Woah, better watch out Sup Forums
I'm literally shaking
weed is good for you bro
Poe's law is so real these days. I would not be able to bet money on whether or not this is a troll.
I didn't know people had started shitposting on Facebook.
Really makes me think.
Like some stoner's gonna shoot straight. People with skills don't become commies.
I think I just pissed myself a little. You should of spoiler the photo, bro
>this weeb think he has the nerve to take a human life when the need comes and not just pee his pants and beg for mercy when the death squads show up
It's not a troll. I know self-proclaimed communists who are 1000% more Poe's law than this.
They're nuts. The modern left is essentially a self-actualization movement for young people with severe mental/emotional issues.
all of those seem mutually contradictory
kill my sultan pls
Dear Americans, stop destroying Norse paganism please
Where is that Sup Forums poster that sells bags of "runes"?
He's a liar, Thelema has nothing to do with Norse mythology.
this is the most euphoric thing I've seen in quite awhile. The funniest part about it is these people aren't being ironic, they take themselves extremely seriously, and they think they're way smarter than everyone else.
shhhh. Let him have this one.
>worshiping a religion
Somebody should let him know...
Why am I not surprised? This retard probably thinks in a communist society he'd get to smoke free weed everyday while lazing around in his couch.
>agnostic pagan
I lurk tankie twitter, and some of them would literally kill this guy for worshipping *any* religion.
>larping on kikebook
And I want gay (or straight, doesn't matter) to protect their weed with guns.
However, health care should be privatized.
>agnostic pagan
Lmao if u wana larp do it properly at least:
>Be me with few friends in denmark
>decide to larp vikings
>start preaching to Odin
>buying shield and axe, start practicing
>growing beards
>go to england
>buy a fucking boat
>sail from england to england, to lindisfarne
>scare some ppl
>laugh our asses off
>ppl take pics
>tfw it took us 2 years
>tfw it costed us more than 50k $ in sum
>tfw we did this all for a larp
>prays to Odin
Does this motherfucker think that Odin considers himself on the same level as all others? Do he think Valhalla is some communist fucking paradise?
>Do he think Valhalla is some communist fucking paradise?
Yes, because you can die again and again.
Off with you shitstain.
>Allfather Odin
>le pagan gommunist
>yu beddar wadch out :DDD
nice image, saved