Why can't we all just create a sect of Islam so that we can do no wrong?
Why can't we all just create a sect of Islam so that we can do no wrong?
We have one, it's called National Socialism, Hitler is the true prophet and his teachings are the way. The Kaffir are clearly labeled and Hitler knew that Allah did not require breaks for prayer, but instead required us to dedicate ourselves to our craft and our kin and the country he bestowed upon us.
It's pretty simple really.
I would never denounce Kek.
Kek isn't real the rping is gay as fuck but whatever you guys literally do nothing counter productive other than circle jerk about 3 2's in a row.
>t. Moloch
this guy draws porn
Did you seriously just do that
You cant, it is explicitly stated in quran that mohammed was last prophet and no one can change anything after him.
are u khabib?
>when kebabs go ka-boom! yeah..rational.
Seriously though, this kek shit needs to end
I like this idea. Islam is the answer.
Come on now... It's over. CTR is dried up, Clinton is in a grave, the shilling and infiltration of this board to disrupt conversation is so obvious.
Here's your (you), buddy.
People who voted for Hitler were all rural and suburban retards. City people voted for Otto.
How do I stop being a sinful westerner and be more like what Allah wants?
kek is fun and doesnt afraid the truth sleuths. praize.
eh i got a americanized islam ready to roll. but i am staying quiet 1)my govt is crazy about islam. 2) legitimizing islam is beyond stupid arrogance - the middle east will pick and choose from the new islam and refuse to modify their cultural islam, which is the real problem worldwide.
i really should have written the book. would have been handy a few times this last year. it will clash HARD. kind of a prison hobby, not some green book you write over christmas and share. although thats whats needed.
desu allah guides who he will. everyone else is wearing an iron helmet that blocks them from walking the rightous path.
allah akbar
last prophet yes. after mohammed pbuh came the messenger of the covenant. also warners can come after the last prophet.
I love these, always give me a good laugh.
I left Islam and anglicized my name. Feels good.
I'd vote for Adolf, who wants a leader named Otto?
Why not stop believing this unreal and absurd religion? Easier than creating a sect
What are these called. This shit is funny as hell
no name for them.
they arent the original. the guy who draws them is a muslim/weeaboo
Ain't there some rules about art under Islam though?
I think something about not darwing god or someshit.
One thing's for sure, we'd be considered worse than ISIS for "practicing in a harmful way" or some shit.
And now i wait the sweet release of death
i know they arent allowed to draw muhammad/allah
probably because islamic art is shit