U mad white bois??
U mad white bois??
They're mad
They're always mad that white women want bbc instead of their small white dicks
But that's the future they have to accept.
yfw white "men" start jacking off to this
Wait, are polish immigrants the reason cuckold porn is so popular in england?
>the creation of the ethnic brazillian
Little sick to my stomach some white slut would decide to actually go and fuck animals. I mean sure we legalized that shit in Canada (for fucked up reasons no one I know can seem to figure out), but you don't actually have to go and fuck a couple of trained monkeys, that's how AIDs started. Disgusting.
Mad? Nah. If it was my bed there would be three really fucked up creatures laying outside my step though.
How do you even convince a girl to even do that?
What the fuck are black people saying to her?
>Hey, want a threesome with my black friend? I will fuck you from behind and you will suck his dick at the same time. Eiffel Tower.
>Omg yes!!! *heart emojis*
This will never work for me.
And nothing of value was lost, probably got knocked up and left alone after it. And now she regrets it. Pregnant with a nignog that will be fatherless. Kek.
Who gives a shit
I'm mildly annoyed that my tax dollars will be getting spent funding a single mother and a sub hundred IQ mongrel. Other than that coal burners a filth and you're subhuman.
Great ass
>niggas gonna nig
U mad this happens more and they get less shame from it, huehue?
>sage for shitshill thread, mods get to work
they probably paid her
looks like a half to me
White women were made for BBC, fact.
They must have not paid much.
Niggers don't have a lot of money, ya know.
Unless they stole the money, which boggles me because why would you steal money and spend it on having sex?
Argentina would be the one to know what is white or not.
Hue, you have no actual whites in your country they are all spanish mixed muttniggers with kinda pale skin at best, come on now, this would be more believable if you were a leaf at least.
probably drugs
sauce on just the black bitch in the center?
I cant find it on any of the searches I use
No. She can do whatever she wants. I'd test her for AIDS though.
Mods this fag is back
Usually its always drugs
she prob wanted drugs
just degenerate shit. She fucked up though this is gonna get out and her reputation ruined forever. wonder what her face looks like.
Are Brazilfags becoming the new leaf? All it is, is soccer and "where the superpower of the real America", and now this. What should we call it? Everyone waits for the day of the rake. I'm waiting for the day of the conquistador.
Literally looks Mexican or Hispanic, so not really.
>What the fuck are black people saying to her?
You give them a blunt and a drink and not be a cuck
shes even got a nice ass too. I'll tell you though once you meet them and see how they act you'll just be repulsed though.
Look at that hair, definitely mixed.
do u enjoy watchig the world burn or are u some white fag looking for attention
there's some black chick on chaturbate who calls herself a good slave while fucking a white dildo. She's from ghana. Shit cracks me up
why would they want a muslim girl?
Yes I am mad. I can't view webms on my phone
Oh no, we lost a slut who will fuck niggers, whatever shall we do.
Keep the bitch, her value hits rock bottom when she lets an animal fuck her.
all white girls nowadays are very curious about black sexual skills and big cocks.
gotta agree with that does look comfy
I go to Tennessee (the Vols) I wonder if I know this coal burner
Nice proxy you faggot
I turned down my class's future prom queen's advances before anyone because she was autistic as fuck. I hate every one of you prussian serfs and your pleb culture. You will be the 21st century slave race. The welfare/diversity state is not eternal.
Yes, slavs love beaners and niggers. they help them feel less inferior.
Cunt, I've never seen a real nigger. How can you live with them?
>How do you even convince a girl to even do that?
1) Go to backpage.com
2) Text a hooker of your choosing and confirm she does three ways
3) ????
4) Profit
These my niggas from WEST SIDE HARLEM CRIP
Jews we're like, "Okay... but just this once."
You're the nigger
Good thing mods are doing their jo-
t. whitepro
That ball slapping action is pretty next level, stealing that move for next time
Probably a paid whore
White girls have daddy issues and this is a good way to make daddy mad
Your country a shithole
I'm smug
She's a whore. Literally
Jokes on you, I'm gay.
You can get that sort of action for 90$ that one must have been more expensive but still not over 200 max
>potato nigger criticizes others
His balls are like a fucking pendulum. It's oddly hypnotic
UTK here too, probably just some slut from a shitty sorority
What boggles me is that niggers steal money, but whatever they want they just ttake anyway. Which has to make you question why they bothered stealing the money in the first place.
women are really stupid letting people film them getting fucked desu
this should be on Sup Forums
also, i guarantee those niggers didn't get permission to snapchat that shit
>Leaf is gay
Wow, what a shocker
Because you are a small dick white boy and you just can't compete
>beta white bois ask women for their permission to snapchat
and this is why you're a virgin
Nah take it from a degenerate hooker addict, 95% of non black hookers, and probably 2/3rds of black hookers explicitly refuse to see black men because they understand the risk.
That's how low on the totem pole coalburners are, even hookers have more self worth.
What happens when you burn the coal Sup Forums?
Yes, but how do women automatically KNOW I have a small penis?
Some white guys have large dick.
But women always know, somehow, that my dick is tiny (4 inch dicklet here) and it's completely bullshit.
drugs, both the usage of and promise to receive
It really isn't that hard, most people just have a higher standard.
Muh dick.
you pay the troll toll Sup Forums!
No, they're beta for getting into MMF
Paid her in weed and cheap malt liquor
I really don't get this race stuff, it's fuckin weird and makes no sense being on a political discussion board.
wait till I tear that asshowe up son.. You want to call me a small dic white boi you better keep those lips closed before I smash your teeth out with my 7 iron.. (I mean my throbbing manhood).. plus no one even wants your women anyway if we do we just make them our slaves.. jokes kind of on you fool.
I wouldn't fuck her after that, not because im racist, i just don't thick she would feel anything in her.
would you look at that
pretty embarrassing desu
I doubt OP is a nigger like the ones in this video. It's probably a brown fat guy like this.
>look mom, another murder statistic
Her skin looks so smooth, her ass so soft, her insides so tender and warm, they looks like your average subhuman black thug, truly the white race is fucking PATHETIC
Not even attracted to their own
What an ugly race
It's always funny how you niggers have nothing but a shithole country and whine daily about WHITEY EBIL! and think you're still relevant to society. You never really gave much to it except when you were in the fields and even then you still fucked it up.
I have a good job, home, health and a family, so no.
Nah, you can have em brah
lol jealous. when will you guys realize this is not a black people white people thing but an individualist race?
welp she just got aids and herpes
That's a light skinned negrees or a spic, why would white bois be mad?