caucasians of European origin are white. Mixies and foreigners are not. It's as simple as that. You don't have to be a Nordicist to see the Sicilians as a mutt race of disgusting mulattos who worship crime.

but its a wig in the last pic?


Hey, they knew who was the best, admirable acceptance of their inferiority. But seriously stop masturbating, its hard for all of us but do it, you'll thank me later.

As pawns to be used as cannon fodder

Eggman's a tranny? Top fuckin kek!

So what can I do with it?

You will look INTO peoples eyes, not at them
Your voice will deepen
Hair will grow faster
Women will start begging for your attention. (I had TWO waitresses throw cold water on my crotch two weeks in a row, then dab my crotch. This has NEVER happened)
Etc Etc

Basically any anxiety or neurosis will diminish or disappear, and you will be closer to the true self you embodied as a confident 8 year old who was in love with the world

Dude you are a disgusting racist, and I don't talk to racists peace out


>The ndsap perfected occult imagery, to the point where people actually say things like "those uniforms are so sexy" or "the nazis are so aesthetic"
Can you elaborate on this? Point me to some books or something

Bye, you don't belong here outlander.

Go back to r/the_donald where you belong.

Like Canadians and Aussies were used as jew cannon fodder?

When will this happen? I'm on sixth day and nothing. My farthest was a week and noticed nothing

>go to Sup Forums
>go to Sup Forums of all places

Jesus Christ you have to be shitposting.

Jesus man it hasn't been a fucking week. Your dick isn't gonna fall off because you havent tugged at it habitually every day like you did since you were 13. Wait a month and complain if you havent seen results

Remember how "Wanker" is an insult?

He's nu-Sup Forums.

It isn't a joke when people say this board is being colonized by reddit in the wake of the elections.

It's important that we call these people out and repel them or convert them.

Dude pol isn't racist though. It believes in Nazism but without the racism and shit

How so?

How long have you been here? I don't think you fully understand this board's culture or origins.

This place is home to many sincere racialists.


Fucking Asians.

A month? I was thinking about doing it tomorrow. But seriously a guy on reddit said 1 week and he was feeling powers I have been almost a week and JacK shit


>How so?

What is ww1 and 2 and the destruction of Europe.

Again, your farthest was a week and you noticed nothing. Go a month and tell me you notice nothing.

What you're saying is ridiculous. "Buh but i walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes? Shouldn't I lost weight?" Nonsense, get on the treadmill ten days in a row, ten weeks, ten years, and you'll see a difference.

At least attempt two weeks and tell me you don't feel better. You will hit the threshhold, you will see the world unburdened by your jewish goggles and see the light around you

I've been here for years, and even I have noticed as strong uptick in the overall racial sentiments here. Now, I do not mean that normal stuff you see floating around, but the anti-Italian and anti-anything-not-Nordic sentiments here have been growing.

It is growing along the lines of...


This stuff has always been around, but it has been growing a lot more common recently. It won't have an impact on this place or its overall audience, but if it ever tries to become anything more than a meme movement, you are going to need support.

This is why I cannot get fully behind any of this alt-right sort of stuff, because the moment the genetic purity tests start, they'll see the Italian in me and put me in an oven.


>I need an ideology to improve myself as a human being

literally the same reasoning as 'I need feminism because...'

On reddit they say it's satire

This is promising and true. When my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me(I let my self go).
I didn't jerk it and hit the gym.
90 days of no jerking it and 25 pounds later, I felt great, and the females were all over me.

what if your hispanic?

Yeah that was Europe not cunucks and aussies

Dude just wait one more week im fucking telling you. Be the better man and dont jack off tomorrow.

Remind yourself you dont need to be Nofap forever, just until tomorrow. Then remind yourself of that every day.

This guy fucks